


PhoenixLoader for processing and loading a CMS event.







Constructor for the CMS loader.


Private data
Type : any

Event data to be processed.

Private geometryScale
Type : number
Default value : 1000

Scale factor for resizing geometry to fit Phoenix event display.

Protected eventData
Type : any
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:26

Event data processed by the loader.

Private graphicsLibrary
Type : ThreeManager
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:22

ThreeService to perform three.js related functions.

Protected labelsObject
Type : literal type
Default value : {}
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:32

Object containing event object labels.

Protected loadingManager
Type : LoadingManager
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:28

Loading manager for loadable resources

Protected stateManager
Type : StateManager
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:30

Loading manager for loadable resources

Private ui
Type : UIManager
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:24

UIService to perform UI related functions.


Public getAllEventsData
getAllEventsData(allEventsDataFromIg: any[])

Get event data of all events.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
allEventsDataFromIg any[] No

An array containing data of all events from ".ig" file.

Returns : any

An object containing event data for all events.

Private getCaloClusters

Get all CaloClusters from the event data.

Returns : any

CaloClusters object containing all CaloClusters collections.

Public getEventData

Get all event data.

Returns : any

Event data with Hits, Tracks, Jets and CaloClusters.

Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:538

Get CMS specific metadata associated to the event.

Returns : any[]

Metadata of the event.

Private getJets

Get all Jets from the event data.

Returns : any

Jets object containing all Jets collections.

Private getMuonChambers

Get all Muon Chambers from the event data.

Returns : any

MuonChambers object containing all Muon Chambers collections.

Private getObjectCollections
getObjectCollections(collections: string[], processObject?: (objectParams?: any) => void, cuts?: literal type[])

Common function for linearly getting event data of collections of an object type.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
collections string[] No

Keys for collections to be iterated.

processObject function Yes

Callback for applying a custom logic to object params.

cuts literal type[] Yes

Cuts for defining a minimum and maximum value of an attribute.

Returns : any

An object containing all event data from the given collections.

Private getTrackingClusters
getTrackingClusters(Hits: any)

Get all tracking clusters from the event data.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
Hits any No

Hits object in which all cluster collections are to be put.

Returns : any

Hits object containing all Cluster collections.

Private getTracks

Get all Tracks from the event data.

Returns : any

Tracks object containing all Tracks collections.

Public loadEventDataFromIg
loadEventDataFromIg(filePath: string, eventPathName: string, onEventRead: (eventData: any) => void)

Load event data from an ".ig" archive.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
filePath string No

Path to the ".ig" archive file.

eventPathName string No

Complete event path or event number as in the ".ig" archive.

onEventRead function No

Callback called when the event data is read.

Returns : void
Protected loadObjectTypes
loadObjectTypes(eventData: any)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:28

Loads all the object types and collections of event data. Overridden from PhoenixLoader.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
eventData any No

Event data of a CMS event containing all collections.

Returns : void
Public readIgArchive
readIgArchive(file: string | File, onFileRead: (allEvents: any[]) => void, eventPathName?: string)

Read an ".ig" archive file and access the event data through a callback.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
file string | File No

Path to the ".ig" file or an object of type File.

onFileRead function No

Callback called with an array of event data when the file is read.

eventPathName string Yes

Complete event path or event number as in the ".ig" archive.

Returns : void
Private addCollection
addCollection(objectCollection: any, collectionName: string, getObject: (object: any) => void, typeName: string, objectGroup: Group, concatonateObjs: boolean)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:509

Adds to the event display all the objects inside a collection.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
objectCollection any No

Contains the params for every object of the collection.

collectionName string No

Label to UNIQUELY identify the collection.

getObject function No

Handles reconstructing the objects of the collection.

typeName string No
objectGroup Group No

Group containing the collections of the same object type.

concatonateObjs boolean No

If true, don't process objects individually, but process as a group (e.g. for point hits).

Returns : void
Public addLabelToEventObject
addLabelToEventObject(label: string, collection: string, indexInCollection: number)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:726

Add label of event object to the labels object.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
label string No

Label to be saved.

collection string No

Collection the event object is a part of.

indexInCollection number No

Event object's index in collection.

Returns : string

A unique label ID string.

Protected addObjectType
addObjectType(object: any, getObject: any, typeName: string, concatonateObjs: boolean, cuts?: Cut[], extendEventDataTypeUI?: (typeFolder?: GUI,typeFolderPM?: PhoenixMenuNode) => void)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:446

Adds to the event display all collections of a given object type.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
object any No

Contains all collections of a given type (Tracks, Jets, CaloClusters...).

getObject any No

Function that handles of reconstructing objects of the given type.

typeName string No

Label for naming the object type.

concatonateObjs boolean No false

If true, don't process objects individually, but process as a group (e.g. for point hits). Default is false.

cuts Cut[] Yes

Filters that can be applied to the objects.

extendEventDataTypeUI function Yes

A callback to add more options to event data type UI folder.

Returns : void
Public addScaleOptions
addScaleOptions(configKey: string, configLabel: string, scaleFunction: (value: number) => void)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:760

Get function to add options to scale event object type by.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
configKey string No

Key of the scale configuration option (for dat.GUI menu).

configLabel string No

Label of the scale configuration option.

scaleFunction function No

Function to scale the objects by.

Function which adds scale options to Phoenix menu and dat.GUI menu.

Public buildEventData
buildEventData(eventData: any, graphicsLibrary: ThreeManager, ui: UIManager, infoLogger: InfoLogger)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:50

Takes an object that represents ONE event and takes care of adding the different objects to the graphics library and the UI controls.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
eventData any No

Object representing the event.

graphicsLibrary ThreeManager No

Service containing functionality to draw the 3D objects.

ui UIManager No

Service for showing menus and controls to manipulate the geometries.

infoLogger InfoLogger No

Service for logging data to the information panel.

Returns : void
Public getCollection
getCollection(collectionName: string)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:126

Get the collection with the given collection name from the event data.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
collectionName string No

Name of the collection to get.

Returns : any

An object containing the collection.

Public getCollections
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:102

Get list of collections in the event data.

Returns : string[]

List of all collection names.

Protected getCompound
getCompound(params: any, name: string, objectIsTrack: boolean, objectIsCluster: boolean)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:574

Process the compound object (e.g. Muon, Electron, Photon) from the given parameters and get it as a group. FIXME. This is currently here and not in PhoenixObjects because we need to handle linked objects.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value Description
params any No

Parameters of the Muon.

name string No ''
objectIsTrack boolean No false
objectIsCluster boolean No false
Returns : Object3D

Muon group containing Clusters and Tracks.

Protected getCompoundCluster
getCompoundCluster(params: any, name: string)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:564

Process the compound object of cluster type (e.g. Photon, ..) from the given parameters and get it as a group.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value
params any No
name string No ''
Returns : Object3D
Protected getCompoundTrack
getCompoundTrack(params: any, name: string)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:558

Process the compound object of track type (e.g. Muon, Electron, ..) from the given parameters and get it as a group.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Default value
params any No
name string No ''
Returns : Object3D
Public getEventsList
getEventsList(eventsData: any)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:86

Get the list of event names from the event data.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
eventsData any No

Object containing all event data.

Returns : string[]

List of event names.

Public getLabelsObject
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:749

Get the object containing labels.

Returns : literal type

The labels object.

Private getObjectTypeCollections
getObjectTypeCollections(object: any)
Inherited from PhoenixLoader
Defined in PhoenixLoader:544

Get collection names of a given object type.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
object any No

Contains all collections of a given type (Tracks, Jets, CaloClusters etc.).

Returns : string[]

List of collection names of an object type (Tracks, Jets, CaloClusters etc.).

import { PhoenixLoader } from './phoenix-loader';
import { Vector3, QuadraticBezierCurve3 } from 'three';
import { CMSObjects } from './objects/cms-objects';
import JSZip from 'jszip';

 * PhoenixLoader for processing and loading a CMS event.
export class CMSLoader extends PhoenixLoader {
  /** Event data to be processed. */
  private data: any;
  /** Scale factor for resizing geometry to fit Phoenix event display. */
  private geometryScale: number = 1000;

   * Constructor for the CMS loader.
  constructor() {
    super(); = {};

   * Loads all the object types and collections of event data.
   * Overridden from {@link PhoenixLoader}.
   * @param eventData Event data of a CMS event containing all collections.
  protected loadObjectTypes(eventData: any) {
    if (eventData.MuonChambers) {

   * Read an ".ig" archive file and access the event data through a callback.
   * @param file Path to the ".ig" file or an object of type `File`.
   * @param onFileRead Callback called with an array of event data when the file is read.
   * @param eventPathName Complete event path or event number as in the ".ig" archive.
  public readIgArchive(
    file: string | File,
    onFileRead: (allEvents: any[]) => void,
    eventPathName?: string,
  ) {
    const igArchive = new JSZip();
    const eventsDataInIg = [];
    const readArchive = (res: File | ArrayBuffer) => {
      igArchive.loadAsync(res).then(() => {
        let allFilesPath = Object.keys(igArchive.files);
        // If the event path or name is given then filter all data to get the required events
        if (eventPathName) {
          allFilesPath = allFilesPath.filter((filePath) =>
        let i = 1;
        for (const filePathInIg of allFilesPath) {
          // If the files are in the "Events" folder then process them.
          if (filePathInIg.toLowerCase().startsWith('events')) {
              .then((singleEvent: string) => {
                // The data has some inconsistencies which need to be removed to properly parse JSON
                singleEvent = singleEvent
                  .replace(/'/g, '"')
                  .replace(/\(/g, '[')
                  .replace(/\)/g, ']')
                  .replace(/nan/g, '0');
                const eventJSON = JSON.parse(singleEvent);
                eventJSON.eventPath = filePathInIg;
                if (i === allFilesPath.length) {
          } else {
            if (i === allFilesPath.length) {

    if (file instanceof File) {
    } else {
        .then((res) => res.arrayBuffer())
        .then((res) => {

   * Load event data from an ".ig" archive.
   * @param filePath Path to the ".ig" archive file.
   * @param eventPathName Complete event path or event number as in the ".ig" archive.
   * @param onEventRead Callback called when the event data is read.
  public loadEventDataFromIg(
    filePath: string,
    eventPathName: string,
    onEventRead: (eventData: any) => void,
  ) {
      (allEvents: any[]) => {

   * Get all event data.
   * @returns Event data with Hits, Tracks, Jets and CaloClusters.
  public getEventData(): any {
    const eventInfo =['Collections']?.['Event_V2']?.[0];

    const eventData = {
      runNumber: eventInfo?.[0],
      eventNumber: eventInfo?.[1],
      ls: eventInfo?.[2],
      time: eventInfo?.[5],
      Hits: {},
      Tracks: {},
      Jets: {},
      CaloClusters: {},
      MuonChambers: {},

    // Getting Hits
    eventData.Hits = this.getTrackingClusters(eventData.Hits);
    // Getting Tracks
    eventData.Tracks = this.getTracks();
    // Getting Jets
    eventData.Jets = this.getJets();
    // Getting CaloClusters
    eventData.CaloClusters = this.getCaloClusters();
    // Getting MuonChambers
    eventData.MuonChambers = this.getMuonChambers();

    // Undefining object types if there is no event data
    for (const objectType of [
    ]) {
      if (Object.keys(eventData[objectType]).length === 0) {
        eventData[objectType] = undefined;

    return eventData;

   * Get event data of all events.
   * @param allEventsDataFromIg An array containing data of all events from ".ig" file.
   * @returns An object containing event data for all events.
  public getAllEventsData(allEventsDataFromIg: any[]): any {
    const allEventsData = {};
    for (const eventData of allEventsDataFromIg) { = eventData;
      allEventsData[eventData.eventPath] = this.getEventData();
    return allEventsData;

   * Get all tracking clusters from the event data.
   * @param Hits Hits object in which all cluster collections are to be put.
   * @returns Hits object containing all Cluster collections.
  private getTrackingClusters(Hits: any): any {
    // These are the collections with point cloud geometries
    const clusterCollections = [
    const newHits = this.getObjectCollections(
      (objectParams) => {
        if (objectParams['pos']) {
          // Increasing the scale to fit Phoenix's event display
          objectParams['pos'] = objectParams['pos'].map(
            (point: number) => point * this.geometryScale,

    Object.assign(Hits, newHits);

    return Hits;

   * Get all CaloClusters from the event data.
   * @returns CaloClusters object containing all CaloClusters collections.
  private getCaloClusters(): any {
    const caloClustersCollections = ['SuperClusters_V1'];
    const CaloClusters = this.getObjectCollections(
      (objectParams) => {
        if (objectParams['energy']) {
          // If the attribute of Calo Cluster is energy then scale it to a higher value
          objectParams['energy'] *= this.geometryScale;

    //! TO BE REVIEWED - Not using extras and assocs - output might be different
    // let ri = 0;
    // for (let i = 0; i < assocs.length; i++) {
    //     ri = assocs[ri][1][1];
    //     CaloClusters[caloClusterCollection].push(extras[ri]);
    // }

    return CaloClusters;

   * Get all Jets from the event data.
   * @returns Jets object containing all Jets collections.
  private getJets(): any {
    let Jets = {};

    // Filtering collections to get all Jets collections
    const jetsCollections = Object.keys(['Collections']).filter(
      (key) => key.toLowerCase().includes('jets'),
    const cuts = [
      { attribute: 'et', min: 10 },
      { attribute: 'energy', min: 10 },

    Jets = this.getObjectCollections(
      (objectParams) => {
        for (const energyAttribute of ['et', 'energy']) {
          if (objectParams[energyAttribute]) {
            objectParams[energyAttribute] *= this.geometryScale;

    return Jets;

   * Get all Muon Chambers from the event data.
   * @returns MuonChambers object containing all Muon Chambers collections.
  private getMuonChambers(): any {
    const muonChambersCollections = ['MatchingCSCs_V1', 'MuonChambers_V1'];
    const MuonChambers = this.getObjectCollections(
      (muonChamberParams) => {
        for (const muonChamberParam of Object.keys(muonChamberParams)) {
          if (
            muonChamberParam.startsWith('front') ||
          ) {
            muonChamberParams[muonChamberParam] = muonChamberParams[
            ].map((val: number) => val * this.geometryScale);
    return MuonChambers;

   * Common function for linearly getting event data of collections of an object type.
   * @param collections Keys for collections to be iterated.
   * @param processObject Callback for applying a custom logic to object params.
   * @param cuts Cuts for defining a minimum and maximum value of an attribute.
   * @returns An object containing all event data from the given collections.
  private getObjectCollections(
    collections: string[],
    processObject?: (objectParams: any) => void,
    cuts?: { attribute: string; min?: number; max?: number }[],
  ): any {
    const ObjectType = {};

    // Filter to check if the provided collections are indeed inside the data
    collections = collections.filter((key) =>['Collections'][key]);

    // Iterating all collections
    for (const collection of collections) {
      ObjectType[collection] = [];
      const objectAttributes =['Types'][collection];
      // Iterating a single object collection to process all objects
      for (const physicsObject of['Collections'][collection]) {
        const objectParams = {};
        // Filling object params using the given types
        objectAttributes.forEach((attribute, attributeIndex) => {
          objectParams[attribute[0]] = physicsObject[attributeIndex];

        // Applying cuts to object (if any)
        if (cuts) {
          let maxPass = true;
          let minPass = true;
          for (const cut of cuts) {
            // Check if the attribute actually exists
            if (objectParams[cut.attribute]) {
              if (cut.max && objectParams[cut.attribute] > cut.max) {
                maxPass = false;
              if (cut.min && objectParams[cut.attribute] < cut.min) {
                minPass = false;
          if (maxPass && minPass) {
            // Custom processing of object (if any)
        } else {
          // Custom processing of object (if any)
      // If the object collection has no data then remove it
      if (ObjectType[collection].length === 0) {
        delete ObjectType[collection];
    return ObjectType;

   * Get all Tracks from the event data.
   * @returns Tracks object containing all Tracks collections.
  private getTracks(): any {
    const Tracks = {};

    // All collections with tracks
    let tracksCollections = [
        collection: 'Tracks_V1',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'TrackExtras_V1',
        color: '0xff0000',
        min_pt: 1,
        collection: 'Tracks_V2',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'TrackExtras_V1',
        color: '0xff0000',
        min_pt: 1,
        collection: 'Tracks_V3',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'TrackExtras_V1',
        color: '0xff0000',
        min_pt: 1,
        collection: 'StandaloneMuons_V2',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'MuonTrackExtras_V1',
        color: '0xf57842',
        min_pt: 1,
        collection: 'PATStandaloneMuons_V1',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'PATMuonTrackExtras_V1',
        color: '0xf5aa42',
        min_pt: 1,
        collection: 'TrackerMuons_V2',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'MuonTrackerExtras_V1',
        color: '0xe8d546',
        min_pt: 2,
        collection: 'GsfElectrons_V1',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'GsfElectronExtras_V1',
        color: '0x1CFF1A',
        min_pt: 10,
        collection: 'GsfElectrons_V2',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'GsfElectronExtras_V1',
        color: '0x1bcf9f',
        min_pt: 10,
        collection: 'GsfElectrons_V3',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'GsfElectronExtras_V1',
        color: '0x1ad9ff',
        min_pt: 10,
        collection: 'PATElectrons_V1',
        extras: 'Extras_V1',
        assocs: 'PATElectronExtras_V1',
        color: '0x1a40ff',
        min_pt: 1,
    // Filtering to check if data actually exists in collections
    tracksCollections = tracksCollections.filter(
      (obj) =>['Collections'][obj.collection],

    for (const tracksCollection of tracksCollections) {
      Tracks[tracksCollection.collection] = [];

      // Processing tracks using associations and extras
      const tracks =['Collections'][tracksCollection.collection];
      const extras =['Collections'][tracksCollection.extras];
      const assocs =['Associations'][tracksCollection.assocs];
      // Properties/attributes of tracks
      const trackTypes =['Types'][tracksCollection.collection];

      // Variables to be used inside the loop
      let ti, ei, p1, d1, p2, d2, distance, scale, cp1, cp2, curve, trackParams;

      for (let i = 0; i < assocs.length; i++) {
        // Current track info
        trackParams = {};

        // Set properties/attributes of track
        trackTypes.forEach((attribute, attributeIndex) => {
          trackParams[attribute[0]] = tracks[i][attributeIndex];

        // SKIPPING TRACKS WITH pt < min_pt
        if ( < tracksCollection.min_pt) {

        trackParams.color = tracksCollection.color;

        // Track i - location in assocs
        ti = assocs[i][0][1];
        // Extras i - location in assocs
        ei = assocs[i][1][1];

        // Position 1 of current track
        p1 = new Vector3(extras[ei][0][0], extras[ei][0][1], extras[ei][0][2]);
        // Direction of position 1 of current track
        d1 = new Vector3(extras[ei][1][0], extras[ei][1][1], extras[ei][1][2]);

        // Position 2 of current track
        p2 = new Vector3(extras[ei][2][0], extras[ei][2][1], extras[ei][2][2]);
        // Direction of position 2 of current track
        d2 = new Vector3(extras[ei][3][0], extras[ei][3][1], extras[ei][3][2]);

        // Calculate the distance from position 1 to position 2
        distance = p1.distanceTo(p2);
        scale = distance * 0.25;

        // Calculating the control points to generate a bezier curve
        cp1 = new Vector3(
          p1.x + scale * d1.x,
          p1.y + scale * d1.y,
          p1.z + scale * d1.z,
        cp2 = new Vector3(
          p2.x + scale * d2.x,
          p2.y + scale * d2.y,
          p2.z + scale * d2.z,

        // Create the track curve
        curve = new QuadraticBezierCurve3(p1, cp1, p2);

        const positions = [];
        // Divide the curve into points to put into positions array
        for (const position of curve.getPoints(24)) {
          // Increasing the scale to fit Phoenix's event display
          positions.push([position.x, position.y, position.z]);

        trackParams.pos = positions;

      if (Tracks[tracksCollection.collection].length === 0) {
        delete Tracks[tracksCollection.collection];

    return Tracks;

   * Get CMS specific metadata associated to the event.
   * @returns Metadata of the event.
  getEventMetadata(): any[] {
    const metadata = super.getEventMetadata();
    const eventInfo =['Collections']?.['Event_V2']?.[0];
    if (eventInfo?.[3]) {
        label: 'Orbit',
        value: eventInfo[3],
    return metadata;

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