HSF Coordination Meeting #252, 22 June 2023


Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Eduardo Rodrigues, Benedikt Hegner, Michel Jouvin, Nick Smith, Claire Antel, Nicole Skidmore, Stefan Roiser, Tamas Gal, Juraj Smiesko

News, general matters, announcements

JENA Computing Meeting

JENA Computing Meeting took place last week in Bologna. About 70 people attended, from High-Energy Physics, Astroparticle and Nuclear Physics. The meeting had a European focus, with worldwide implications; the OSG was represented (Frank Wuerthwein). Nuclear physics community was European: FAIR, GANIL. Astroparticle was CTA, Rubin, Einstein. We are in contact with SKA, as they will be a big player.

Motivation: at the Joint ECFA-NuPECC-APPEC (JENA) Seminar in May 2022 in Madrid, both the plenary presentations and the closed session of funding agency representatives revealed that there is an increased need for discussions on the strategy and implementation of European federated computing at future large-scale research facilities.

Goals: identify the computing requirements in the next decade and identify synergies that can benefit all the three communities (HEP, Nuclear Physics and Astrophysics).

Conclusions: we identified 5 areas that will be followed up on in working groups, with the aim of each topic providing a chapter that will form a JENA Whitepaper, in advance of the next symposium (Spring 2025) and before the next European Strategy Update.

If you are interested in joining one of these WGs, please email Graeme, Simone and Gonzalo.

Google Summer of Code, 2023

Working Group Updates


Website banners

Remember we have the ability to put event banners on the HSF website. All it requires is a markdown file with the event data. See, e.g., files here.

Data Analysis

Software Training

C++ Course and Hands-on Training

Reconstruction and Software Trigger


Event Generators


Other Interest and Activity Areas


The first ever Julia HEP Workshop is now open for
registrations and we are eagerly awaiting your 
abstracts for talks and tutorials.

It will be a four day long hybrid event from 6-9th 
November 2023 hosted at the Erlangen Centre for 
Astroparticle Physics (ECAP) in Erlangen, Germany. The 
workshop is intended for everyone working in high-
energy physics or related fields. 

For registration and abstract submission, please visit 
https://indico.cern.ch/e/juliahep2023 There is no 
registration fee for online participants.

Important deadlines:

    - 25th September: Submission deadline for contributions
    - 8th October: Registration deadline for local participation
    - 6th November: Registration deadline for online participation

More information about the JuliaHEP Organisation: 

More details on the program including invited talks 
will follow soon after the submission deadline (25th 

Feel free to forward this announcement to people who 
might be interested.

Looking forward to your participation!

The JuliaHEP working group conveners (hsf-juliahep-organisation@googlegroups.com)
Alexander Moreno (Universidad Antonio Nariño, Ibagué, Colombia)
Tamas Gal (ECAP, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Pere Mato (CERN, Switzerland)
Uwe Hernandez Acosta (Center for Advanced Systems Understanding, Görlitz, Germany)

Local organisation team
Jutta Schnabel (ECAP, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)
Tamas Gal (ECAP, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg)

Compute Accelerator Forum

Analysis Facilities Forum



Benedikt started an issue in GitHub to gather ideas about reorganising and revamping the website to better reflect our areas of actual activity.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be, on 6 July. N.B. At CERN we will meet in 40/R-B10 for that meeting.

Please sign up for chairing this or one of the future coordination meetings.