HEP Software Foundation Startup Team Meeting notes Jan 28 2016
Indico Agenda
Present: Benedikt, Andrea, Pere, Liz, Ben, Michel, Thomas
Apologies from: Torre
News and general updates
- New meeting time slot selected: Thursdays at 3pm CET.
- Agreed that the meeting announcements will be completely open to everybody (to the forum mailing list).
Then people can join if they wish to contribute to the meeting. The agenda will be published before to allow people to decide.
- The HSF newsletter is still required to inform the community.
- Pere was asked to make a presentation of HSF to Belle II meeting next Wednesday at 8:30 CET.
Technical Notes
- License TN. The note is final and will be published by Michel. Andrea is planning to provide some feedback from Tim Smith ASAP.
- Benedikt contacted few people of the German community and CERN people on the development of software tools,
to take part in the working group. There has been positive feedback, but waiting for something more concrete, with
the idea to populate the Wikitolearn with material.
- Next meeting of the working group will take place the second week of February.
It will include the outside HEP community viewpoint. Jim Amundson will be presenting.
- The next steps after the information has been collected, are to finish the note summarizing the findings.
The next meeting is the last one. Then we will start planning the work.
The first goal would be to have a repository with the complete set of ‘recipes’ for building all packages.
Logo Contest
- Need a reminder that contest exists. We close at the time of the next workshop.
Probably the closing date would need to be a month before the workshop.
- So far, only a bunch of minor updates not worth to publish a new issue.
- We need to include the license TN in one of issues, in particular explaining some of the concepts.
Next HSF workshop
- Michel proposed a number of dates corresponding to the availability of the main auditorium at LAL.
- Perhaps the main auditorium is not needed all the days. Several rooms can used in parallel hosting 30-40 people.
- May is a bit complicated month as there are many holidays.
- The first week of May, from Monday 2 to Wednesday 4 (Ascension in on Thursday) looks attractive.
- Agreed to pre-book the LAL Auditorium, the rooms, and send a mail to the general list indicating the dates.
- Pere will send the announcement asking if there is a clash with any other major events.
- The proposal by Torre about the structure and contents of the workshop was well received.
- Dedicated working group meetings
- Hackaton oriented.
WLCG Workshop Feb 2016
- The WLCG meeting is the next week in Lisbonne. Benedikt has prepared some slides to introduce the discussion.
Feedback received from Dario, Pere, Andrew.
- Michel: typically the WS is not for software but is good to have a connection to the people developing the software.
- Ben: mentioned that perhaps the grid client software would also need to undertake some evolution on its usability and simplification.
But, this time we need to focus on the performance of the application software a
means to conciliate the available resources with the ever-increasing requirements.
- Feedback to Benedikt before tomorrow noon.
- Liz: is the HSF on the right tack? probably yes, because we are working on the tools that will allow to improve the performance.
Is there more R&D effort to be done?
- New collaborations should also be mentioned. Their visibility can be strengthen by the HSF (e.g. Conditions, ….)
- Benedikt: Tomorrow there will be a common tracking software meeting. Mainly a preparation for the connecting the dots workshop.
- Michel: we need to close the doodle of the startup team meeting slot.