


Helper methods for coordinate conversions.




Static anglesAreSane
anglesAreSane(theta: number, phi: number)

Checks if angles are within range: -PI < phi < PI and 0 < theta < 2PI

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
theta number No

equatorial angle

phi number No

azimuthal angle

Returns : boolean
Static atlasQuaternion

Returns the Quaternion to rotate to ATLAS coords. Temporary. We will need to make this configurable per experiment.

Returns : Quaternion
Static etaPhiToCartesian
etaPhiToCartesian(radius: number, eta: number, phi: number)

Get cartesian from eta/phi parameters. Applies the necessary rotations to move from threejs native to experimental.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
radius number No

The radius.

eta number No


phi number No

Phi angle.

Returns : Vector3
Static etaToTheta
etaToTheta(eta: number)

Convert pseudorapidity eta to spherical coordinate theta. See definition here:

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
eta number No

Pseudorapidity eta to convert to theta.

Returns : number

theta in radians

Static sphericalToCartesian
sphericalToCartesian(radius: number, theta: number, phi: number)

Get cartesian from spherical parameters. Applies the necessary rotations to move from threejs to experimental.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
radius number No

The radius.

theta number No

Theta angle.

phi number No

Phi angle.

Returns : Vector3
Static thetaToEta
thetaToEta(theta: number)

Convert spherical theta to pseudorapidity eta. See definition here:

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
theta number No

Angle in radians to convert to pseudorapidity eta.

Returns : number

pseudorapidity eta

import { Vector3, Quaternion } from 'three';

 * Helper methods for coordinate conversions.
export class CoordinateHelper {
   * Checks if angles are within range: -PI < phi < PI and 0 < theta < 2PI
   * @param theta equatorial angle
   * @param phi azimuthal angle
   * @returns
  public static anglesAreSane(theta: number, phi: number): boolean {
    const tmp1 = -Math.PI < phi && Math.PI > phi;
    const tmp2 = 0 < theta && Math.PI > theta;
    return tmp1 && tmp2;

   * Convert pseudorapidity eta to spherical coordinate theta.
   * See definition here:
   * @param eta Pseudorapidity eta to convert to theta.
   * @returns theta in radians
  public static etaToTheta(eta: number): number {
    return 2 * Math.atan(Math.pow(Math.E, -eta));

   * Convert spherical theta to pseudorapidity eta.
   * See definition here:
   * @param theta Angle in radians to convert to pseudorapidity eta.
   * @returns pseudorapidity eta
  public static thetaToEta(theta: number): number {
    return -Math.log(Math.tan(theta / 2.0));

   * Get cartesian from spherical parameters.
   * Applies the necessary rotations to move from threejs to experimental.
   * @param radius The radius.
   * @param theta Theta angle.
   * @param phi Phi angle.
  public static sphericalToCartesian(
    radius: number,
    theta: number,
    phi: number,
  ): Vector3 {
    // Threejs uses theta as azimuthal, so need to reverse.
    const vector = new Vector3();
    vector.setFromSphericalCoords(radius, theta, phi);
    return vector;

   * Get cartesian from eta/phi parameters.
   * Applies the necessary rotations to move from threejs native to experimental.
   * @param radius The radius.
   * @param eta Pseudorapidity
   * @param phi Phi angle.
  public static etaPhiToCartesian(
    radius: number,
    eta: number,
    phi: number,
  ): Vector3 {
    const vector = new Vector3();
    // Threejs uses theta as azimuthal, so need to reverse.
    vector.setFromSphericalCoords(radius, this.etaToTheta(eta), phi);
    return vector;

   * Returns the Quaternion to rotate to ATLAS coords.
   * Temporary. We will need to make this configurable per experiment.
  public static atlasQuaternion(): Quaternion {
    // With nothing, we have eta=0 on x, and phi=0 on z
    // Should be eta=0 on y, and phi=0 on x
    const v1 = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
    const v2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
    const quaternion = new Quaternion();
    quaternion.setFromUnitVectors(v1, v2); // This puts eta~infinite on z-axis, eta=0 on  but y-positive is phi=PI (and eta=0 on x)
    const quaternion2 = new Quaternion();
    quaternion2.setFromAxisAngle(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Math.PI / 2.0); // Now have eta = 3.0 on -x, eta =0 on +y, and phi = 0 on +z
    return quaternion;

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