HEP Software Foundation Startup Team Meeting notes Jun 1 2015
- Activities, working group updates
- Agenda for iFB June 24th
- AoB
Present: Andrew, Torre, Dario, Pere, Benedikt, Liz
- Because of the low attendance of the meeting Liz was asking if is the actual slot is the proper time slot. Agree to set a Doodle to try to maximize the attendance.
- Dario has made a HSF presentation in the Scientific Computing in Italy annual meeting in italian. About 50 people participating.
- Pere will be giving a HSF presentation to the AIDA 2020 kickoff meeting this week on Wednesday. Slides will be circulated for comments before.
- Torre reported that a new LoI for a DOE call has been prepared last week. This includes the “next steps for an event service”, data streams and data knowledge. This is in connection to ATLAS and Light sources program in BNL. In a couple of months there will be something more concrete. It includes connections to HSF and the potential of an activity beyond the current people involved.
- Concerning Technical Notes, Torre has invited the co-authors of the US DOE HEP computing working group reports to provide them as Technical notes. We started to discuss how to bring existing notes into the system.
Software Projects
- AIDA 2020 presentation should be viewed as an invitation for the software packages developed under the AIDA project to because part of HSF and be somehow become guinea-pics.
Technical Notes
- Andrew reported that the first draft of the technical notes policy document has been posted to the technical forum. It is a very credible first version.
- We started discussing about the formatting and how to incorporate existing documents. In general, Torre thinks that we could add existing documents after some judgment from us to see if it is adequate. A front page could be added (with the note number) to comply to the format recommend for HSF technical notes. The proposal says that the copyright stays with the original author but we have the right to publish it.
- Each TN will have be immutable and the number is fixed. A new revision of the same document will get a new TN number.
- A soon comments are incorporated to the proposal it will be circulated to the general HSF mailing list.
Knowledge Base
- The discussion that took place at last meeting is well minuted. Torre can dump the contents of the database very easily. We just need to decide where is the destination.
- MediaWiki is clearly one possibility. GitHub is also very appealing according to Torre. The hierarchy is already existing. Torre will be motivated when we have somebody to start working on the new system.
- Liz very supportive on the GitHub. The possibility to assign a DOI (digital object identify) will help to address any document in the repository.
- Had the first meeting among interested parties with with some absences. Next one is tomorrow at 4pm in which Brett will present his view.
- Pere asked about how Liz sees reaching a consensus. The important question is how hard will be to adopt to the new system by the current parties. A cost benefit will need to be evaluated.
- John is currently working on producing a document.
- Dario mentions that training material based on “notebooks” looks very interesting. He is currently working with Rob Kutschke. Pere agrees that this is in general very interesting, although it may only fit a subset of training topics.
- Dario has started with the WikiFM platform since he gets the help of people to setup them.
iFB Meeting 24th June
- Agree to the meeting on Wednesday 24th at 4pm CET time. We should foresee a 1.5-2 hours slot.
- The agenda will be composed with short presentations from the different working groups
- To should have the first meeting of the Training WG before to iFB.
- The first issue of the HSF Newsletter can be a summary of the presentations in this iFB meeting.