DD4hep is a detector description toolkit for high energy physics used for simulations of detectors using the geant4 particles through matter simulation code. In addition to providing a detector geometry description layer on top of geant4, DD4hep provides alignment, CAD, digitization, reconstruction, and other modules. Although some projects use custom infrastructure to steer simulations, DD4hep comes standard with DDSim: a versatile python-based utility to run simulations on the command line. DDSim is currently focused on single-threaded running of geant4 simulations. In recent geant4 versions, multithreaded running of geant4 has become more common. In this project, we wish for the DDSim tool to be converted to allow the use of multithreaded geant4. The outcome of this project will allow for DD4hep simulations to run on high performance computing systems.
The expected result is to be able to run DDSim with geant4 in multithreaded mode using a backwards compatible command line interface that accepts the same arguments as it does for single-threaded operation.
Interested students please contact the mentors for more details and an evaluation task.