


Physics objects that make up an event in Phoenix.




Static getCaloCell
getCaloCell(caloCellParams: literal type)

Create and return a Calorimeter cell object from the given parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
caloCellParams literal type No
Returns : Object3D

Calorimeter Cell object.

Private Static getCaloCube
getCaloCube(clusterParams: literal type, defaultCellWidth: number, defaultCellLength: number)

Get the cuboid geometry for a Calorimeter hit

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
clusterParams literal type No

Parameters for the Cluster (can include color)

defaultCellWidth number No 30

width of the cuboid

defaultCellLength number No 30

length of the cuboid

Returns : any


Private Static getCaloPosition
getCaloPosition(clusterParams: literal type, defaultRadius: number, defaultZ: number, cylindrical: boolean)

Get the position for a Calo hit in cartesian coordinates

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
clusterParams literal type No

Parameters for the Cluster (which must include theta and phi)

defaultRadius number No 1800

Default cylindrical radius (rho) where to draw barrel Clusters. Ignored if clusterParams contains radius.

defaultZ number No 3600

Default position along the z axis. Ignored if clusterParams contains z.

cylindrical boolean No true

If true, if clusterParams do not contain radius and z, then constrain to a cylinder of radius defaultRadius and length z

Returns : any

Corrected cartesian position.

Static getCluster
getCluster(clusterParams: literal type, defaultRadius: number, defaultZ: number, energyScaling: number)

Create and return a Cluster object from the given parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
clusterParams literal type No

Parameters for the Cluster.

defaultRadius number No 1800

Default cylindrical radius (rho) where to draw barrel Clusters.

defaultZ number No 3600

Default plane in z where to draw endcap Clusters.

energyScaling number No 0.03

Amount to multiply the energy by to get the depth of the cluster.

Returns : Object3D

Cluster object.

Static getHits
getHits(hitsParams: any)

Create and return a Hits object according to the given parameters. Can optionally contain extraInfo, which will be added to the resultant hit. type tells Phoenix how to draw this - currently can be Point (default), or Line.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
hitsParams any No

Either an array of positions, or of Hit objects. If objects, they must contain 'pos', the array of [x,y,z] positions, Can optionally contain extraInfo, which will be added to the resultant hit. type tells Phoenix how to draw this - currently can be Point (default), or Line.

Returns : Object3D

Hits object.

Static getIrregularCaloCell
getIrregularCaloCell(irrCells: literal type)

Type for drawing irregular calorimeter cell comprising 8 xyz vertices in arbitrary geometry.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
irrCells literal type No

Properties of irregular calo cell.

Returns : Object3D

the cell

Static getJet
getJet(jetParams: any)

Create and return a Jet object from the given parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
jetParams any No

Parameters for the Jet.

Returns : Object3D

Jet object.

Static getMissingEnergy
getMissingEnergy(metParams: any)

Create and return a MET object from the given parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
metParams any No

Parameters for the Vertex.

Returns : Object3D

MET object.

Static getPlanarCaloCell
getPlanarCaloCell(caloCells: any)

Create and return a PlanarCaloCell object from the given parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
caloCells any No

Parameters for the Planar Calorimeter.

Returns : Object3D

Planar Calorimeter object.

Static getPlanarCaloCells
getPlanarCaloCells(caloCells: any[])

Get the planar calo cells from parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
caloCells any[] No

Parameters to build planar calo cells.

Returns : Object3D


Static getTrack
getTrack(trackParams: any)

Create and return a Track object from the given parameters

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
trackParams any No

Parameters of the Track.

Returns : Object3D

Track object.

Static getTracks

Get tracks as three.js obejct.

Parameters :
Name Optional Description
tracks No

Tracks params to construct tacks from.

Returns : Object3D

The object containing tracks.

Static getVertex
getVertex(vertexParams: any)

Create and return a Vertex object from the given parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
vertexParams any No

Parameters for the Vertex.

Returns : Object3D

Vertex object.

Private Static hitsToBoxes
hitsToBoxes(pointPos: any, hitsParams: any, _hitParamsClone: any)

Get a Mesh object from Hits parameters. The Mesh is actually a set of boxes, one per hit

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
pointPos any No

Positions and dimensions of boxes

hitsParams any No

Parameters of the Hit.

_hitParamsClone any No
Returns : Object3D

A 3D object of type Mesh.

Private Static hitsToCircularPoints
hitsToCircularPoints(pointPos: any, hitsParams: any, _hitParamsClone: any)

Get a Circular Points object from Hits parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
pointPos any No

Position of the point.

hitsParams any No

Parameters of the Hit.

_hitParamsClone any No
Returns : Object3D

A 3D object of type Points.

Private Static hitsToLines
hitsToLines(pointPos: any, hitsParams: any, _hitParamsClone: any)

Get a Lines object from Hits parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
pointPos any No

Position of the HIt.

hitsParams any No

Parameters of the Hit.

_hitParamsClone any No
Returns : Object3D

A 3D object of type LineSegments.

Private Static hitsToPoints
hitsToPoints(pointPos: any, hitsParams: any, _hitParamsClone: any)

Get a Points object from Hits parameters.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
pointPos any No

Position of the point.

hitsParams any No

Parameters of the Hit.

_hitParamsClone any No
Returns : Object3D

A 3D object of type Points.

import {
} from 'three';
import { ConvexGeometry } from 'three/examples/jsm/geometries/ConvexGeometry.js';
import { EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS } from '../../helpers/constants';
import { RKHelper } from '../../helpers/rk-helper';
import { CoordinateHelper } from '../../helpers/coordinate-helper';
import { mergeGeometries } from 'three/examples/jsm/utils/BufferGeometryUtils.js';
import { TracksMaterial, TracksMesh } from './tracks';
import * as BufferGeometryUtils from 'three/examples/jsm/utils/BufferGeometryUtils';

 * Physics objects that make up an event in Phoenix.
export class PhoenixObjects {
   * Get tracks as three.js obejct.
   * @param tracks Tracks params to construct tacks from.
   * @returns The object containing tracks.
  public static getTracks(tracks): Object3D {
    const tracksMesh = new TracksMesh();
    const tracksMaterial = new TracksMaterial({ lineWidth: 2 });

    for (const track of tracks) {
      if (!(track.pos?.length > 2)) {
        if (track.dparams) {
          track.pos = RKHelper.extrapolateTrackPositions(track);
        track.extended = true;

      if (track.pos.length < 2) {
        console.log('Track too short, and extrapolation failed.');

      // For cuts etc we currently need to have the cut parameters on the track
      if (track?.dparams) {
        if (!track?.phi) {
          track.phi = track.dparams[2];
        if (!track?.eta) {
          track.eta = CoordinateHelper.thetaToEta(track.dparams[3]);
        if (!track?.d0) {
          track.d0 = track.dparams[0];
        if (!track?.z0) {
          track.z0 = track.dparams[1];

      const points = => new Vector3(p[0], p[1], p[2]));
      const curve = new CatmullRomCurve3(points);
      const vertices = curve.getPoints(50);

      const color = track.color
        ? parseInt(track.color, 16)
        : EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.Tracks.getHex();

      track.tid = tracksMesh.addTrack(vertices, color);
      track.material = tracksMaterial;

    const tracksObject = new Mesh(tracksMesh, tracksMaterial); = 'Track';
    for (const track of tracks) {
      track.uuid = tracksObject.uuid;
    return tracksObject;

   * Create and return a Track object from the given parameters
   * @param trackParams Parameters of the Track.
   * @returns Track object.
  public static getTrack(trackParams: any): Object3D {
    // Track with too few points are extrapolated with RungeKutta
    if (!(trackParams.pos?.length > 2)) {
      if (trackParams.dparams) {
        trackParams.pos = RKHelper.extrapolateTrackPositions(trackParams);
      trackParams.extended = true;

    const positions = trackParams.pos;

    // Check again, in case there was an issue with the extrapolation.
    if (positions.length < 2) {
      console.log('Track too short, and extrapolation failed.');

    // For cuts etc we currently need to have the cut parameters on the track
    if (trackParams?.dparams) {
      if (!trackParams?.phi) {
        trackParams.phi = trackParams.dparams[2];
      if (!trackParams?.eta) {
        trackParams.eta = CoordinateHelper.thetaToEta(trackParams.dparams[3]);
      if (!trackParams?.d0) {
        trackParams.d0 = trackParams.dparams[0];
      if (!trackParams?.z0) {
        trackParams.z0 = trackParams.dparams[1];

    // const length = 100;
    const objectColor = trackParams.color
      ? parseInt(trackParams.color, 16)
      : EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.Tracks.getHex();

    const points = [];

    for (let i = 0; i < positions.length; i++) {
        new Vector3(positions[i][0], positions[i][1], positions[i][2]),
      const radius = Math.sqrt(
        positions[i][0] * positions[i][0] +
          positions[i][1] * positions[i][1] +
          positions[i][2] * positions[i][2],
      const thetaFromPos = Math.acos(positions[i][2] / radius);
      // const deltaTheta = Math.abs(trackParams.dparams[3]-thetaFromPos);
      // if (deltaTheta>0.1) {
      //   console.log( 'theta:', trackParams.dparams[3], 'theta from hit', thetaFromPos, 'radius', radius );
      // }

    // attributes
    const curve = new CatmullRomCurve3(points);

    // TubeGeometry
    const geometry = new TubeGeometry(curve, undefined, 2);
    const material = new MeshToonMaterial({ color: objectColor });
    const tubeObject = new Mesh(geometry, material);

    // Line - Creating a Line to put inside the tube to show tracks even on zoom out
    const vertices = curve.getPoints(50);
    const lineGeometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(vertices);
    const lineMaterial = new LineBasicMaterial({
      color: objectColor,
      linewidth: 2,
    const lineObject = new Line(lineGeometry, lineMaterial); = 'Track';

    // Creating a group to add both the Tube curve and the Line
    const trackObject = new Group();

    // Setting info to the tubeObject and trackObject for selection and cuts
    for (const object of [tubeObject, trackObject, lineObject]) {
      object.userData = Object.assign({}, trackParams); = 'Track';

    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    trackParams.uuid = trackObject.uuid;

    return trackObject;

   * Create and return a Jet object from the given parameters.
   * @param jetParams Parameters for the Jet.
   * @returns Jet object.
  public static getJet(jetParams: any): Object3D {
    const eta = jetParams.eta;
    const phi = jetParams.phi;
    // If theta is given then use that else calculate from eta
    const theta = jetParams.theta
      ? jetParams.theta
      : CoordinateHelper.etaToTheta(eta);
    // Jet energy parameter can either be 'energy' or 'et'
    const length = ( ? : * 0.2;

    const sphi = Math.sin(phi);
    const cphi = Math.cos(phi);
    const stheta = Math.sin(theta);
    const ctheta = Math.cos(theta);
    const translation = new Vector3(
      0.5 * length * cphi * stheta,
      0.5 * length * sphi * stheta,
      0.5 * length * ctheta,

    const width = jetParams.coneR
      ? length * Math.sin(jetParams.coneR)
      : length * 0.1;

    const x = cphi * stheta;
    const y = sphi * stheta;
    const z = ctheta;
    const v1 = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
    const v2 = new Vector3(x, y, z);
    const quaternion = new Quaternion();
    quaternion.setFromUnitVectors(v1, v2);

    const geometry = new CylinderGeometry(width, 10, length, 50, 50, false); // Cone

    const material = new MeshBasicMaterial({
      color: jetParams.color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.Jets,
      opacity: 0.3,
      transparent: true,
    material.opacity = 0.5;
    const mesh = new Mesh(geometry, material);
    mesh.userData = Object.assign({}, jetParams); = 'Jet';
    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    jetParams.uuid = mesh.uuid;

    return mesh;

   * Create and return a Hits object according to the given parameters.
   * @param hitsParams Either an array of positions, or of Hit objects. If objects, they must contain 'pos', the array of [x,y,z] positions,
   * Can optionally contain extraInfo, which will be added to the resultant hit.
   * `type` tells Phoenix how to draw this - currently can be Point (default), or Line.
   * @returns Hits object.
  public static getHits(hitsParams: any): Object3D {
    let hitsParamsClone: any;
    let positions: any[];
    let type: string = 'Point'; // Default is point and 3 coordinates per hit
    let coordlength = 3;
    let isSimpleArray = false;

    // if (typeof hitsParams === 'object' && !Array.isArray(hitsParams)) {
    //   positions = [hitsParams.pos];
    //   hitsParamsClone = hitsParams;
    // } else {
    //   positions = hitsParams;
    //   hitsParamsClone = { pos: hitsParams };
    // }

    if (hitsParams.length > 0) {
      // Peek at first one. Would be better to make these properties of the collections.
      const first = hitsParams[0];
      if (Array.isArray(first)) {
        isSimpleArray = true;
        hitsParamsClone = { pos: hitsParams };
      } else {
        hitsParamsClone = hitsParams;
        if ('type' in first) {
          type = first.type;
    } else {
      console.log('No hits! Aborting from getHits.');
      return new Object3D();

    // Lines need 6 coords
    if (type === 'Line' || type === 'Box') {
      coordlength = 6;

    // attributes
    const hitLength = hitsParams.length * coordlength;
    if (isSimpleArray) length = hitLength; // These are already arrays
    const pointPos = new Float32Array(hitLength);
    let i = 0;
    for (const hit of hitsParams) {
      for (let j = 0; j < coordlength; ++j, ++i) {
        if (isSimpleArray) {
          pointPos[i] = hit[j];
        } else {
          pointPos[i] = hit.pos[j];

    // geometry
    switch (type) {
      case 'Point':
        return PhoenixObjects.hitsToPoints(
      case 'CircularPoint':
        return PhoenixObjects.hitsToCircularPoints(
      case 'Line':
        return PhoenixObjects.hitsToLines(
      case 'Box':
        return PhoenixObjects.hitsToBoxes(
        console.log('ERROR: Unknown hit type!');

   * Get a Points object from Hits parameters.
   * @param pointPos Position of the point.
   * @param hitsParams Parameters of the Hit.
   * @param hitParamsClone Cloned parameters of the Hit to avoid object references.
   * @returns A 3D object of type `Points`.
  private static hitsToPoints(
    pointPos: any,
    hitsParams: any,
    _hitParamsClone: any,
  ): Object3D {
    const geometry = new BufferGeometry();
    geometry.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(pointPos, 3));
    // material
    const color = hitsParams[0].color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.Hits;
    const material = new PointsMaterial({
      size: 10,
      color: parseInt(hitsParams[0].color) ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.Hits,
    // object
    const pointsObj = new Points(geometry, material);
    // Disabling for now because the data isn't readable on object selection.
    // pointsObj.userData = Object.assign({}, hitParamsClone);
    pointsObj.userData = {}; = 'Hit';
    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    hitsParams.uuid = pointsObj.uuid;

    return pointsObj;

   * Get a Circular Points object from Hits parameters.
   * @param pointPos Position of the point.
   * @param hitsParams Parameters of the Hit.
   * @param hitParamsClone Cloned parameters of the Hit to avoid object references.
   * @returns A 3D object of type `Points`.
  private static hitsToCircularPoints(
    pointPos: any,
    hitsParams: any,
    _hitParamsClone: any,
  ): Object3D {
    const geometry = new BufferGeometry();
    geometry.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(pointPos, 3));
    // material
    const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
    canvas.width = 128;
    canvas.height = 128;
    const context = canvas.getContext('2d');
    context.clearRect(0, 0, 128, 128);
    context.fillStyle = 'white';
    context.arc(64, 64, 64, 0, 2 * Math.PI);
    const texture = new CanvasTexture(canvas);

    const material = new PointsMaterial({
      size: hitsParams[0].size ?? 10,
      color: hitsParams[0].color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.Hits,
      map: texture,
      alphaMap: texture,
      alphaTest: 0.5,
    // object
    const pointsObj = new Points(geometry, material);
    // Disabling for now because the data isn't readable on object selection.
    // pointsObj.userData = Object.assign({}, hitParamsClone);
    pointsObj.userData = {}; = 'CircularHit';
    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    hitsParams.uuid = pointsObj.uuid;

    return pointsObj;

   * Get a Lines object from Hits parameters.
   * @param pointPos Position of the HIt.
   * @param hitsParams Parameters of the Hit.
   * @param hitParamsClone Cloned parameters of the Hit to avoid object references.
   * @returns A 3D object of type `LineSegments`.
  private static hitsToLines(
    pointPos: any,
    hitsParams: any,
    _hitParamsClone: any,
  ): Object3D {
    // geometry
    const geometry = new BufferGeometry();
    geometry.setAttribute('position', new BufferAttribute(pointPos, 3));
    // material
    const material = new LineBasicMaterial({
      linewidth: 2,
      color: hitsParams.color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.Hits,
    // object
    const linesObj = new LineSegments(geometry, material);
    // Disabling for now because the data isn't readable on object selection.
    // linesObj.userData = Object.assign({}, hitParamsClone);
    linesObj.userData = {}; = 'LineHit';
    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    hitsParams.uuid = linesObj.uuid;

    return linesObj;

   * Get a Mesh object from Hits parameters. The Mesh is actually a set of boxes, one per hit
   * @param pointPos Positions and dimensions of boxes
   * @param hitsParams Parameters of the Hit.
   * @param hitParamsClone Cloned parameters of the Hit to avoid object references.
   * @returns A 3D object of type `Mesh`.
  private static hitsToBoxes(
    pointPos: any,
    hitsParams: any,
    _hitParamsClone: any,
  ): Object3D {
    // geometry
    const geometries = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < pointPos.length; i += 6) {
      const boxGeometry = new BoxGeometry(
        pointPos[i + 3],
        pointPos[i + 4],
        pointPos[i + 5],
      boxGeometry.translate(pointPos[i], pointPos[i + 1], pointPos[i + 2]);
    const geometry = mergeGeometries(geometries);
    // material
    const material = new MeshPhongMaterial({
      color: hitsParams.color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.Hits,
    // object
    const box = new Mesh(geometry, material);

    // Disabling for now because the data isn't readable on object selection.
    // linesObj.userData = Object.assign({}, hitParamsClone);
    box.userData = {}; = 'BoxHit';
    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    hitsParams.uuid = box.uuid;

    return box;

   * Create and return a Cluster object from the given parameters.
   * @param clusterParams Parameters for the Cluster.
   * @param defaultRadius Default cylindrical radius (rho) where to draw barrel Clusters.
   * @param defaultZ Default plane in z where to draw endcap Clusters.
   * @param energyScaling Amount to multiply the energy by to get the depth of the cluster.
   * @returns Cluster object.
  public static getCluster(
    clusterParams: {
      energy: number;
      phi: number;
      eta: number;
      radius?: number;
      z?: number;
      side?: number;
      length?: number;
      color?: string;
      theta?: number;
      uuid?: string;
    defaultRadius: number = 1800,
    defaultZ: number = 3600,
    energyScaling: number = 0.03,
  ): Object3D {
    const clusterLength = * energyScaling;
    const clusterWidth = clusterParams.side ?? 40;

    // geometry
    const cube = PhoenixObjects.getCaloCube(
    const position = PhoenixObjects.getCaloPosition(


    cube.lookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
    cube.userData = Object.assign({}, clusterParams); = 'Cluster';
    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    clusterParams.uuid = cube.uuid;

    return cube;

   * Get the position for a Calo hit in cartesian coordinates
   * @param clusterParams Parameters for the Cluster (which must include theta and phi)
   * @param defaultRadius Default cylindrical radius (rho) where to draw barrel Clusters. Ignored if clusterParams contains radius.
   * @param defaultZ Default position along the z axis. Ignored if clusterParams contains z.
   * @param cylindrical If true, if clusterParams do not contain radius and z, then constrain to a cylinder of radius defaultRadius and length z
   * @returns Corrected cartesian position.
  private static getCaloPosition(
    clusterParams: {
      phi: number;
      eta: number;
      radius?: number;
      z?: number;
      theta?: number;
    defaultRadius: number = 1800,
    defaultZ: number = 3600,
    cylindrical: boolean = true,
  ) {
    const theta =
      clusterParams.theta ?? CoordinateHelper.etaToTheta(clusterParams.eta);

    // if radius is not part of clusterParams then set it to defaultRadius (if cylindrical is false), or radius+defaultZ otherwise
    const radius = cylindrical
      ? clusterParams.radius ?? defaultRadius + defaultZ
      : clusterParams.radius ?? defaultRadius;

    const position = CoordinateHelper.sphericalToCartesian(

    if (clusterParams.z) {
        (position.length() * clusterParams.z) / Math.abs(position.z),

    if (!clusterParams.radius && !clusterParams.z) {
      if (Math.abs(position.z) > defaultZ) {
          (position.length() * defaultZ) / Math.abs(position.z),
      const cylRadius2 = position.x * position.x + position.y * position.y;
      const maxR2 = defaultRadius * defaultRadius;
      if (cylRadius2 > maxR2) {
          (position.length() * Math.sqrt(maxR2)) / Math.sqrt(cylRadius2),

    return position;

   * Get the cuboid geometry for a Calorimeter hit
   * @param clusterParams  Parameters for the Cluster (can include color)
   * @param defaultCellWidth width of the cuboid
   * @param defaultCellLength length of the cuboid
   * @returns Geometry.
  private static getCaloCube(
    clusterParams: {
      length?: number;
      side?: number;
      color?: string;
      opacity?: number;
    defaultCellWidth: number = 30,
    defaultCellLength: number = 30,
  ) {
    const cellWidth = clusterParams.side ?? defaultCellWidth;
    let cellLength = clusterParams.length ?? defaultCellLength;

    if (cellLength < cellWidth) {
      cellLength = cellWidth;

    const geometry = new BoxGeometry(cellWidth, cellWidth, cellLength);

    // material
    const material = new MeshPhongMaterial({
      color: clusterParams.color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.CaloClusters,
      opacity: clusterParams.opacity ?? 1.0,
      transparent: (clusterParams.opacity ?? 1.0) == 1.0 ? false : true,

    // object
    const cube = new Mesh(geometry, material);
    return cube;

   * Create and return a Calorimeter cell object from the given parameters.
   * @param caloCells Parameters for the CaloCell.
   * @returns Calorimeter Cell object.
  public static getCaloCell(caloCellParams: {
    energy: number;
    phi: number;
    eta: number;
    radius?: number;
    z?: number;
    theta?: number;
    color?: string;
    opacity?: number;
    side?: number;
    length?: number;
    uuid: string;
  }): Object3D {
    const defaultRadius = 1700;
    const defaultZ = 2000;
    const defaultSide = 30;
    const defaultLength = 30;

    // geometry
    const cube = PhoenixObjects.getCaloCube(
    const position = PhoenixObjects.getCaloPosition(

    if (!caloCellParams.radius && !caloCellParams.z) {
      cube.lookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
    } else if (caloCellParams.z && !caloCellParams.radius) {
      cube.lookAt(new Vector3(position.x, position.y, 0));
    if (caloCellParams.radius) {
      cube.lookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, position.z));

    cube.userData = Object.assign({}, caloCellParams); = 'Cluster';
    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    caloCellParams.uuid = cube.uuid;

    return cube;

   * Get the planar calo cells from parameters.
   * @param caloCells Parameters to build planar calo cells.
   * @returns Geometry.
  public static getPlanarCaloCells(caloCells: any[]): Object3D {
    const geoms = [];
    for (const caloCell of caloCells) {
      const position = caloCell.pos;
      if (!position) {

      const length = * 0.22;
      const size = caloCell.cellSize;
      const plane = caloCell.plane;

      // geometry
      const geometry = new BoxGeometry(size, size, length);
      geometry.translate(position[0], position[1], plane[3] + length / 2);
      const qrot = new Quaternion();
        new Vector3(0, 0, 1),
        new Vector3(...plane.slice(0, 3)),

    const material = new MeshPhongMaterial({
      color: caloCells[0].color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.PlanarCaloCells,

    const outerBox = new Mesh(

    outerBox.userData = Object.assign({}, caloCells[0]); = 'PlanarCaloCell';
    for (const caloCell of caloCells) {
      caloCell.uuid = outerBox.uuid;
    return outerBox;

   * Create and return a PlanarCaloCell object from the given parameters.
   * @param caloCells Parameters for the Planar Calorimeter.
   * @returns Planar Calorimeter object.
  public static getPlanarCaloCell(caloCells: any): Object3D {
    const position = caloCells.pos;
    if (!position) {

    const length = * 0.22;
    const size = caloCells.cellSize;
    const plane = caloCells.plane;

    // geometry
    const geometry = new BoxGeometry(size, size, length);

    // there is a need of an outer box to place the proper one inside of it
    const outerBox = new Object3D();

    // material
    const material = new MeshPhongMaterial({
      color: caloCells.color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.PlanarCaloCells,

    // object
    const box = new Mesh(geometry, material);

    // adding the original box to the outter created one, for proper translation / rotation purposes

    // creating the box in the z direction, and moving it by d, along the z
    const boxPosition = new Vector3(
      ...position.slice(0, 2),
      plane[3] + length / 2,


    // transforming the box from the z axis to the x,y,z of the plane
    const qrot = new Quaternion();
      new Vector3(0, 0, 1),
      new Vector3(...plane.slice(0, 3)),


    outerBox.userData = Object.assign({}, caloCells); = 'PlanarCaloCell';
    caloCells.uuid = outerBox.uuid;

    return outerBox;

   * Create and return a Vertex object from the given parameters.
   * @param vertexParams Parameters for the Vertex.
   * @returns Vertex object.
  public static getVertex(vertexParams: any): Object3D {
    // geometry
    const geometry = new SphereGeometry(vertexParams.size ?? 3);
    // material
    const material = new MeshPhongMaterial({
      color: vertexParams.color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.Vertices,
    // object
    const sphere = new Mesh(geometry, material);
    if ('pos' in vertexParams) {
      sphere.position.x = vertexParams.pos[0];
      sphere.position.y = vertexParams.pos[1];
      sphere.position.z = vertexParams.pos[2];
    } else {
      sphere.position.x = vertexParams.x;
      sphere.position.y = vertexParams.y;
      sphere.position.z = vertexParams.z;
    sphere.userData = Object.assign({}, vertexParams); = 'Vertex';
    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    vertexParams.uuid = sphere.uuid;

    return sphere;

   * Create and return a MET object from the given parameters.
   * @param metParams Parameters for the Vertex.
   * @returns MET object.
  public static getMissingEnergy(metParams: any): Object3D {
    // geometry
    const points = [];
    points.push(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
    points.push(new Vector3(metParams.etx, metParams.ety, 0));

    const geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);

    // material
    const material = new LineDashedMaterial({
      linewidth: 2,
      dashSize: 2,
      color: metParams.color ?? EVENT_DATA_TYPE_COLORS.MissingEnergy,
    // object
    const object = new Line(geometry, material);
    object.userData = Object.assign({}, metParams); = 'Missing Energy';
    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    metParams.uuid = object.uuid;

    return object;

   * Type for drawing irregular calorimeter cell comprising 8 xyz vertices in arbitrary geometry.
   * @param irrCells Properties of irregular calo cell.
   * @param irrCells.layer Calorimeter layer
   * @param irrCells.vtx Flattened list of 8 vertex coordinates (24 floats)
   * @param irrCells.color [R,G,B] integer list
   * @param irrCells.opacity value from 0 to 1
   * @returns the cell
  public static getIrregularCaloCell(irrCells: {
    type: any;
    layer: number;
    vtx: any;
    color: string;
    opacity: any;
    uuid: any;
  }): Object3D {
    const verticesOfCube = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < 24; i += 3) {
        new Vector3(irrCells.vtx[i], irrCells.vtx[i + 1], irrCells.vtx[i + 2]),
    const geometry = new ConvexGeometry(verticesOfCube);
    const cell_color = new Color(
      'rgb(' +
        irrCells.color[0].toString() +
        ',' +
        irrCells.color[1].toString() +
        ',' +
        irrCells.color[2].toString() +

    // material
    const material = new MeshPhongMaterial({
      color: cell_color,
      transparent: true,
      opacity: irrCells.opacity,

    // object
    const cell = new Mesh(geometry, material);
    cell.userData = Object.assign({}, irrCells); = 'IrregularCaloCell';

    // Setting uuid for selection from collections info
    irrCells.uuid = cell.uuid;

    return cell;

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