Reconstruction and Software Triggers

Mandate and Goals

The Reconstruction and Software Triggers Activity Area considers approaches and solutions to common challenges across HEP in the area of event reconstruction and software triggering (e.g., algorithms and data structures designed for online and offline processing of raw detector data). The group targets challenges identified during the CWP process as well as new ones arising as the state of R&D advances. This forum should foster collaboration on design and implementation challenges, the adoption of common approaches, and raise awareness of existing solutions known to the community. Topics of interest include the evaluation of new foundational libraries; techniques for track and calorimetric-object reconstruction and identification; pattern recognition and clustering; new approaches, including applications of machine learning techniques and real-time analysis techniques; the effective use of modern computing hardware through threading, vectorisation and use of accelerator technologies; and the application of profiling and quality assurance toolkits.

Get involved

Current WG conveners:

Contact the group conveners by email.

Everyone is welcome to participate and contribute on the forum and to the ongoing meetings. For more information, contact us or follow our mailing list on google groups hsf-recotrigger.

Recent activities

Group activities

Former Conveners