


Manager for managing event display's selection related functions.





Constructor for the selection manager.


Private activeObject
Default value : new ActiveVariable<string>('')

The currently selected object which is observable for changes.

Private camera
Type : Camera

The camera inside the scene.

Private effectsManager
Type : EffectsManager

Manager for managing three.js event display effects like outline pass and unreal bloom.

Private ignoreList
Type : string[]

Objects to be ignored on hovering over the scene.

Private infoLogger
Type : InfoLogger

Service for logging data to the information panel.

Private isInit
Type : boolean

Is initialized.

Private onDocumentMouseDown
Default value : () => {...}

Function to call on mouse click when object selection is enabled.

Private onTouchDown
Default value : () => {...}

Function to call on touch when object selection is enabled.

Parameters :
Name Description

Event containing touch data.

Private onTouchMove
Default value : () => {...}

Function to call on mouse move when object selection is enabled.

Private outlinePass
Type : OutlinePass

Outline pass for highlighting the hovered over event display elements.

Private preSelectionAntialias
Type : boolean

Performance mode value before enabling selection.

Private scene
Type : Scene

The scene used for event display.

Private selectedObject
Type : literal type

Object used to display the information of the selected 3D object.


Public disableHighlighting

Disable highlighting of objects.

Returns : void
Private disableSelecting

Disable selecting of event display elements and remove mouse move and click events.

Returns : void
Public enableHighlighting

Enable highlighting of the objects.

Returns : void
Private enableSelecting

Enable selecting of event display elements and set mouse move and click events.

Returns : void
Public getActiveObjectId

Get the uuid of the currently selected object.

uuid of the currently selected object.

Public highlightObject
highlightObject(uuid: string, objectsGroup: Object3D)

Highlight the object with the given uuid by giving it an outline. with the given uuid.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
uuid string No

uuid of the object.

objectsGroup Object3D No

Group of objects to be traversed for finding the object with the given uuid.

Returns : void
Public init
init(camera: Camera, scene: Scene, effectsManager: EffectsManager, infoLogger: InfoLogger)

Initialize the selection manager. like outline pass and unreal bloom.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
camera Camera No

The camera inside the scene.

scene Scene No

The scene used for event display.

effectsManager EffectsManager No

Manager for managing three.js event display effects like outline pass and unreal bloom.

infoLogger InfoLogger No

Service for logging data to the information panel.

Returns : void
Private intersectObject
intersectObject(event: any)

Check if any object intersects on mouse move.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
event any No

Event containing data of the mouse move.

Returns : Object3D

Intersected or hovered over object.

Public setSelectedObject
setSelectedObject(selectedObject: literal type)

Set the currently selected object.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
selectedObject literal type No

The currently selected object.

Returns : void
Public setSelecting
setSelecting(enable: boolean)

Set if selecting is to be enabled or disabled.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
enable boolean No

If selecting is to be enabled or disabled.

Returns : void
import {
} from 'three';
import { OutlinePass } from 'three/examples/jsm/postprocessing/OutlinePass.js';
import { InfoLogger } from '../../helpers/info-logger';
import { EffectsManager } from './effects-manager';
import { PrettySymbols } from '../../helpers/pretty-symbols';
import { ActiveVariable } from '../../helpers/active-variable';

 * Manager for managing event display's selection related functions.
export class SelectionManager {
  /** Is initialized. */
  private isInit: boolean;
  /** The camera inside the scene. */
  private camera: Camera;
  /** The scene used for event display. */
  private scene: Scene;
  /** Object used to display the information of the selected 3D object. */
  private selectedObject: { name: string; attributes: any[] };
  /** The currently selected object which is observable for changes. */
  private activeObject = new ActiveVariable<string>('');
  /** Objects to be ignored on hovering over the scene. */
  private ignoreList: string[];

  // Post processing
  /** Outline pass for highlighting the hovered over event display elements. */
  private outlinePass: OutlinePass;
  /** Manager for managing three.js event display effects like outline pass and unreal bloom. */
  private effectsManager: EffectsManager;

  /** Service for logging data to the information panel. */
  private infoLogger: InfoLogger;
  /** Performance mode value before enabling selection. */
  private preSelectionAntialias: boolean;

   * Constructor for the selection manager.
  constructor() {
    this.isInit = false;
    this.ignoreList = [
      new AmbientLight().type,
      new DirectionalLight().type,
      new AxesHelper().type,

   * Initialize the selection manager.
   * @param camera The camera inside the scene.
   * @param scene The scene used for event display.
   * @param effectsManager Manager for managing three.js event display effects
   * like outline pass and unreal bloom.
   * @param infoLogger Service for logging data to the information panel.
  public init(
    camera: Camera,
    scene: Scene,
    effectsManager: EffectsManager,
    infoLogger: InfoLogger,
  ) { = camera;
    this.scene = scene;
    this.isInit = true;
    this.infoLogger = infoLogger;
    this.effectsManager = effectsManager;
    this.outlinePass = this.effectsManager.addOutlinePassForSelection();

   * Set the currently selected object.
   * @param selectedObject The currently selected object.
  public setSelectedObject(selectedObject: {
    name: string;
    attributes: any[];
  }) {
    this.selectedObject = selectedObject;

   * Get the uuid of the currently selected object.
   * @returns uuid of the currently selected object.
  public getActiveObjectId(): ActiveVariable<string> {
    return this.activeObject;

   * Set if selecting is to be enabled or disabled.
   * @param enable If selecting is to be enabled or disabled.
  public setSelecting(enable: boolean) {
    if (this.isInit) {
      enable ? this.enableSelecting() : this.disableSelecting();

   * Enable selecting of event display elements and set mouse move and click events.
  private enableSelecting() {
      .addEventListener('mousemove', this.onTouchMove, true);
      .addEventListener('click', this.onDocumentMouseDown, true);
      .addEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouchDown);
    this.preSelectionAntialias = this.effectsManager.antialiasing;

   * Disable selecting of event display elements and remove mouse move and click events.
  private disableSelecting() {
      .removeEventListener('mousemove', this.onTouchMove, true);
      .removeEventListener('click', this.onDocumentMouseDown, true);
      .removeEventListener('touchstart', this.onTouchDown);
    this.outlinePass.selectedObjects = [];

   * Function to call on mouse move when object selection is enabled.
  private onTouchMove = (event: any) => {
    const intersectedObject = this.intersectObject(event);
    if (intersectedObject) {
      if (this.ignoreList.includes(intersectedObject.type)) {
      this.outlinePass.selectedObjects = [intersectedObject];

   * Function to call on mouse click when object selection is enabled.
  private onDocumentMouseDown = () => {
    const intersectedObject = this.outlinePass.selectedObjects[0];
    if (intersectedObject) { =;


      const prettyParams = PrettySymbols.getPrettyParams(

      for (const key of Object.keys(prettyParams)) {
          attributeName: key,
          attributeValue: prettyParams[key],

      // Process properties of the selected object
      const props = Object.keys(intersectedObject.userData)
        .map((key) => {
          // Only take properties that are a string or number (no arrays or objects)
          if (
            ['string', 'number'].includes(
              typeof intersectedObject.userData[key],
          ) {
            return key + '=' + intersectedObject.userData[key];
        .filter((val) => val);
      // Build the log text and add to the logger
      const log = +
        (props.length > 0 ? ' with ' + props.join(', ') : '');
      if (log) {
        this.infoLogger.add(log, 'Clicked');

   * Function to call on touch when object selection is enabled.
   * @param event Event containing touch data.
  private onTouchDown = (event: TouchEvent) => {

   * Check if any object intersects on mouse move.
   * @param event Event containing data of the mouse move.
   * @returns Intersected or hovered over object.
  private intersectObject(event: any): Object3D {
    const mouse = new Vector2();
    const rendererElement = this.effectsManager.composer.renderer.domElement;
    mouse.x = (event.clientX / rendererElement.clientWidth) * 2 - 1;
    mouse.y = -(event.clientY / rendererElement.clientHeight) * 2 + 1;
    const raycaster = new Raycaster();
    raycaster.params.Line.threshold = 3;
    const intersects = raycaster.intersectObjects(this.scene.children, true);

    if (intersects.length > 0) {
      // We want the closest one
      return intersects[0].object;

   * Enable highlighting of the objects.
  public enableHighlighting() {
    this.preSelectionAntialias = this.effectsManager.antialiasing;

   * Highlight the object with the given uuid by giving it an outline.
   * @param uuid uuid of the object.
   * @param objectsGroup Group of objects to be traversed for finding the object
   * with the given uuid.
  public highlightObject(uuid: string, objectsGroup: Object3D) {
    const object = objectsGroup.getObjectByProperty('uuid', uuid);
    if (object) {
      this.outlinePass.selectedObjects = [object];

   * Disable highlighting of objects.
  public disableHighlighting() {
    this.outlinePass.selectedObjects = [];

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