The Physics Generators Activity Area is a common forum for discussion and
technical work on the physics event generators used by HEP experiments.
It promotes the collaboration of experimental and theoretical physicists
from different experiments and generator teams and of software and computing
engineers, with the aim of having them work together on improving the current
codes and production workflows and on making new theoretical advances
easier to implement in a computationally efficient way.
The group was set up as a follow-up of the Physics Event Generator
Computing Workshop that was held at CERN in November 2018, during which
an initial program of work in this area was identified.
The mailing list for all WG members is
If you would like to subscribe to this group,
please click on
or send an email to
Physics Event Generator WG meetings, events and other resources
- WG meetings and Computing Workshop organization:
indico category
- Josh McFayden’s talk
at the LHCC review, 3 November 2021
- The HSF Generator WG, “HL-LHC Computing Review Stage-2, Common Software Projects: Event Generators”,
30 September 2021 [arXiv:2109.14938]
- The HSF Generator WG, “Challenges in Monte Carlo event generator software for High-Luminosity LHC”,
Comput Softw Big Sci 5, 12 (2021) [doi:10.1007/s41781-021-00055-1]
- Andrea Valassi’s talk
at the WLCG meeting with LHCC referees, 1 September 2020
Other resources
- (2019) Steve Mrenna’s talk
at LAWSCHEP, Mexico City, 21 November 2019
- (2019) Andrea Valassi’s talk
at the 12th LHCb Computing Workshop, CERN, 20 November 2019
- (2019) Andy Buckley’s talk
at ACAT, Saas Fee, 15 March 2019
- (2018-2021) Computing Workshop “proceedings” draft draft
in Overleaf
- (2018) Computing Workshop debriefing, CERN, 11 December 2018:
HSF meeting report
- (2018) Computing Workshop, CERN, 26-28 November 2018:
- (2017) Generator and theory CWP chapter draft:
(latest sources and pdf from 11 November 2017 archived
on HSF/documents)
Current convenors
- Saptaparna Bhattacharya, CMS and Wayne State University (2024-)
- Stephen Mrenna, CMS and Fermilab (2024-)
- Phil Ilten, LHCb and University of Cincinnati (2023-)
All convenors can be reached by email.
- Stefan Hoeche (2018-2019)
- Steve Mrenna (2018-2019)
- Taylor Childers (2018-2019)
- Andrea Valassi (2018-2021)
- Josh McFayden (2018-2022)
- Efe Yazgan (2020-2023)
- Markus Diefenthaler (2022-2023)