Phoenix, interactive data visualization - Development of an experiment independent javascript event display framework and data format


Visualising HEP event data is currently typically done per experiment (e.g. VP1, Iguana, Fireworks), and normally involves the installation of dedicated software. However modern browsers are more than capable of showing complex detector geometry, as well as representations of the underlying physics. As the Visualisation section of HSF Community White Paper explained, using an intermediate data format (e.g. JSON) makes it possible to separate the event display from the underlying (experiment-specific) software framework.

Phoenix is a framework that can be used by any typical (e.g. colliding beam) High Energy Physics experiment. It was initially based on work done for the TrackML Kaggle/Codalab challenges (and internal use by ATLAS). GSOC students in 2019 and 2020 ported it to angular, wrote and implemented a new menu system and much more. Most base functionality now exists for the core display - the task now is to polish this, and develop better the VR display.

Task ideas

Expected results

UI improvements for both normal views and VR, and possibly some improved core functionality.


Angular, Typescript, Web development (GUI design experience and threejs knowledge a bonus).


Corresponding Project

Participating Organizations