


Color manager for three.js functions related to coloring of objects.




constructor(sceneManager: SceneManager)

Create the coloring manager.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
sceneManager SceneManager No

The scene manager responsible for managing the three.js scene.


Public collectionColor
collectionColor(collectionName: string, color: any)

Changes the color of all objects inside an event data collection.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
collectionName string No

Name of the collection.

color any No

Hex value representing the color.

Returns : void
Public collectionColorRandom
collectionColorRandom(collectionName: string)

Changes the color of all objects inside an event data collection to some random color.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
collectionName string No

Name of the collection.

Returns : void
colorObjectsByProperty(color: any, objectsGroup: string, customCheck: (objectUserData: any) => void)

Color objects by a property's value or range.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
color any No

Color to set for the object.

objectsGroup string No

Name of the object(s) group to color.

customCheck function No

Function to custom check values against object params.

Returns : void
Public colorTracksByVertex
colorTracksByVertex(collectionName: string)

Randomly color tracks by the vertex they are associated with.

Parameters :
Name Type Optional Description
collectionName string No

Name of the collection.

Returns : void
import { Color, MeshPhongMaterial } from 'three';
import { SceneManager } from './scene-manager';

 * Color manager for three.js functions related to coloring of objects.
export class ColorManager {
   * Create the coloring manager.
   * @param sceneManager The scene manager responsible for managing the three.js scene.
  constructor(private sceneManager: SceneManager) {}

   * Color objects by a property's value or range.
   * @param color Color to set for the object.
   * @param objectsGroup Name of the object(s) group to color.
   * @param customCheck Function to custom check values against object params.
    color: any,
    objectsGroup: string,
    customCheck: (objectUserData: any) => boolean,
  ) {
    const objects = this.sceneManager.getScene().getObjectByName(objectsGroup);
    objects.traverse((object: any) => {
      if (object.material?.color && customCheck(object.userData)) {

   * Changes the color of all objects inside an event data collection.
   * @param collectionName Name of the collection.
   * @param color Hex value representing the color.
  public collectionColor(collectionName: string, color: any) {
    const collection = this.sceneManager

    for (const child of Object.values(collection.children)) {
      child.traverse((object) => {
        (object['material']?.color as Color)?.set(color);

   * Changes the color of all objects inside an event data collection to some random color.
   * @param collectionName Name of the collection.
  public collectionColorRandom(collectionName: string) {
    const collection = this.sceneManager

    for (const child of Object.values(collection.children)) {
      child.traverse((object) => {
        (object['material']?.color as Color)?.set(Math.random() * 0xffffff);

   * Randomly color tracks by the vertex they are associated with.
   * @param collectionName Name of the collection.
  public colorTracksByVertex(collectionName: string) {
    const scene = this.sceneManager.getScene();
    const vertices = scene.getObjectByName('Vertices');
    vertices.traverse((object) => {
      const { linkedTrackCollection, linkedTracks } = object.userData;

      if ( === 'Vertex' &&
        linkedTrackCollection === collectionName &&
      ) {
        const colorForTracksVertex = (object['material'] as MeshPhongMaterial)
        const trackCollection = scene.getObjectByName(linkedTrackCollection);

        linkedTracks.forEach((trackIndex: number) => {
          trackCollection.children[trackIndex].traverse((trackObject) => {

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