


XR manager for XR related operations.




constructor(sessionType: XRSessionType)

Create the XR manager.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
sessionType XRSessionType No

Type of the session, either AR or VR.


Public cameraGroup
Type : Group

Group containing the the camera for XR.

Protected currentXRSession
Type : any
Default value : null

Currently active XR session.

Protected onSessionEnded
Type : function

Callback to call when the XR session ends.

Protected renderer
Type : WebGLRenderer

Renderer to set the XR session for.

Protected sessionInit
Type : function

Returns required and optional features when requesting an XR session.

Protected xrActive
Type : boolean
Default value : false

Whether the XR is currently active or not.

Public xrCamera
Type : Camera

The camera used by XR.


Public endXRSession

End the current XR session.

Returns : void
Public getCameraGroup
getCameraGroup(camera?: Camera)

Get the group containing the camera for XR. XR camera works by adding a Group with Camera to the scene.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
camera Camera Yes

Camera which is to be cloned for XR use.

Returns : Group

The camera group used in XR mode.

Public getXRCamera

Get the camera used by XR.

Returns : Camera

The camera used by XR.

Protected onXRSessionEnded

Callback when the XR session ends.

Returns : void
Protected Async onXRSessionStarted
onXRSessionStarted(session: any)

Callback for when the XR session is started.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
session any No

The XR session.

Returns : any
Public setXRSession
setXRSession(renderer: WebGLRenderer, onSessionStarted?: () => void, onSessionEnded?: () => void)

Set and configure the XR session.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
renderer WebGLRenderer No

Renderer to set the XR session for.

onSessionStarted function Yes

Callback to call when the XR session starts.

onSessionEnded function Yes

Callback to call when the XR session ends.

Returns : void
import {
} from 'three';

// NOTE: This was created on 28/06/2021
// It might become outdated given how WebXR is still a work in progress

// LAST UPDATED ON 29/06/2021

/** Type of the XR session. */
export enum XRSessionType {
  VR = 'VR',
  AR = 'AR',

 * XR manager for XR related operations.
export class XRManager {
  /** Whether the XR is currently active or not. */
  protected xrActive: boolean = false;
  /** Returns required and optional features when requesting an XR session. */
  protected sessionInit: () => { [key: string]: any };
  /** Renderer to set the XR session for. */
  protected renderer: WebGLRenderer;
  /** Currently active XR session. */
  protected currentXRSession: any = null;
  /** Callback to call when the XR session ends. */
  protected onSessionEnded: () => void;
  /** Group containing the the camera for XR. */
  public cameraGroup: Group;
  /** The camera used by XR. */
  public xrCamera: Camera;

   * Create the XR manager.
   * @param sessionType Type of the session, either AR or VR.
   * @param sessionInit Other options for the session like optional features.
  constructor(private sessionType: XRSessionType) {}

   * Set and configure the XR session.
   * @param renderer Renderer to set the XR session for.
   * @param onSessionStarted Callback to call when the XR session starts.
   * @param onSessionEnded Callback to call when the XR session ends.
  public setXRSession(
    renderer: WebGLRenderer,
    onSessionStarted?: () => void,
    onSessionEnded?: () => void,
  ) {
    this.renderer = renderer;
    this.onSessionEnded = onSessionEnded;
    const webXR = (navigator as any)?.xr;
    const xrType = this.sessionType === XRSessionType.VR ? 'vr' : 'ar';

      ?.requestSession(`immersive-${xrType}`, this.sessionInit?.())
      .then((session: any) => {
      .catch((error: any) => {
        console.error(`${xrType.toUpperCase()} Error:`, error);

   * Callback for when the XR session is started.
   * @param session The XR session.
  protected async onXRSessionStarted(session: any) {
    this.xrActive = true;
    session.addEventListener('end', this.onXRSessionEnded.bind(this));
    await this.renderer.xr.setSession(session);
    this.currentXRSession = session;

   * Callback when the XR session ends.
  protected onXRSessionEnded() {
    this.xrActive = false;
    this.currentXRSession.removeEventListener('end', this.onXRSessionEnded);
    this.currentXRSession = null;
    this.cameraGroup = undefined;

   * End the current XR session.
  public endXRSession() {

   * Get the group containing the camera for XR.
   * XR camera works by adding a Group with Camera to the scene.
   * @param camera Camera which is to be cloned for XR use.
   * @returns The camera group used in XR mode.
  public getCameraGroup(camera?: Camera): Group {
    // Set up the camera position in the XR - Adding a group with camera does it
    if (!this.cameraGroup) {
      this.cameraGroup = new Group();
    if (camera && this.xrActive) {
      this.xrCamera = this.renderer.xr
        .copy(new ArrayCamera([camera.clone() as PerspectiveCamera])); = 'XR_CAMERA';

      const cameraPosition =
        this.sessionType === XRSessionType.VR
          ? this.xrCamera.position
          : new Vector3(0, 0, 0.1);

    return this.cameraGroup;

   * Get the camera used by XR.
   * @returns The camera used by XR.
  public getXRCamera() {
    return this.xrCamera;

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