Compiler-Research - We are a group of programming languages enthusiasts located at Princeton University and CERN. Our primary goal is research into foundational software tools helping scientists to program for speed, interoperability, interactivity, flexibility, and reproducibility. Our current research focus is primarily in interpretative C/C++/CUDA, automatic differentiation tools, and C++ language interoperability with Python and D.
Design and Develop a CUDA engine working along with C/C++ mode in clang-repl
Broaden the Scope for the Floating-Point Error Estimation Framework in Clad
Add support for differentiating with respect to multidimensional arrays (or pointers) in Clad
Implement vector mode in forward mode automatic differentiation in Clad
Optimize ROOT use of modules for large codebases (eg, CMSSW)
Implement libInterOp API exposing memory, ownership and thread safety information