Extend and improve the CERNBox Notifications platform


CERNBox is a sync and share collaborative cloud storage solution developed at CERN, used by more than 37K users and storing over 18PB of data.

Reva is the core of the CERNBox service. It is a middleware framework, providing interoperability between storage and application providers using a universal set of APIs. This enables CERNBox to connect to an array of storages, allowing collaborative data services and applications to function at a large scale.

This Student Proposal aims to extend the capabilities of Reva’s notification system with more features to improve the user experience and the programmers’ available API.

Task ideas

Any ideas the student comes up with while working on the project are welcome!

Expected results

The scope and extent of the improvements will be tailored to the skills / available time of the student. We expect that at the conclusion of the project, the agreed upon new features of the CERNBox notification system will be implemented.



Additional Information

Corresponding Project

Participating Organizations