


A single node of phoenix menu item.




constructor(name: string, icon?: string, onToggle?: (value?: boolean) => void, children?: PhoenixMenuNode[], configs?: [], parent?: PhoenixMenuNode)

Create the phoenix menu node.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Name of the node.

icon string Yes

Icon of the node.

onToggle function Yes

Function on toggling the node.

children PhoenixMenuNode[] Yes

Children of the node.

configs [] Yes

Configuration options in the node.

parent PhoenixMenuNode Yes

Parent of the node.


Type : PhoenixMenuNode[]
Default value : []

Children of the node.

Type : boolean
Default value : false

If the node children are active or not.

Private childrenToggleState
Type : object
Default value : {}

Previous toggle state of child nodes. This is so that the previous state of child can be restored if we toggle the parent back on.

Type : boolean
Default value : false

If the node configuration options are active or not.

Type : []
Default value : []

Configuration options in the node.

Type : string

Icon of the node.

Type : string

Name of the node.

Type : number
Default value : 0

Level of the node.

Type : function

Function on toggling the node.

Private parent
Type : PhoenixMenuNode

Parent of the node.

Type : boolean
Default value : true

If the node toggle state is true or false.


addChild(name: string, onToggle?: (value?: boolean) => void, icon?: string)

Add a child to the phoenix menu item.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Name of the child.

onToggle function Yes

Function on toggling the child.

icon string Yes

Icon of the child.

Returns : PhoenixMenuNode

The child node.

addConfig(type: T, options: Omit< | type>)
Type parameters :
  • T

Add a config to the phoenix menu item.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
type T No

Type of configuration.

options Omit< | type> No

Options for the config.

Returns : PhoenixMenuNode

The current node.

applyConfigState(config: any)

Apply the current values of config by calling the change function.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
config any No

Config whose values are to be applied.

Returns : void
findInTree(name: string)

Find a node in the tree by name.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Name of the node to find.

Returns : PhoenixMenuNode

The found node.

findInTreeOrCreate(name: string)

Find a node in the tree by name or create one.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
name string No

Name of the node to find or create.

Returns : PhoenixMenuNode

The found or created node.


Get current state of the node as an object.

Returns : literal type

State of the node as an object.

loadStateFromJSON(json: string | literal type)

Load the state of the phoenix menu node from JSON.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
json string | literal type No

JSON containing the phoenix menu node state.

Returns : void

Remove the current node.

Returns : void
removeChild(child: PhoenixMenuNode)

Remove a child node.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
child PhoenixMenuNode No

The child node to be removed.

Returns : PhoenixMenuNode

The current node.

toggleSelfAndDescendants(value: boolean)

Function for toggling the current and all child nodes.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
value boolean No

If the node itself and descendants are to be made true or false.

Returns : void

Remove all children.

Returns : void
import { PhoenixMenuConfigs } from './config-types';

 * A single node of phoenix menu item.
export class PhoenixMenuNode {
  /** Name of the node. */
  name: string;
  /** Icon of the node. */
  icon: string;
  /** Function on toggling the node. */
  onToggle: (value: boolean) => void;
  /** If the node toggle state is true or false. */
  toggleState: boolean = true;
  /** Children of the node. */
  children: PhoenixMenuNode[] = [];
  /** Configuration options in the node. */
  configs: PhoenixMenuConfigs[keyof PhoenixMenuConfigs][] = [];
  /** Level of the node. */
  nodeLevel: number = 0;
  /** Parent of the node. */
  private parent: PhoenixMenuNode;
   * Previous toggle state of child nodes. This is so that the
   * previous state of child can be restored if we toggle the parent back on.
  private childrenToggleState = {};

  /** If the node children are active or not. */
  childrenActive: boolean = false;
  /** If the node configuration options are active or not. */
  configActive: boolean = false;

   * Create the phoenix menu node.
   * @param name Name of the node.
   * @param icon Icon of the node.
   * @param onToggle Function on toggling the node.
   * @param children Children of the node.
   * @param configs Configuration options in the node.
   * @param parent Parent of the node.
    name: string,
    icon?: string,
    onToggle?: (value: boolean) => void,
    children?: PhoenixMenuNode[],
    configs?: PhoenixMenuConfigs[keyof PhoenixMenuConfigs][],
    parent?: PhoenixMenuNode,
  ) { = name;
    this.icon = icon;
    this.onToggle = onToggle;
    if (children) this.children = children;
    if (configs) this.configs = configs;
    if (parent) this.parent = parent;

   * Add a child to the phoenix menu item.
   * @param name Name of the child.
   * @param onToggle Function on toggling the child.
   * @param icon Icon of the child.
   * @returns The child node.
    name: string,
    onToggle?: (value: boolean) => void,
    icon?: string,
  ): PhoenixMenuNode {
    const child = new PhoenixMenuNode(name, icon, onToggle);
    child.parent = this;
    child.nodeLevel = this.nodeLevel + 1;
    return child;

   * Remove a child node.
   * @param child The child node to be removed.
   * @returns The current node.
  removeChild(child: PhoenixMenuNode): PhoenixMenuNode {
    const childIndex = this.children.indexOf(child);
    this.children.splice(childIndex, 1);
    return this;

   * Remove the current node.
  remove() {
    if (this.parent) {
    } else {
        'Cannot delete root node of phoenix menu. Set it to undefined/null instead.',

   * Remove all children.
  truncate() {
    this.children = [];

   * Add a config to the phoenix menu item.
   * @param type Type of configuration.
   * @param options Options for the config.
   * @returns The current node.
  addConfig<T extends keyof PhoenixMenuConfigs>(
    type: T,
    options: Omit<PhoenixMenuConfigs[T], 'type'>,
  ): PhoenixMenuNode {
    const configsLength = this.configs.push({ type, ...options });
    // Apply the values of config
    this.applyConfigState(this.configs[configsLength - 1]);
    return this;

   * Function for toggling the current and all child nodes.
   * @param value If the node itself and descendants are to be made true or false.
  toggleSelfAndDescendants(value: boolean) {
    this.toggleState = value;
    for (const child of this.children) {
      if (!value) {
        // Save previous toggle state of children and toggle them false
        this.childrenToggleState[] = child.toggleState;
      } else {
        // Restore previous toggle state of children
        child.toggleState = this.childrenToggleState[];

   * Apply the current values of config by calling the change function.
   * @param config Config whose values are to be applied.
  applyConfigState(config: any) {
    // Apply configs of different config types - manual
    if (config.type === 'checkbox' && config?.['isChecked']) {
    } else if (config.type === 'color' && config?.['color'] && ! {
      // Ignore color by options with `!`, otherwise the collection color is overridden
    } else if (config.type === 'slider' && config?.['value']) {
    } else if (
      config.type === 'rangeSlider' &&
      config?.['value'] !== undefined
    ) {
        value: config?.['value'],
        highValue: config?.['highValue'],

   * Get current state of the node as an object.
   * @returns State of the node as an object.
  getNodeState(): { [key: string]: any } {
    const phoenixNodeJSON: { [key: string]: any } = {};

    phoenixNodeJSON['name'] =;
    phoenixNodeJSON['nodeLevel'] = this.nodeLevel;
    phoenixNodeJSON['toggleState'] = this.toggleState;
    phoenixNodeJSON['childrenActive'] = this.childrenActive;
    phoenixNodeJSON['configs'] = this.configs;
    phoenixNodeJSON['children'] = [];

    for (const child of this.children) {

    return phoenixNodeJSON;

   * Load the state of the phoenix menu node from JSON.
   * @param json JSON containing the phoenix menu node state.
  loadStateFromJSON(json: string | { [key: string]: any }) {
    let jsonObject: any;
    if (typeof json === 'string') {
      jsonObject = JSON.parse(json);
    } else {
      jsonObject = json;

    this.childrenActive = jsonObject['childrenActive'];
    this.toggleState = jsonObject['toggleState'];
    this.toggleState !== undefined && this.onToggle?.(this.toggleState);

    for (const configState of jsonObject['configs']) {
      const nodeConfig = this.configs.find(
        (nodeConfig) =>
          nodeConfig.type === configState['type'] &&
          nodeConfig.label === configState['label'],

      if (nodeConfig) {
        for (const prop in configState) {
          nodeConfig[prop] = configState[prop];


    for (const childState of jsonObject['children']) {
      const nodeChild = this.children.filter(
        (nodeChild) =>
 === &&
          nodeChild.nodeLevel === childState.nodeLevel,

      if (nodeChild) {

   * Find a node in the tree by name.
   * @param name Name of the node to find.
   * @returns The found node.
  findInTree(name: string): PhoenixMenuNode {
    if ( === name) {
      return this;
    } else {
      for (const child of this.children) {
        const nodeFound = child.findInTree(name);
        if (nodeFound) {
          return nodeFound;

   * Find a node in the tree by name or create one.
   * @param name Name of the node to find or create.
   * @returns The found or created node.
  findInTreeOrCreate(name: string): PhoenixMenuNode {
    let prevNode: PhoenixMenuNode = this;
    name.split('>').forEach((nodeName) => {
      nodeName = nodeName.trim();
      const nodeFound = prevNode.findInTree(nodeName);
      // const nodeFound = prevNode.children.find(child => === nodeName);

      prevNode = nodeFound ? nodeFound : prevNode.addChild(nodeName, () => {});
    return prevNode;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""