


Default class to define the field.




Static get
get(field: Vector3)

Returns field as a Vector3 in Tesla.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
field Vector3 No
Returns : Vector3
import { Vector3 } from 'three';

 * Class for performing Runge-Kutta operations.
export class RungeKutta {
   * Perform a Runge-Kutta step for the given state.
   * @param state State at which the step is to be performed.
   * @returns The computed step size.
  static step(state: State): number {
    // Charge (q) to momentum (p) ratio in SI units
    const qop: number = state.q / (state.unitC * state.p);

    // Runge-Kutta integrator state
    let h2: number,
      half_h: number,
      B_middle: Vector3,
      B_last: Vector3,
      k2: Vector3,
      k3: Vector3,
      k4: Vector3;

    // First Runge-Kutta point (at current position)
    const B_first: Vector3 = Field.get(state.pos);
    // state.dir.cross(B_first) * qop
    const k1: Vector3 = state.dir.clone().cross(B_first).multiplyScalar(qop);

    // Try Runge-Kutta step with h as the step size
    const tryRungeKuttaStep = (h: number) => {
      h2 = h * h;
      half_h = h / 2;

      // Second Runge-Kutta point
      // state.pos + state.dir * half_h + k1 * (h2 / 8)
      const pos1: Vector3 = state.pos
        .add(k1.clone().multiplyScalar(h2 / 8));
      B_middle = Field.get(pos1);
      // (state.dir + k1 * half_h).cross(B_middle) * qop
      k2 = state.dir

      // Third Runge-Kutta point
      // (state.dir + k2 * half_h).cross(B_middle) * qop
      k3 = state.dir

      // Last Runge-Kutta point
      // state.pos + state.dir * h + k3 * (h2 / 2)
      const pos2: Vector3 = state.pos
        .add(k3.clone().multiplyScalar(h2 / 2));
      B_last = Field.get(pos2);
      // (state.dir + k3 * h).cross(B_last) * qop
      k4 = state.dir

      // (k1 - k2 - k3 + k4)
      const returnVec = k1.clone().sub(k2).sub(k3).add(k4);
      // h * (k1 - k2 - k3 + k4).lpNorm()
      return (
        h *
        (Math.abs(returnVec.x) + Math.abs(returnVec.y) + Math.abs(returnVec.z))

    // Checking the error estimate
    let error_estimate: number = tryRungeKuttaStep(state.stepSize);
    while (error_estimate > 0.0002) {
      state.stepSize *= 0.5;
      error_estimate = tryRungeKuttaStep(state.stepSize);

    const fh: number = state.stepSize;
    const fh2: number = Math.pow(fh, 2);

    // Update position and momentum
    // state.pos += state.dir * fh + (k1 + k2 + k3) * (fh2 /6)
        .multiplyScalar(fh2 / 6),
    // state.dir += (k1 + k2 * 2 + k3 * 2 + k4) * (fh / 6)
        .multiplyScalar(fh / 6),

    return state.stepSize;

   * Propagate using the given properties by performing the Runge-Kutta steps.
   * @param startPos Starting position in 3D space.
   * @param startDir Starting direction in 3D space.
   * @param p Momentum.
   * @param q Charge.
   * @param mss Max step size.
   * @param plength Path length.
   * @param inbounds Function which returns true until the passed position
   * is out of bounds, when it returns false.
   * @returns An array containing position and direction at that position calculated
   * through the Runge-Kutta steps.
  static propagate(
    startPos: Vector3,
    startDir: Vector3,
    p: number,
    q: number,
    mss: number = -1,
    plength: number = 1000,
    inbounds: (pos: Vector3) => boolean = () => true,
  ): { pos: Vector3; dir: Vector3 }[] {
    const rkState: State = new State();
    rkState.pos = startPos;
    rkState.dir = startDir;
    rkState.p = p;
    rkState.q = q;
    rkState.maxStepSize = mss;

    const result: { pos: Vector3; dir: Vector3 }[] = [];

    while (rkState.pathLength < plength) {
      rkState.pathLength += RungeKutta.step(rkState);
      // Cloning state to avoid using the reference
      const copiedState = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(rkState));
        pos: copiedState.pos,
        dir: copiedState.dir,
      // Check if the position is inbounds
      if (!inbounds(copiedState.pos)) {
        // Truncating at position copiedState.pos

    return result;

 * State of the particle.
export class State {
  /** Position. */
  pos: Vector3 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
  /** Direction. */
  dir: Vector3 = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
  /** Momentum. */
  p: number = 0;
  /** Charge. */
  q: number = 1;
  /** Unit. */
  unitC: number = 3.3333;
  /** Step size. */
  stepSize: number = 1000;
  /** Max step size. */
  maxStepSize: number = 10;
  /** Path length.. */
  pathLength: number = 0;

 *  Default class to define the field.
class Field {
   * Returns field as a Vector3 in Tesla.
  static get(field: Vector3): Vector3 {
    return new Vector3(0, 0, 2);

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