HEP Software Foundation Startup Team Meeting notes Dec 10 2015
Indico Agenda
Present: Michel, Liz, Benedikt, Pere, Andrew, Andrea
Apologies from: Torre, Dario
News and general updates
- WLCG overview board took place last week, in which there was a status talk done Ian Bird. He had the
feeling that the progress was slower than foreseen. Michel made the point that quite a lot of progress has been made recently.
- GDB discussion about the IT re-organization. There will be new team for R&D about computing performance.
Very broad mandate but needs to be concreted by some discussion with the experiments. Same alarms has been raised that this activity
could be made in isolation. Andrea added some clarifications.
Licensing NT
- Michel reported that a bit more editing is still needed to incorporate the latest comments.
Agreed to send it once more in the mailing list now. And publish it in January.
- Liz reported that she is trying to incorporate Brett’s thread into the document.
We could fork the details on other notes such as the naming conventions document.
Liz will summary the key points of the discussion. Some extra explanatory text will need to be incorporated into the document.
By the beginning of the January it should be made available.
Benedikt added that by definition it is ready since is the current state of knowledge.
- Liz is trying to resurrect the Fermilab build system to have a second site for nightly continuous integration (CI) system.
The Fermilab CI system already uses Jenkins.
- Conda packaging system will enter in the tables but Liz will need help of Benedikt for this.
- We need to start collecting information and material of existing tutorials and courses.
- Pere will suggest Lorenzo and Sergei to put recent tutorial on ML on to the repository.
Logo Contest
- Variation of logos should count as one contribution and one vote.
- The logo contest explanation with the rules should be reported in a different web page than the voting page.
- End of the fist week in January should be the dead line for proposals.
- The contest with the rules should be added to the Newsletter now.
News Letter
- Pere got some feedback: dates should be expressed in a clear format (the US format is confusing),
invitation to Belle II collaboration meeting to introduce HSF.
- New one should be sent before the end of the year break.
- Michel insisted on having the standard workflow (gut pull request,…) for editing and publishing new issues.
Software knowledge base and communication
- Got some few additions, in particular related to the tracking software.
- Michel: Fixing the dates and lovation for the next HSF workshop. We need one by next spring with few achievements.
Before the end of the year we need to fix the dates.
- WLCG workshop contribution. The software session is not there. Perhaps a little status report of HSF would be requested/possible.
- Benedikt reported on the tracking meeting. 50 people participated in person and remote.
Frank G. and Markus E. will like to lead the follow up. The real meeting will be in connecting the dots workshop in Vienna.
HSF has been invited to make a presentation.
- Benedikt reported on a possible collaboration identified for the conditions database.
The first meeting took place today with the presence of the computing coordinators from Belle and ATLAS, LHCb was not there.