Michel - discussion at IN2P3, role of HSF, roadmap process. They are very supportive. Discussing how to get more involvement from French people. Direction is good.
OK to distribute to open forum.
Would be good to have a reviewer from the future experiments community; linear collider, FCC, Belle II (recall G4 has much Japanese involvement), etc. Perhaps Frank has a suggestion. At the least, have them participate. Benedikt and Pere will ask.
So far one (positive) response from the 8 invites sent. [now two.]
Search for a room has begun.
CWP approved in WLCG MB, to no discussion
We need to fix the dates for the pre-meetings in September:
Propose to find two days in the Wed 21-Fri 23 window, ~4-7pm
Gaudi workshop is on the same dates, 21-23. Probably can accommodate stopping at 4pm (more difficult the first day). Thu-Fri looks the best option: final approval by experiments, WLCG…
Kickoff meeting: finding a date challenging
Agreed we should send a brief announcement now as people are making their travel plans. Michel will send one. [done]
Aim to write a more extended announcement next week (in the context of a newsletter) when we hopefully have dates for Sep meeting and kickoff meeting.
Dario working to add categories to the SW&C KB: collected pointers to different categories of materials. Planned categories are either topical or by type of materials. Will contact Torre soon to see to implement this in KB…
Helmholz school funding has not been extended for their C++ (and other) schools. Perhaps HSF can help. Material should be public domain compatible (much of it is from Benedikt). Frank should know the details about the school of status and what would be worth to “hand over” to HSF (would be a pity to lose the knowledge).
Avoid to duplicate general programming schools but focus on schools/materials focused on scientific programming.
Importance of tutorials with a reference environment easy to fire up.
Sample material for C++: https://github.com/isocpp/CppCoreGuidelines
No meeting of the WG planned during the summer
Still participating in Spack developers meeting
It’s suggested that we post the Spack google group and an example digest to the HSF packaging group mailing list. Liz volunteers to do this.
Proposal to discuss Portage by Guilherme: no date settled yet, to be done after the summer break. Guilherme will send an email description to the WG about Portage.
Andrea doing a presentation on Monday at the SFT group meeting: https://indico.cern.ch/event/535891/ (remote participation will be possible exceptionally)
Open to anybody interested.