


Manager for managing functions of the three.js scene.




constructor(ignoreList: string[], useCameraLight: boolean)

Create the scene manager.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
ignoreList string[] No

List of objects to ignore for getting a clean scene.

useCameraLight boolean No

Whether to use directional light placed at the camera position.


Private axesNumbers
Type : Mesh[]
Default value : []

Numbers on the X, Y and Z axes

Private axis
Type : Object3D

An axes helper for visualizing the x, y and z-axis.

Private axisLabels
Type : Object3D

Labels for the x, y and z-axis.

Public cameraLight
Type : DirectionalLight

Directional light following the camera position.

Private cartesianGrid
Type : Object3D

Cartesian grid

Private cartesianGridConfig
Type : object
Default value : { showXY: true, showYZ: true, showZX: true, xDistance: 0, yDistance: 0, zDistance: 0, sparsity: 2, }

Cartesian Grid Config

Private cartesianLabels
Type : Object3D

Cartesian grid labels

Private etaPhiGrid
Type : Object3D

Eta/phi grid

Type : string
Default value : 'EventData'

Object group ID containing event data.

Type : string
Default value : 'Geometries'

Object group ID containing detector geometries.

Private ignoreList
Type : string[]

List of objects to ignore for getting a clean scene.

Type : string
Default value : 'Labels'

Object group ID containing label texts.

Private labelTextLookCallbacks
Type : literal type
Default value : {}

An object containing look at camera change callbacks for labels.

Private scene
Type : Scene

Three.js scene containing all the objects and event data.

Private textFont
Type : Font
Default value : new Font(HelvetikerFont)

Font for text geometry.

Private useCameraLight
Type : boolean
Default value : true

Whether to use directional light placed at the camera position.


Public addEventDataTypeGroup
addEventDataTypeGroup(objectType: string)

Adds new type of objects (Jets, Tracks...) to the event data group.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
objectType string No

Name of the object type.

Returns : Group

The new group added to the event data.

Public addLabelToObject
addLabelToObject(label: string, uuid: string, labelId: string, objectPosition: Vector3, cameraControls: OrbitControls)

Add label to the three.js object.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
label string No

Label to add to the event object.

uuid string No

UUID of the three.js object.

labelId string No

Unique ID of the label.

objectPosition Vector3 No

Position of the object to place the label.

cameraControls OrbitControls No

Camera controls for making the text face the camera.

Returns : void
Public alignText
alignText(camera: Camera)

Aligns the axes numbers always towards the main camera

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
camera Camera No
Returns : void
Public changeObjectColor
changeObjectColor(object: Object3D, value: any)

Changes color of an OBJ geometry.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
object Object3D No

Object to change the color of.

value any No

Value representing the color in hex format.

Returns : void
Public clearEventData

Clears event data of the scene.

Returns : void
Public collectionFilter
collectionFilter(collectionName: string, filters: Cut[])

Applies a cut to all objects inside a collection, filtering them given a parameter.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
collectionName string No

Name of the collection.

filters Cut[] No

Cuts used to filter the objects in the collection.

Returns : void
Private createCartesianGrid
createCartesianGrid(scale: number)

Creates the cartesian grid if doesn't exist already

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
scale number No 3000

the maximum scale (dimensions: height, width, length) of the grid

Returns : void
Private createCartesianLabels
createCartesianLabels(scale: number)

Adds numbers (coordinates) to the axes.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
scale number No 3000

The maximum length upto which labels are to be shown

Returns : void
Public eventDataDepthTest
eventDataDepthTest(value: boolean)

Toggle depthTest of event data by updating all children's depthTest and renderOrder.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
value boolean No

If depthTest will be true or false.

Returns : void
Public getCartesianGridConfig

Returns the cartesian grid configuration

Returns : { showXY: boolean; showYZ: boolean; showZX: boolean; xDistance: number; yDistance: number; zDistance: number; sparsity: number; }
Public getCleanScene

Get a clean copy of the scene.

Returns : Scene

A clear scene with no objects from the ignoreList.

Public getEventData

Get event data inside the scene.

Returns : Object3D

A group of objects with event data.

Public getGeometries

Get geometries inside the scene.

Returns : Object3D

A group of objects with geometries.

Public getObjectByName
getObjectByName(name: string)

Get an object by its name.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Name of the object.

Returns : Object3D

The object.

Public getObjectPosition
getObjectPosition(name: string)

Gets an object's position.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Name of the object.

Returns : Vector3

Object position.

Public getObjectsGroup
getObjectsGroup(identifier: string)

Gets a group of objects from the scene.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
identifier string No

String that identifies the group's name.

Returns : Object3D

The object.

Public getScene

Get the current scene and create new if it doesn't exist.

Returns : Scene

The scene.

Public getText
getText(text: string, colour: Color)

Returns a mesh representing the passed text. It will use this.textFont.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
text string No
colour Color No
Returns : Mesh
Public groupVisibility
groupVisibility(name: string, visible: boolean, parentName?: string)

Changes the visibility of all elements in a group. whose visibility is to be toggled.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Name of the group.

visible boolean No

If the group will be visible (true) or hidden (false).

parentName string Yes

Name of the parent object to look inside for object whose visibility is to be toggled.

Returns : void
Public objectVisibility
objectVisibility(object: Object3D, visible: boolean)

Changes objects visibility.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
object Object3D No

Object to change the visibility of.

visible boolean No

If the object will be visible (true) or hidden (false).

Returns : void
Public removeGeometry
removeGeometry(object: Object3D)

Removes a geometry from the scene.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
object Object3D No

Geometry object to be removed.

Returns : void
Public removeLabel
removeLabel(name: string)

Remove label from the scene.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Name of the label to remove.

Returns : void
Public scaleChildObjects
scaleChildObjects(groupName: string, value: number, axis?: string)

Scale lowest level objects in a group.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
groupName string No

Name of the group to scale objects of.

value number No

Value of the scale. Default is 1.

axis string Yes

If passed, the local axis to scale.

Returns : void
Public scaleJets
scaleJets(value: number)

Change the scale of Jets.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
value number No

Factor by which the Jets are to be scaled.

Returns : void
Public scaleObject
scaleObject(object: Object3D, value: any)

Scales an object.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
object Object3D No

Object to scale.

value any No

Value to scale the object by.

Returns : void
Public setAxis
setAxis(visible: boolean, scale: number, labels: boolean)

Sets scene axis visibility.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
visible boolean No

If the axes will be visible (true) osr hidden (false).

scale number No 2000

Set the scale of the axes.

labels boolean No true

If true (default), show labels on the end of the axes.

Returns : void
Public setCartesianGrid
setCartesianGrid(visible: boolean, scale: number, config?: literal type)

Sets scene cartesian grid visibility.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
visible boolean No

If the grid will be visible.

scale number No

Set the scale of the grid.

config literal type Yes
Returns : void
Public setEtaPhiGrid
setEtaPhiGrid(visible: boolean, scale: number)

Sets scene eta/phi grid visibility.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
visible boolean No

If the axes will be visible (true) osr hidden (false).

scale number No 3000

Set the scale of the axes.

Returns : void
Public setGeometryOpacity
setGeometryOpacity(object: Object3D, value: number)

Modifies an object's opacity.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
object Object3D No

Object whose opacity needs to be changed.

value number No

Value of opacity, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).

Returns : void
Private setLights
setLights(useCameraLight: boolean)

Initializes the lights in the scene.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
useCameraLight boolean No true

Whether to use directional light placed at the camera position.

Returns : void
Public showLabels
showLabels(visible: boolean)

Show labels of the cartesian grid.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
visible boolean No
Returns : void
Public translateCartesianGrid
translateCartesianGrid(translate: Vector3)

Translate the cartesianGrid

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
translate Vector3 No
Returns : void
Public translateCartesianLabels
translateCartesianLabels(translate: Vector3)

Translate Cartesian labels

Parameters :
Name Type Optional
translate Vector3 No
Returns : void
Public updateLights
updateLights(camera: Camera)

Update position of directional light for each frame rendered.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
camera Camera No

Camera for setting the position of directional light.

Returns : void
Public wireframeGeometries
wireframeGeometries(value: boolean)

Wireframe geometries and decrease their opacity.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
value boolean No

A boolean to specify if geometries are to be wireframed or not.

Returns : void
Public wireframeObjects
wireframeObjects(objectsGroup: Object3D, value: boolean)

Wireframe a group of objects.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
objectsGroup Object3D No

Group of the objects to be wireframed.

value boolean No

A boolean to specify if objects are to be wireframed or not.

Returns : void
import {
} from 'three';
import { OrbitControls } from 'three/examples/jsm/controls/OrbitControls';
import { TextGeometry } from 'three/examples/jsm/geometries/TextGeometry';
import { Font } from 'three/examples/jsm/loaders/FontLoader';
import { Cut } from '../../lib/models/cut.model';
import { CoordinateHelper } from '../../helpers/coordinate-helper';
import HelvetikerFont from './fonts/helvetiker_regular.typeface.json';

 * Manager for managing functions of the three.js scene.
export class SceneManager {
  /** Object group ID containing event data. */
  public static EVENT_DATA_ID = 'EventData';
  /** Object group ID containing detector geometries. */
  public static GEOMETRIES_ID = 'Geometries';
  /** Object group ID containing label texts. */
  public static LABELS_ID = 'Labels';

  /** Three.js scene containing all the objects and event data. */
  private scene: Scene;
  /** List of objects to ignore for getting a clean scene. */
  private ignoreList: string[];
  /** An axes helper for visualizing the x, y and z-axis. */
  private axis: Object3D;
  /** Labels for the x, y and z-axis. */
  private axisLabels: Object3D;
  /** Eta/phi grid */
  private etaPhiGrid: Object3D;
  /** Cartesian grid */
  private cartesianGrid: Object3D;
  /** Cartesian Grid Config */
  private cartesianGridConfig = {
    showXY: true,
    showYZ: true,
    showZX: true,
    xDistance: 0,
    yDistance: 0,
    zDistance: 0,
    sparsity: 2,
  /** Cartesian grid labels */
  private cartesianLabels: Object3D;
  /** Whether to use directional light placed at the camera position. */
  private useCameraLight: boolean = true;
  /** Directional light following the camera position. */
  public cameraLight: DirectionalLight;
  /** Font for text geometry. */
  private textFont: Font = new Font(HelvetikerFont);
  /** An object containing look at camera change callbacks for labels. */
  private labelTextLookCallbacks: { [key: string]: () => void } = {};
  /** Numbers on the X, Y and Z axes */
  private axesNumbers: Mesh[] = [];

   * Create the scene manager.
   * @param ignoreList List of objects to ignore for getting a clean scene.
   * @param useCameraLight Whether to use directional light placed at the camera position.
  constructor(ignoreList: string[], useCameraLight: boolean = true) {
    this.ignoreList = ignoreList;
    this.axis = null;

   * Initializes the lights in the scene.
   * @param useCameraLight Whether to use directional light placed at the camera position.
  private setLights(useCameraLight: boolean = true) {
    this.useCameraLight = useCameraLight;

    const ambientLight = new AmbientLight(0xffffff, 1.2);

    if (this.useCameraLight) {
      this.cameraLight = new DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.9);
      this.cameraLight.position.set(0, 0, 10);
    } else {
        [-100, -50, 100], // Bottom left
        [100, 50, -100], // Top right
        [-100, 50, -100], // Top left
        [100, -50, 100], // Bottom right
      ].forEach((position) => {
        const directionalLight = new DirectionalLight(0xffffff, 0.2);
        directionalLight.position.set(position[0], position[1], position[2]);

   * Update position of directional light for each frame rendered.
   * @param camera Camera for setting the position of directional light.
  public updateLights(camera: Camera) {
    if (this.useCameraLight) {

   * Get the current scene and create new if it doesn't exist.
   * @returns The scene.
  public getScene(): Scene {
    if (!this.scene) {
      this.scene = new Scene();
    return this.scene;

   * Get a clean copy of the scene.
   * @returns A clear scene with no objects from the ignoreList.
  public getCleanScene(): Scene {
    const clearScene = this.scene.clone() as Scene;
    const removeList = [];

    clearScene.traverse((object: Object3D) => {
      if (this.ignoreList.includes(object.type)) {


    return clearScene;

   * Modifies an object's opacity.
   * @param object Object whose opacity needs to be changed.
   * @param value Value of opacity, between 0 (transparent) and 1 (opaque).
  public setGeometryOpacity(object: Object3D, value: number) {
    if (value && object) {
      object.traverse((child) => {
        if (child?.['material']) {
          child['material'].transparent = true;
          child['material'].opacity = value;

   * Changes color of an OBJ geometry.
   * @param object Object to change the color of.
   * @param value Value representing the color in hex format.
  public changeObjectColor(object: Object3D, value: any) {
    if (object) {
      object.traverse((child) => {
        if (child instanceof Mesh || child instanceof LineSegments) {
          if (
            child.material instanceof MeshPhongMaterial ||
            child.material instanceof MeshBasicMaterial ||
            child.material instanceof LineBasicMaterial
          ) {
            (child.material.color as Color).set(value);

   * Changes objects visibility.
   * @param object Object to change the visibility of.
   * @param visible If the object will be visible (true) or hidden (false).
  public objectVisibility(object: Object3D, visible: boolean) {
    if (object) {
      object.visible = visible;
      object.traverse((child) => {
        if (!visible) {
        } else {

   * Gets an object's position.
   * @param name Name of the object.
   * @returns Object position.
  public getObjectPosition(name: string): Vector3 {
    return this.scene.getObjectByName(name)?.position;

   * Removes a geometry from the scene.
   * @param object Geometry object to be removed.
  public removeGeometry(object: Object3D) {
    const geometries = this.getGeometries() as Group;

   * Remove label from the scene.
   * @param name Name of the label to remove.
  public removeLabel(name: string) {
    const object = this.scene.getObjectByName(name);

   * Scales an object.
   * @param object Object to scale.
   * @param value Value to scale the object by.
  public scaleObject(object: Object3D, value: any) {

   * Adds new type of objects (Jets, Tracks...) to the event data group.
   * @param objectType Name of the object type.
   * @returns The new group added to the event data.
  public addEventDataTypeGroup(objectType: string): Group {
    const eventData = this.getEventData();
    let typeGroup = this.scene.getObjectByName(objectType) as Group;
    if (!typeGroup) {
      typeGroup = new Group();
    } = objectType;
    return typeGroup;

   * Applies a cut to all objects inside a collection, filtering them given a parameter.
   * @param collectionName Name of the collection.
   * @param filters Cuts used to filter the objects in the collection.
  public collectionFilter(collectionName: string, filters: Cut[]) {
    const collection = this.getScene()
    for (const child of Object.values(collection.children)) {
      if (child.userData) {
        for (const filter of filters) {
          const value = child.userData[filter.field];
          if (value) {
            if (filter.cutPassed(value)) {
              child.visible = true;
            } else {
              child.visible = false;
              // Break even if one filter hides the object

   * Changes the visibility of all elements in a group.
   * @param name Name of the group.
   * @param visible If the group will be visible (true) or hidden (false).
   * @param parentName Name of the parent object to look inside for object
   * whose visibility is to be toggled.
  public groupVisibility(name: string, visible: boolean, parentName?: string) {
    const parent = parentName
      ? this.scene.getObjectByName(parentName)
      : this.scene;
    const collection = parent.getObjectByName(name);
    for (const child of Object.values(collection.children)) {
      child.visible = visible;

   * Gets a group of objects from the scene.
   * @param identifier String that identifies the group's name.
   * @returns The object.
  public getObjectsGroup(identifier: string): Object3D {
    let group = this.scene.getObjectByName(identifier);
    if (group == null) {
      group = new Group(); = identifier;
    return group;

   * Get event data inside the scene.
   * @returns A group of objects with event data.
  public getEventData(): Object3D {
    return this.getObjectsGroup(SceneManager.EVENT_DATA_ID);

   * Get geometries inside the scene.
   * @returns A group of objects with geometries.
  public getGeometries(): Object3D {
    return this.getObjectsGroup(SceneManager.GEOMETRIES_ID);

   * Clears event data of the scene.
  public clearEventData() {
    const eventData = this.getEventData();
    if (eventData != null) {

  /** Returns a mesh representing the passed text. It will use this.textFont. */
  public getText(text: string, colour: Color): Mesh {
    const textGeometry = new TextGeometry(text, {
      font: this.textFont,
      size: 60,
      curveSegments: 1,
      height: 1,

    const mesh = new Mesh(
      new MeshBasicMaterial({
        color: new Color(colour),
    return mesh;

   * Sets scene axis visibility.
   * @param visible If the axes will be visible (true) osr hidden (false).
   * @param scale Set the scale of the axes.
   * @param labels If true (default), show labels on the end of the axes.
  public setAxis(
    visible: boolean,
    scale: number = 2000,
    labels: boolean = true,
  ) {
    if (this.axis == null) {
      this.axis = new Group();

      const xColor = new Color(0xd63333);
      const yColor = new Color(0x33d633);
      const zColor = new Color(0x3333d6);
      const xMaterial = new LineBasicMaterial({ color: xColor });
      const yMaterial = new LineBasicMaterial({ color: yColor });
      const zMaterial = new LineBasicMaterial({ color: zColor });

      // X axis
      let points = [new Vector3(-scale, 0, 0), new Vector3(scale, 0, 0)];
      let geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
      const xAxis = new LineSegments(geometry, xMaterial);

      // Y axis
      points = [new Vector3(0, -scale, 0), new Vector3(0, scale, 0)];
      geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
      const yAxis = new LineSegments(geometry, yMaterial);

      // Z axis
      points = [new Vector3(0, 0, -scale), new Vector3(0, 0, scale)];
      geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
      const zAxis = new LineSegments(geometry, zMaterial);
      this.axis.add(zAxis); = 'gridline';
      this.axis.traverse((child) => ( = 'gridline'));
    this.axis.visible = visible;

    if (labels && this.axisLabels == null) {
      this.axisLabels = new Group();

      const labels = ['X [cm]', 'Y [cm]', 'Z [cm]'];
      const colours = [0xff0000, 0x00ff00, 0x0000ff];
      let colourIndex = 0;
      for (const label of labels) {
        const mesh = this.getText(label, new Color(colours[colourIndex++]));
      this.axisLabels.children[0].position.set(scale + 200, 0, 0);
      this.axisLabels.children[1].position.set(0, scale + 200, 0);
      this.axisLabels.children[2].position.set(0, 0, scale + 200); = 'XYZ Labels';
      this.axisLabels.traverse((child) => ( = 'XYZ Labels'));

    this.axisLabels.visible = visible;

   * Creates the cartesian grid if doesn't exist already
   * @param scale the maximum scale (dimensions: height, width, length) of the grid
  private createCartesianGrid(scale: number = 3000) {
    if (this.cartesianGrid == null) {
      this.cartesianGrid = new Group();

      const xColor = new Color(0xd63333);
      const yColor = new Color(0x33d633);
      const zColor = new Color(0x3333d6);

      const xMaterial = new LineDashedMaterial({
        color: xColor,
        dashSize: 0.5,
        gapSize: 0.1,
        scale: 0.01,
      const yMaterial = new LineDashedMaterial({
        color: yColor,
        dashSize: 0.5,
        gapSize: 0.1,
        scale: 0.01,
      const zMaterial = new LineDashedMaterial({
        color: zColor,
        dashSize: 0.5,
        gapSize: 0.1,
        scale: 0.01,

      // xy plane
      let xyPlane = new Group();
      for (let z = -scale; z <= scale; z += 0.1 * scale) {
        xyPlane = new Group();

        let points = [];
        for (let y = -scale; y <= scale; y += 0.1 * scale) {
          points.push(new Vector3(-scale, y, z));
          points.push(new Vector3(scale, y, z));
        let geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
        const material = zMaterial;
        let lines = new LineSegments(geometry, material);

        points = [];
        for (let x = -scale; x <= scale; x += 0.1 * scale) {
          points.push(new Vector3(x, -scale, z));
          points.push(new Vector3(x, scale, z));
        geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
        lines = new LineSegments(geometry, material);

      // YZ plane
      let yzPlane = new Group();
      for (let x = -scale; x <= scale; x += 0.1 * scale) {
        yzPlane = new Group();

        let points = [];
        for (let y = -scale; y <= scale; y += 0.1 * scale) {
          points.push(new Vector3(x, y, -scale));
          points.push(new Vector3(x, y, scale));
        let geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
        const material = xMaterial;
        let lines = new LineSegments(geometry, material);

        points = [];
        for (let z = -scale; z <= scale; z += 0.1 * scale) {
          points.push(new Vector3(x, -scale, z));
          points.push(new Vector3(x, scale, z));
        geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
        lines = new LineSegments(geometry, material);

      // ZX plane
      let zxPlane = new Group();
      for (let y = -scale; y <= scale; y += 0.1 * scale) {
        zxPlane = new Group();

        let points = [];
        for (let x = -scale; x <= scale; x += 0.1 * scale) {
          points.push(new Vector3(x, y, -scale));
          points.push(new Vector3(x, y, scale));
        let geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
        const material = yMaterial;
        let lines = new LineSegments(geometry, material);

        points = [];
        for (let z = -scale; z <= scale; z += 0.1 * scale) {
          points.push(new Vector3(-scale, y, z));
          points.push(new Vector3(scale, y, z));
        geometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
        lines = new LineSegments(geometry, material);
      } = 'gridline';
      this.cartesianGrid.traverse((child) => ( = 'gridline'));
      this.cartesianGrid.children.forEach((child) => (child.visible = false));

   * Sets scene cartesian grid visibility.
   * @param visible If the grid will be visible.
   * @param showXY If the XY planes are to be shown.
   * @param showYZ If the YZ planes are to be shown.
   * @param showZX If the ZX planes are to be shown.
   * @param xDistance The distance in x direction upto which YZ planes will be shown.
   * @param yDistance The distance in y direction upto which ZX planes will be shown.
   * @param zDistance The distance in z direction upto which XY planes will be shown.
   * @param sparsity Sparsity of the gridlines.
   * @param scale Set the scale of the grid.
  public setCartesianGrid(
    visible: boolean,
    scale: number,
    config?: {
      showXY: boolean;
      showYZ: boolean;
      showZX: boolean;
      xDistance: number;
      yDistance: number;
      zDistance: number;
      sparsity: number;
  ) {
    for (let i = 0; i <= 62; i += 1) {
      this.cartesianGrid.children[i].visible = false;

    if (typeof config === 'undefined') {
      config = this.cartesianGridConfig;
    } else {
      this.cartesianGridConfig = config;

    const childPoints = [10, 31, 52];
    const distances = [config.zDistance, config.xDistance, config.yDistance];
    const visiblePlanes = [config.showXY, config.showYZ, config.showZX];

    if (visible) {
      for (let i = 0; i < 3; i += 1) {
        if (visiblePlanes[i]) {
          for (
            let j = childPoints[i];
            j >= childPoints[i] - (distances[i] * 10) / scale;
            j -= config.sparsity
          ) {
            this.cartesianGrid.children[j].visible = visible;

          for (
            let j = childPoints[i];
            j <= childPoints[i] + (distances[i] * 10) / scale;
            j += config.sparsity
          ) {
            this.cartesianGrid.children[j].visible = visible;

   * Returns the cartesian grid configuration
  public getCartesianGridConfig() {
    return this.cartesianGridConfig;

   * Toggle depthTest of event data by updating all children's depthTest and renderOrder.
   * @param value If depthTest will be true or false.
  public eventDataDepthTest(value: boolean) {
    const object = this.getEventData();

    if (object !== null) {
      // Traversing all event data objects to change material's depthTest
      object.traverse((objectChild: any) => {
        if (objectChild.material) {
          // Changing renderOrder to make event data render on top of geometry
          // Arbitrarily setting a high value of 999
            ? (objectChild.renderOrder = 0)
            : (objectChild.renderOrder = 999);
          // Applying depthTest
          objectChild.material.depthTest = value;

   * Wireframe geometries and decrease their opacity.
   * @param value A boolean to specify if geometries are to be wireframed or not.
  public wireframeGeometries(value: boolean) {
    const allGeoms = this.getGeometries();
    allGeoms.traverse((object: any) => {
      if (object.material) {
        object.material.wireframe = value;
        if (value) {
          object.material.transparent = true;
          object.material.opacity = 0.1;
        } else {
          // Rolling back transparency because depthTest doesn't work with it
          object.material.transparent = false;
          object.material.opacity = 1;

   * Wireframe a group of objects.
   * @param objectsGroup Group of the objects to be wireframed.
   * @param value A boolean to specify if objects are to be wireframed or not.
  public wireframeObjects(objectsGroup: Object3D, value: boolean) {
    objectsGroup.traverse((object: any) => {
      if (object.material) {
        object.material.wireframe = value;

   * Change the scale of Jets.
   * @param value Factor by which the Jets are to be scaled.
  public scaleJets(value: number) {
    if (value <= 0) return;

    const jets = this.scene.getObjectByName('Jets');

    jets.traverse((objectChild: Object3D) => {
      if ( === 'Jet') {
        const previousScale = objectChild.scale.x;
        // Restoring to original position and then moving again with the current value.

   * Scale lowest level objects in a group.
   * @param groupName Name of the group to scale objects of.
   * @param value Value of the scale. Default is 1.
   * @param axis If passed, the local axis to scale.
  public scaleChildObjects(groupName: string, value: number, axis?: string) {
    const object = this.scene.getObjectByName(groupName);

    object.traverse((objectChild: Object3D) => {
      if (objectChild.children.length === 0) {
        if (!axis) {
        } else {
          objectChild.scale[axis] = value;

   * Add label to the three.js object.
   * @param label Label to add to the event object.
   * @param uuid UUID of the three.js object.
   * @param labelId Unique ID of the label.
   * @param objectPosition Position of the object to place the label.
   * @param cameraControls Camera controls for making the text face the camera.
  public addLabelToObject(
    label: string,
    uuid: string,
    labelId: string,
    objectPosition: Vector3,
    cameraControls: OrbitControls,
  ) {
    const object = this.scene.getObjectByProperty('uuid', uuid);
    object.userData.label = label;

    const labelsGroup = this.getObjectsGroup(SceneManager.LABELS_ID);
    const labelObject = this.scene.getObjectByName(labelId);

    if (labelObject) {

    const textMesh = this.getText(label, new Color('#a8a8a8'));
    textMesh.position.fromArray(objectPosition.toArray()); = labelId;


    this.labelTextLookCallbacks[uuid] = () => {

   * Translate the cartesianGrid
  public translateCartesianGrid(translate: Vector3) {

    const distance = translate.length();
    const unitVector = translate.normalize();
    this.cartesianGrid.translateOnAxis(unitVector, distance);

   * Translate Cartesian labels
  public translateCartesianLabels(translate: Vector3) {

    const distance = translate.length();
    const unitVector = translate.normalize();
    this.cartesianLabels.translateOnAxis(unitVector, distance);
    this.axis.translateOnAxis(unitVector, distance);
    this.axisLabels.translateOnAxis(unitVector, distance);

   * Adds numbers (coordinates) to the axes.
   * @param scale The maximum length upto which labels are to be shown
  private createCartesianLabels(scale: number = 3000) {
    if (this.cartesianLabels == null) {
      this.cartesianLabels = new Group(); = 'XYZ Labels';

      const xColor = new Color(0xd63333);
      const yColor = new Color(0x33d633);
      const zColor = new Color(0x3333d6);
      const xMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({
        color: xColor,
        side: DoubleSide,
      const yMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({
        color: yColor,
        side: DoubleSide,
      const zMaterial = new MeshBasicMaterial({
        color: zColor,
        side: DoubleSide,

      // X Labels
      for (let x = -scale; x <= scale; x += 0.1 * scale) {
        const text = this.getText((x / 10).toString(), xColor);
        text.position.set(x, 40, 0);

        const geometry = new BoxGeometry(10, 30, 10);
        geometry.translate(x, 0, 0);
        const xTicks = new Mesh(geometry, xMaterial);

      // Y Labels
      for (let y = -scale; y <= scale; y += 0.1 * scale) {
        const text = this.getText((y / 10).toString(), yColor);
        text.position.set(-40, y, 0);

        const geometry = new BoxGeometry(30, 10, 10);
        geometry.translate(0, y, 0);
        const yTicks = new Mesh(geometry, yMaterial);

      // Z Labels
      for (let z = -scale; z <= scale; z += 0.1 * scale) {
        const text = this.getText((z / 10).toString(), zColor);
        text.position.set(-40, 0, z);

        const geometry = new BoxGeometry(30, 10, 10);
        geometry.translate(0, 0, z);
        const zTicks = new Mesh(geometry, zMaterial);

      this.cartesianLabels.traverse((child) => ( = 'XYZ Labels'));
      this.cartesianLabels.children.forEach((child) => (child.visible = false));

      this.setAxis(false, 3000);

   * Aligns the axes numbers always towards the main camera
  public alignText(camera: Camera) {
    if (this.cartesianLabels != null)
      this.axesNumbers.forEach((element) => {

    if (this.axisLabels != null) {
      this.axisLabels.children.forEach((element) =>

   * Show labels of the cartesian grid.
  public showLabels(visible: boolean) {
    this.setAxis(visible, 3000);
    this.cartesianLabels.children.forEach((child) => (child.visible = visible));

   * Sets scene eta/phi grid visibility.
   * @param visible If the axes will be visible (true) osr hidden (false).
   * @param scale Set the scale of the axes.
  public setEtaPhiGrid(visible: boolean, scale: number = 3000) {
    if (this.etaPhiGrid == null) {
      this.etaPhiGrid = new Group();

      // Currently hardcoding some of this
      let points = [];
      const radius = scale;
      const etaColour = new Color(0x0000ff);
      for (let eta = -3.0; eta <= 3.0; eta += 1.0) {
        points.push(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        const etaVec = CoordinateHelper.etaPhiToCartesian(
          Math.PI / 2.0,
        const text = this.getText('η=' + eta.toPrecision(2), etaColour);
        text.position.set(etaVec.x, etaVec.y, etaVec.z);
        text.rotateOnWorldAxis(new Vector3(0, 1, 0), Math.PI / 2.0);

      const etaGeometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
      const etaMaterial = new LineDashedMaterial({
        color: etaColour,
        dashSize: 2,
        gapSize: 1,
        scale: 0.01,
      const etaLines = new LineSegments(etaGeometry, etaMaterial);
      etaLines.computeLineDistances(); // Needed for dashed lines

      const step = (2 * Math.PI) / 8; // 8 steps
      const phiLabels = [
      let labelIndex = 0;
      const phiColor = new Color(0xff0000);
      points = [];
      const phiradius = radius * 0.9;
      for (let phi = -Math.PI; phi < Math.PI; phi += step) {
        points.push(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
        const phiVec = CoordinateHelper.etaPhiToCartesian(phiradius, 0.0, phi);
        const text = this.getText('φ=' + phiLabels[labelIndex++], phiColor);
        text.position.set(phiVec.x, phiVec.y, phiVec.z);
      const phiGeometry = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
      const phiMaterial = new LineDashedMaterial({
        color: phiColor,
        dashSize: 1,
        gapSize: 1,
        scale: 0.01,
      const phiLines = new LineSegments(phiGeometry, phiMaterial);
      phiLines.computeLineDistances(); // Needed for dashed lines

      // Add to group and scene
      this.etaPhiGrid.add(phiLines); = 'gridline';
      this.etaPhiGrid.traverse((child) => ( = 'gridline'));

      // Now, for debugging, draw phi / theta native to threejs (though flipping for azimuthal)
      // eslint-disable-next-line no-constant-condition
      if (false) {
        points = [];
        for (let polar = 0; polar < Math.PI; polar += step) {
          for (let azi = -Math.PI; azi < Math.PI; azi += step) {
            if (polar === 0 && azi > -Math.PI) continue;
            points.push(new Vector3(0, 0, 0));
            const end = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            end.setFromSphericalCoords(radius, polar, azi); // For threejs, phi=polar, theta=azimuthal

            const v1 = new Vector3(0, 1, 0);
            const v2 = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
            const quaternion = new Quaternion();
            quaternion.setFromUnitVectors(v1, v2);

            const text = this.getText(
              '(\u03C6,\u03B8) = ' +
                azi.toPrecision(1) +
                ' , ' +
              new Color(0x00ff00),
            text.position.set(end.x, end.y, end.z);
        const geometry2 = new BufferGeometry().setFromPoints(points);
        const material2 = new LineDashedMaterial({ color: 0x00ff00 });
        const lines2 = new LineSegments(geometry2, material2);
    this.etaPhiGrid.visible = visible;

   * Get an object by its name.
   * @param name Name of the object.
   * @returns The object.
  public getObjectByName(name: string): Object3D {
    return this.scene.getObjectByName(name);

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