HSF Startup Team Meeting Feb 11 2016
Indico Agenda
Present: Benedikt, Liz, Pere, John, Marco Clemencic, Dario, Andrew, Riccardo Iaconelli, Guilherme Amadio
May HSF workshop progress
- Michel has created an Indico event, as discussed at our last meeting: https://indico.cern.ch/event/496146/.
- He has also started to work on a preliminary budget. For 100 people, the estimate of 18 k€ including
the logistics (15%), the lunch and coffee breaks (40%) and a social event in Paris (45%).
That would mean registration fees = 175€ for covering everything.
- The general opinion was that this budget looks very reasonable. No objections.
- We probably need to send a first bulletin for people to plan the trip as soon as possible.
Round table for activities updates
- The TN on Licensing will have the last changes to be put there. People are very much convinced.
- The TN on Machine/Job Features is in consultation phase. This phase finishes next friday.
It will be discussed are the LCG Operation and Coordination meeting. Distributed to the LCG committee for comments.
To become a rollout campaign for the sites.
- Benedikt reported on the last meeting for packaging group. It was devoted to present the Spack tool,
which is a new tool from the HPC community. It is a the outcome of similar review as we are doing. It seems to fulfill
most of the requirements. Binary installation and relocation are missing. This could be part of the next workshop.
- This new tool will be added to the TN reviewing the tools.
Next newsletter
- Once the licensing TN is out, we need a new newsletter.
Logo contest
- How to proceed? Dario will re-send an mail to remind people of the contest. The closing date for new proposal on April 18th.
Knowledge base
- People should be able to modify or add information into the KB. A help page exists to guide you.
- Liz sent the announcement of the HEP Forum for Computational Excellence that is organizing an open community-wide
meeting to be held March 16-17 at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. There is no agenda yet.
Liz and probably Torre will participate.
- Funding agencies in the US are pushing collaborations towards HPC resources.
This implies that software will need to be adapted. This is not the case in Europe so far.