HSF Coordination Meeting #258, 12 October 2023

Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Benedikt Hegner, Patrick Gartung, Liz Sexton Kennedy, Nick Smith, Efe Yazgan, Claire Antel, Pere Mato, Krzysztof Genser, Tamas Gal, Alexander Held

Apologies/Contributing: Eduardo Rodrigues (and others still at PyHEP), Nicole Skidmore (added to notes already about paper)

Working Group Updates

Conveners for 2024

We need to start the process to decide on conveners for the working groups for 2024

Proposed timeline:-

Alex - do we have an engagement issue? We should do more reaching out to help people engage and to get more HSF input / update presentations; at least we would like that new collaboration members are told about the HSF. Ensure that this goes beyond the LHC experiments to Belle II, DUNE, FAIR, etc.

Data Analysis

Software Training

Python courses are running as part of the Software Basics, which should run this November.

C++ Course and Hands-on Training

Advanced C++ course runs next week, at CERN and remote lectures (still some slots available).

Software Tools and Packaging

Want to have Adam Stewart, Spack developer, come to CERN.

Graeme and Marco reported on the use of / plans for Spack across some significant sub-section of the NHEP community and experiments. We reported in last week’s Architects Forum meeting.

Main points:


Detector Simulation

Reconstruction and Software Trigger


Physics Generators

Not yet progress on the topics we would like to cover, viz.,


Other Interest and Activity Areas

Compute Accelerator Forum



There is an issue in GitHub to gather ideas about reorganising and revamping the website to better reflect our areas of actual activity.

We aim to try and have a new website ready for next year.

Community Calendar

As the autumn is now firmly entrenched, we should make sure the calendar is up to date with events for next year.

And anything else relevant for the software and computing communities in NHEP?

Please take your favourite experiment and add the dates!

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on 26 October.

Reminder: please sign up for chairing this or one of the future coordination meetings - we need volunteers from now until the end of the year!