CWP Working Group Guidance and Practical Suggestions

Goals for the HSF Workshop at SDSC

The HSF Workshop at SDSC in January, 2017 marks the beginning of the CWP process. The process will last through summer, 2017. At this first general CWP workshop, we have two primary goals for the working groups (WG):

  1. Each WG should write and agree on the text for a charge for the WG. The charge should specify three things:
    • The scope - what is covered by the WG, and possibly what is not covered
    • The challenges (see below)
    • Questions the working group should answer during the CWP process
  2. A plan describing how the WG will work over the next 6 months to complete its charge. Things that could be relevant for the plan include:
    • specific input to collect - whitepapers, presentations or dedicated discussion sessions (What? From whom?)
    • meetings of various types, including possibly Vidyo meetings, dedicated topical workshops or sessions at other pre-existing meetings/workshops/conferences, etc. (When? Who will organize them?)


As part of each WG charge, we should specify the expected challenges. From the original CWP charge from WLCG, we expect that most challenges will fall into three rough categories:

  1. to achieve improvements in software efficiency, scalability and performance and to make use of the advances in CPU, storage and network technologies
  2. to enable new approaches to computing and software that could radically extend the physics reach of the detectors
  3. to ensure the long term sustainability of the software through the lifetime of the HL-LHC

The WG charges should provide more detail as to the specific challenges foreseen.

Feedback to charges and plans

The charges and plans developed in the parallel sessions will be presented (briefly) later in the plenary session.

The participation in the developing the charge and plan will likely be dominated by those physically present at the HSF workshop (although we will attempt Vidyo connections for the parallel sessions). The resulting charges and plans will be sent also the CWP google group for wider feedback.

Bonus Questions

Two additional questions for groups that make good progress on their charge and plan:

CWP Roadmap

The goal in 6 months is to produce a “Roadmap for HEP Software and Computing R&D for the 2020s” which responds to the WLCG CWP charge as well as the HSF goal of being inclusive of the wider HEP community.

We need to be clear about defining priorities for the projects we need, how we will be organized to accomplish the projects and how these things fit in a timeline leading to the mid-2020s/HL-LHC era (but which runs through LHC Run 3 and other things in between).

The CWP roadmap is not a full specification of the computing models for all HEP experiments. For HL-LHC (CMS/Atlas), for example, that will happen in 2019-2020 in the computing TDRs.

The questions in the charge should lead to answers which apply to writing down a roadmap in the later phase of the CWP process.