How to Add a New project in HSF GSoC

Instructions for Adding a New Proposal

Every proposal must be attached to an organization (e.g. CERN, Fermilab…) and to a project (e.g. ROOT, GeantV…). If you add your own proposal yourself, be sure add the appropriate organization and project attributes (not case sensitive) in the front-matter section of the proposal. See next sections if you need to add a new organization or project but if you use an existing project and organization for your proposal you don’t have to do anything else that what was described above.

Proposals have to be tuned this year for 90-hour 175-hour or 350h project length. For 175h projects please propose coding topics having well-defined deliverables, rather than R&D with unforeseen timeline and results. Remember that your student will effectively work in total only about 30 days (6 hours/day) on the project!

Please do not forget to add essential information like level of difficulty, duration and an explicit statement about mentor availability.

Instructions for Adding a New Project

Proposals are attached to a project (e.g. ROOT, CMS…). If you want to add a project for your proposal, you need to create a Markdown file describing your project in _gsocprojects/YEAR directory (must start with project_, look at HSF project for an example). This is a very simple file, containing only a front matter section that defines the attributes of your organization. The 2 mandatory attributes are project (your project name) and layout (which must be default). In addition you can use 2 optional attributes:

It can be several lines: look at the example for detailed syntax. The content is a standard Markdown text indented by at least one space (the number is not important but must be the same for all lines).

A proposal is attached to a project by its attribute project that must match (not case sensitive) the project attribute defined in project MD file. This attribute can be a single value or a list. For a list, use the following syntax in the front matter section:

 - GeantV

Instructions for Adding a New Organization

Proposals are attached to an organization (e.g. CERN, Fermilab…). If you are a new organization, you need to create a MD file describing your organization in gsoc directory. This is a very simple file, containing only a front matter section that defines the attributes of your organization.

A proposal is attached to an organization by its attribute organization that must match (case insensitive) the organization attribute defined in organization MD file. This attribute can be a single value or a list. For a list, use the following syntax in the front matter section:

 - Fermilab

To create a new organization, copy _gsocorgs/2020/, create a file for your organization and edit its contents as appropriate.

Organization logos should be called ORGANIZATION-logo.png and be less than 100kB in size.

HSF GSoC Mentor Guideline 2024

2024 HSF GSoC Mentor Guideline