Publishing CWP Working Group Papers to arXiv

This is the currently and strongly recommended way to publish each of the CWP WG papers to arXiv. This route ensures a high presentation standard for the finished paper and allows reuse of bibtex files and author affiliations. It also archives the document sources in the HSF document repository.

  1. Finalise paper text, ensuring a good standard of English (select your preferred variant and use it for the whole document), scientific content and rigour (we have come a long way - let’s not fall at the final hurdle!).
    • Try to do this as much as possible within your working group, but ask the CWP Ghost Writers team for help if needed.
  2. If necessary, convert from Google Doc to LaTeX using pandoc
    • Download your Google Doc as docx, a.k.a. MS Word, format
    • Using pandoc, which is easily installed, convert your docx file to latex:
        pandoc -f docx -t latex -o wgpaper.tex wgpaper.docx
    • The conversion is generally very accurate, but within itemize environments you may find that text is inside a spurious quote environment and that some odd non-breaking spaces appear. Just delete these.
  3. Adopt the JHEP preprint style, using the template in the software development paper.
    • Copy the jheppub.sty file into your latex area as it is needed for arXiv side compilation.
  4. Build the author list: the strongly recommended way is to create a text file authors.txt and use the tool to generate the TeX-formatted author list, following the steps below (look at DOMA paper for an example):
    • authors.txt: the easiest is to start from the global CWP author list and remove unnecessary entries. The line format in this file is:
        Surname, Forename - Affiliation_ID (footnote_key)
    • In the previous line, Affiliation_ID refers to the first word in the affiliation list and footnote_key to the number at the start of the line in the footnote list. If there are several affiliations, use ` & ` as the separator. If there are several footnotes, separate them with a comma without surrounding spaces.
    • Run to generate the authors.tex file (and arxiv.txt for arXiv submission). Assuming you used the recommended directory structure, the command to use is (use --help for more details):
        ../../HSF-CWP-2017-01_roadmap/authors/ \
                                                --jhep \
                                                --footnotes ../../HSF-CWP-2017-01_roadmap/authors/footnotes.txt \
                                                --affiliations ../../HSF-CWP-2017-01_roadmap/authors/address.txt
  5. To create the title page use the \maketitle statement (without arguments). Before you need to define the title, the abstract and the author list:
    • The title must be HEP Software Foundation Community White Paper Working Group -- My Working Group. To define it, use the following statement:
         \title{the title text}
    • To define the astract, use:
       \abstract{your abstract text}
    • To define the author list, use the authors.tex file created at the previous step, using:
  6. Add a copyright and license statement as a LaTeX comment (first line of your .tex file) - we strongly recommend:
     % Copyright (C) 2018, The HSF Community White Paper authors, licence CC-BY-4.0.
  7. When finalised/finalising add the document sources to the HSF documents github repo,, following the usual pull request workflow. You can ask hegner, eduardo-rodrigues, graeme-a-stewart or jouvin for a review (best to pick at least two).
    • Your paper should go into CWP/papers/HSF-CWP-2017-XX_short-wg-name/latex (the first part for correct ordering, the second for allowing people to know which paper is which at a glance).
  8. You can take advantage of the large bibtex file that was used for the roadmap for your references.
    • There is also a common file for references to WG papers themselves.
  9. Upload to arXiv, use “Computational Physics (physics.comp-ph)” as the primary subject, with “High Energy Physics - Experiment (hep-ex)” as a secondary.
    • Note that when uploading files to arXiv, it is the .bbl file of resolved and formatted references that is required, not the source .bib files.
  10. You can now finalise your own paper’s reference in CWP/papers/HSF-CWP-2017-01_roadmap/latex/cwp-chapters.bib.
    • Make a final commit to github with this last piece of information so that all regenerated WG texts will include the new cross reference correctly.