The following is a list of whitepapers contributed as part of the CWP
process. A few related documents from recent years have also been
If you have a white paper which you would like to contribute to the CWP process, please submit it (in pdf or link form, e.g. in the arXiv) to and it will add be added on this page.
Contributed White Papers
- HSF-CWP-001 - Exploiting HPC for HEP towards Exascale (link to pdf)
- Authors: Wahid Bhimji (LBNL), Taylor Childers (ANL), Lisa Gerhardt (LBNL), Jeff Porter (LBNL)
- Added: 16 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-002 - SDN Next Generation Integrated Architecture (SDN-NGenIA) For HEP and Global Scale Science (link to pdf)
- Harvey Newman (Caltech)
- Added: 19 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-003 - Next Generation Exascale Network Integrated Architecture for HEP and Global Science (link to pdf)
- Harvey Newman (Caltech), M. Spiropulu (Caltech), J. Balcas (Caltech), D. Kcira (Caltech), I. Legrand (Caltech), A. Mughal (Caltech), J. R. Vlimant (Caltech), R. Voicu (Caltech)
- Added: 19 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-004 - Thoughts about HL-LHC Computing Models (link to pdf)
- Maria Girone (CERN), Ian Fisk (Simons Foundation), Oliver Gutsche (FNAL)
- Added: 19 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-005 - Fundamentals of an HL-LHC Computing Model (link to pdf)
- Frank Wuerthwein (UCSD)
- Added: 23 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-006 - Evolution to a HL-LHC Computing Data Model (link to pdf)
- Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy (FNAL)
- Added: 23 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-007 - Practical Reproducible Evaluation of Systems with Popper (link to pdf)
- Ivo Jimenez (UCSC), Michael Sevilla (UCSC), Noah Watkins (UCSC), Carlos Maltzahn (UCSC)
- Added: 23 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-008 - Ceph: An Open-Source Software-Defined Storage Stack (link to pdf)
- Noah Watkins (UCSC), Michael Sevilla (UCSC), Ivo Jimenez (UCSC), Carlos Maltzahn (UCSC)
- Added: 23 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-009 - Evolution of HEP Computing (link to pdf)
- Ian Bird (CERN)
- Added: 23 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-010 - Detector Simulation Challenges in Fermilab IF Experiments (link to pdf)
- V.D. Elvira (FNAL), L.J. Fields (FNAL), K.L. Genser (FNAL), R.W. Hatcher (FNAL), T.Junk (FNAL), R. Kutschke (FNAL), P. Lebrun (FNAL), M. Mooney (BNL), B. Viren (BNL), …
- Added: 23 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-011 - CMS Simulation in the HL-LHC Era (link to pdf)
- S. Banerjee (FNAL), D. Elvira (FNAL), M. Hildreth (FNAL), V. Ivantchenko (Russian Academy of Sciences), K. Pedro (FNAL), I. Osborne (FNAL), S. Sekmen (Kyungpook National University), L. Sexton-Kennedy (FNAL)
- Added: 24 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-012 - ATLAS computing model notes (snapshot 23 Jan 2017) (link to pdf)
- S. Campana (CERN), A. Klimentov (BNL), E. Lancon (BNL), T. Wenaus (BNL)
- Added: 24 Jan 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-013 - Virtual Data (link to pdf)
- Richard Mount (SLAC)
- Added: 2 Feb 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-014 - Some notes on Computing Model evolution/tests/expectations for HL-LHC (link to pdf)
- Tommaso Boccali (INFN-Pisa)
- Added: 7 Mar 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-015 - Deep learning and neutrino physics (link to pdf)
- G. N. Perdue (FNAL), T. Golan (University of Wroclaw), A. Himmel (FNAL), E. Niner (FNAL), F. Psihas (Indiana University), and A. Radovic (College of William & Mary)
- Added: 5 Apr 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-016 - U.S. CMS Response to NSF Dear Colleague Letter: Request for Information on Future Needs for Advanced Cyberinfrastructure to Support Science and Engineering Research (NSF CI 2030) (link to pdf)
- Kenneth Bloom (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Lothar Bauerdick (Fermilab), Brian Bockelman (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), Barry Blumenfeld (The Johns Hopkins University), John Cumulat (University of Colorado), Sridhara Dasu (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Peter Elmer (Princeton University), Oliver Gutsche (Fermilab), Burt Holzman (Fermilab), James Letts (University of California San Diego), Kevin Lannon (University of Notre Dame), Daniel Marlow (Princeton University), David Mason (Fermilab), Norbert Neumeister (Purdue University), Harvey Newman (California Institute of Technology), Elizabeth Sexton-Kennedy (Fermilab), Paul Sheldon (Vanderbilt University), Eric Vaandering (Fermilab), Peter Wittich (Cornell University), Frank Wuerthwein (University of California San Diego), Avi Yagil (University of California San Diego)
- Added: 12 Apr 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-017 - Neutrino event generators (link to pdf)
- G. N. Perdue (FNAL), S. Dennis (University of Liverpool), S. Dytman (University of Pittsburgh), H. R. Gallagher (Tufts University), T. Golan (University of Wroclaw), and J. Wolcott (Tufts University)
- Added: 12 Apr 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-018 - Sustainable Matrix Element Method through Deep Learning (link to pdf)
- P. Chang (University of California at San Diego), S. Gleyzer (University of Florida), M. S. Neubauer (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), D. Zhong (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign)
- Added: 24 Apr 2017
- Keywords:
- HSF-CWP-019 - Hierarchical Data Rolled Up in Columnar Arrays (link to pdf)
- J. Pivarski (Princeton University), T. Malik (DePaul University), M. S. Neubauer (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), P. Elmer (Princeton University)
- Added: 20 Sep 2017
- Keywords: