Community White Paper (CWP) Working Groups

Note Bene The groups listed here are of historical interest only. If you are looking for the list of current HSF Working Groups then please check this page.

In October, 2016, the process of forming CWP working groups began. Working groups self-organized with some help from the HEP experiment software/computing coordinators and the HSF startup team. Charges were formulated to describe the challenges in that area and questions which need to be answered to produce a roadmap for the CWP.

The working group charges and working group document should be world-visible for reading. Please join the hsf-community-white-paper Google group if you would like to edit or comment. For those groups that chose not to use Google Docs, please contact the group for the best way to comment or contribute.

Note: it is possible to register to all the Google groups without a Google account. In this case, send an empty email (subject and contents ignored) to the group email, adding +subscribe after the group name. (e.g.

As the CWP process is now concluding, this page is mostly for information and to capture some history now. Please see the CWP status page for the latest status of working group papers.

Computing Models, Facilities, and Distributed Computing WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)


Draft WG white paper: google doc

Detector Simulation WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)

Plans: The WG plans to hold a series of meetings, every month or so. The first of these is:

Draft WG white paper: google doc

Software Trigger and Event Reconstruction WG

Charge and meeting notes: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)

Draft WG white paper: google doc

Draft WG executive summary: google doc

Visualization WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)

Plans: the visualization WG plans to hold a couple of workshops. The first (at CERN and in Vidyo) is planned:

Draft WG white paper: google doc

Data Access, Organization and Management WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)

Draft WG white paper: google doc

Machine Learning WG

Google group: (link to subscribe)

The WG had 2 workshops in 2017.

Review: Draft WG white paper: ShareLaTeX

Conditions Database WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)


Draft WG white paper: google doc

Event Processing Frameworks WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)


Draft WG white paper: google doc

Software Development, Deployment and Validation/Verification WG

Charge: Google Doc|

Google group: (link to subscribe)


Draft WG white paper: google doc; original dropbox paper has been archived (it has some interesting comment threads)

Data Analysis and Interpretation WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)


Draft WG white paper: google doc

Workflow and Resource Management WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)


Data and Software Preservation WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)


Draft WG notes: google doc

Careers, Staffing and Training WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)


Draft WG white paper: ShareLaTeX

Physics Generators WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: none yet


Draft WG white paper: Overleaf (latest version from 2017/11/11 archived on HSF/documents)

Math Libraries WG

Charge: Google Doc

Google group: (link to subscribe)


Data Acquisition Software WG

Charge: Google Doc

Status: not yet active

Google group: none yet


Various Aspects of Technical Evolution (Software Tools, Hardware, Networking) WG

Charge: Google Doc

Status: not yet active

Google group: none yet


Monitoring WG

Charge: Google Doc

Status: not yet active

Google group: none yet


Security and Access Control WG

Google Doc

Google group: None yet
