HSF Steering Group

The HEP Software Foundation Steering Group (SG) is a group of motivated individuals who take responsibility for promoting, guiding and monitoring the HSF’s activities in all areas. They have the role of preserving the HSF’s knowledge and engagement with the community over multiple years and over changes of working group conveners.

The SG takes responsibility for deciding on which working groups and activities that the HSF will engage in, with a view to making the HSF’s activities as beneficial for the HEP community as possible, whilst also respecting and nurturing the HSF’s “bottom-up” philosophy. The SG will meet regularly, once a quarter.

Each member of the SG should take responsibility for following an HSF activity, e.g., a particular working group or a workshop or event organised by the HSF. The SG will ensure that working groups remain active and cross coordinate with related activities; and that topical activities, such as workshops, should arrive at an agreed conclusion, where the outcome is clear, preserved for the future and that any follow-ups are acted on.

The SG will invite new members from amongst the active HSF members and working group conveners in order to ensure a healthy active SG group. When a SG member becomes inactive in the HSF they will leave the SG.

The SG is convened by a chair, who is elected annually by the group. The chair is responsible for organising the regular SG meetings. The SG organises itself by seeking consensus. If the SG cannot agree on a particular issue, input will be solicited from the HSF Advisory Group and, if appropriate, the wider HSF community. In a last instance, the SG may hold a vote on a particular issue.

Following the concept of a do-ocracy active contributors to the HSF are invited to join. These are the current members of the group: