HEP Software Foundation Startup Team Meeting notes Jan 12 2015


Present: Torre, Amber, Andrea, Dario, Pere, Richard, Daniel, Graeme

Apologies: Michel, Peter, Liz

News on contact meetings & discussions

Michel by email: I exchanged a couple of emails with my contacts in Nuclear Physics community, there was a positive interest but I think this is something that will progress after the workshop. And I also spoke with people in a French lab involved mainly in Cosmology and Astrophysics but again I don’t expect a concrete outcome before the workshop.

Pere - had ALICE discussion today. About 25 people present, a few people spoke. Reused slides from IF discussion. Predrag puzzled about what foundation will be doing. Perceives HSF as trying to provide a solution without really knowing what the problem is. Puts as very high priority the support for intellectual property/licensing. Software inventory can be very relevant, it also ties into licensing. GSI folks don’t see benefit to HSF. They are already collaborating with ROOT, providing sw to the community, hard to see benefits of HSF. Still some echoes of the first discussion at CERN, impression that HSF is just politics and won’t help get things done. Tried to convince that this is bottom up, politics is the last thing we are concerned about. They do see good elements like collaboration, training, etc. Perhaps warmed some to the HSF towards end of meeting. No one from ALICE at the workshop but will prepare a couple slides, perhaps present remotely.

Dario - had similar feedback from private discussions. Confusion over who is going to provide what. HSF as clearinghouse for solutions and sharing expertise in parallelization, MT, etc. they see clear advantage. Try to convince people at the workshop that this is what we want to provide (as it in fact is). Also discussions with astro community. But late news is they aren’t able to provide a rep at the workshop. General message from them is they work largely separately, little communication between groups, some see benefits from a wider community.

Torre - Planning an astro discussion with LSST folks tomorrow, details to be firmed up. Also a face to face discussion Thu 22.

Torre - Daniel organized meetings last week with IF (meeting notes distributed) and Fermilab experts (meeting notes to come). Workshop abstracts will be coming.

Graeme - had HSF chat with Gaudi, LHCb, ATLAS folks, can expect an abstract on Gaudi, and one on how HSF can help assemble coherent pieces of software.

Richard - will give an ATLAS position statement and slides illustrating the sort of things ATLAS is interested in, and existing ATLAS involvement in the common good.

Pere - tomorrow is our meeting with theory/generator people, 4pm CERN time.

SLAC workshop

We went through and mostly settled the detailed agenda for the workshop; indico is now being filled in.


No meeting next Monday. See you at SLAC!