


Preset view for easily transforming/changing camera position to a specified position. Also allows to point the camera to a given target and to define the default clipping for that view




constructor(name: string, cameraPos: number[], cameraTarget: number[], icon: string, clipping: ClippingSetting, clippingStartAngle: number, clippingOpeningAngle: number)

Create a preset view.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Name of the preset view.

cameraPos number[] No

Position to which the camera is to be set.

cameraTarget number[] No

Target to which the camera is pointing.

icon string No

Icon of the preset view (to describe the view angle).

clipping ClippingSetting No
clippingStartAngle number No
clippingOpeningAngle number No


Public cameraPos
Type : number[]

Position to which the camera is to be set.

Public cameraTarget
Type : number[]

Target to which the camera is pointing.

Public clipping
Type : ClippingSetting

Whether clipping should be used.

Public clippingOpeningAngle
Type : number

In case of clipping, value of the opening angle.

Public clippingStartAngle
Type : number

In case of clipping, value of the start angle.

Public icon
Type : string

Icon of the preset view (to describe the view angle).

Public name
Type : string

Name of the preset view.



Get the URL of the preset view icon.

Returns : string

Icon URL.

export enum ClippingSetting {

 * Preset view for easily transforming/changing camera position to a specified position.
 * Also allows to point the camera to a given target and to define the default clipping for that view
export class PresetView {
  /** Icon of the preset view (to describe the view angle). */
  public icon: string;
  /** Position to which the camera is to be set. */
  public cameraPos: number[];
  /** Target to which the camera is pointing. */
  public cameraTarget: number[];
  /** Name of the preset view. */
  public name: string;
  /** Whether clipping should be used. */
  public clipping: ClippingSetting;
  /** In case of clipping, value of the start angle. */
  public clippingStartAngle: number;
  /** In case of clipping, value of the opening angle. */
  public clippingOpeningAngle: number;

   * Create a preset view.
   * @param name Name of the preset view.
   * @param cameraPos Position to which the camera is to be set.
   * @param cameraTarget Target to which the camera is pointing.
   * @param icon Icon of the preset view (to describe the view angle).
    name: string,
    cameraPos: number[],
    cameraTarget: number[],
    icon: string,
    clipping: ClippingSetting = ClippingSetting.NotForced,
    clippingStartAngle: number = 0,
    clippingOpeningAngle: number = 0,
  ) { = name;
    this.cameraPos = cameraPos;
    this.cameraTarget = cameraTarget;
    this.icon = icon;
    this.clipping = clipping;
    this.clippingStartAngle = clippingStartAngle;
    this.clippingOpeningAngle = clippingOpeningAngle;

   * Get the URL of the preset view icon.
   * @returns Icon URL.
  getIconURL(): string {
    return 'assets/preset-views/' + this.icon + '.svg#' + this.icon;

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