


Helper methods for RungeKutta functions.




Static extrapolateTrackPositions
extrapolateTrackPositions(track: literal type, inbounds: (pos: Vector3) => void)

Extrapolate tracks using RungeKutta propagator. is out of bounds, when it returns false. Default is RKHelper.extrapolationLimit

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
track literal type No

Track which is to be extrapolated.

inbounds function No RKHelper.extrapolationLimit

Function which returns true until the passed position is out of bounds, when it returns false. Default is RKHelper.extrapolationLimit

Returns : any

An array of track positions.

Static extrapolationLimit
extrapolationLimit(pos: Vector3)

Function used by the extrapolator to check if the extrapolation should continue.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
pos Vector3 No

Location to be tested

Returns : boolean

A boolean: true, if the position is in-bounds, false otherwise.

Static getTracksWithRungeKutta
getTracksWithRungeKutta(tracksCollectionsEvent: any)

Get extrapolated tracks using RungeKutta.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
tracksCollectionsEvent any No

Event containing tracks collections.

Returns : {}
import { RungeKutta } from './runge-kutta';
import { Vector3 } from 'three';
import { CoordinateHelper } from './coordinate-helper';

 * Helper methods for RungeKutta functions.
export class RKHelper {
   * Function used by the extrapolator to check if the extrapolation should continue.
   * @param pos Location to be tested
   * @returns A boolean: true, if the position is in-bounds, false otherwise.
  public static extrapolationLimit(pos: Vector3) {
    if (pos.z > 3000) return false;
    if (Math.sqrt(pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y) > 1100) return false;
    return true;

   * Get extrapolated tracks using RungeKutta.
   * @param tracksCollectionsEvent Event containing tracks collections.
  public static getTracksWithRungeKutta(tracksCollectionsEvent: any) {
    const tracksCollections = Object.assign({}, tracksCollectionsEvent);
    const Tracks = {};
    for (const tracksCollection of Object.keys(tracksCollections)) {
      for (const track of tracksCollections[tracksCollection]) {
        track.pos = RKHelper.extrapolateTrackPositions(track);

    return Tracks;

   * Extrapolate tracks using RungeKutta propagator.
   * @param track Track which is to be extrapolated.
   * @param inbounds Function which returns true until the passed position
   * is out of bounds, when it returns false. Default is RKHelper.extrapolationLimit
   * @returns An array of track positions.

  public static extrapolateTrackPositions(
    track: { dparams: any },
    inbounds: (pos: Vector3) => boolean = RKHelper.extrapolationLimit,
  ): any {
    const dparams = track.dparams;
    // ATLAS uses mm, MeV
    const d0 = dparams[0];
    const z0 = dparams[1];
    const phi = dparams[2];
    let theta = dparams[3];
    const qop = dparams[4];

    if (theta < 0) {
      theta += Math.PI;
      // TODO - check if we need to flip phi here?
    let p: number;
    if (qop !== 0) {
      p = Math.abs(1 / qop);
    } else {
      p = Number.MAX_VALUE;
    const q = Math.round(p * qop);

    const globalMomentum = CoordinateHelper.sphericalToCartesian(p, theta, phi);

    const startPos = CoordinateHelper.sphericalToCartesian(d0, theta, phi);

    // Wipe existing positions
    const positions: number[][] = [];
    positions.push([startPos.x, startPos.y, startPos.z]);

    const startDir = globalMomentum.clone();

    const traj = RungeKutta.propagate(

    const extrapolatedPos = => [

    return positions.concat(extrapolatedPos);

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