Slack channel created by Torre (a while ago). Should we make use of it as a general HSF chat channel? If so, this could be a good moment to introduce it, heading into a workshop.
Why not Mattermost? Because Mattermost would mean (or some other institutional host, with attendant complications in authentication). HSF is independent of institution. Better to keep to the global service. (There are other reasons but this one is the killer.)
10k limit on search depth for the free tier (unlimited membership) is not likely to be a problem. Pay tiers are expensive, starting at $7 per user per month.
Agreed to proceed with introducing
Agenda outline googledoc
Scribes: intent was that conveners share scribing duties. Conveners are at least responsible for insuring that proper scribing is done, preferably by someone who will be around on Wed afternoon for the writing. We will take notes in one googledoc for the whole workshop, as usual at HSF workshops. Everyone is welcome to contribute to the notes.
5pm is a hard cutoff. Reception will follow later on Mon and an organized dinner on Tue.
Send a doodle asking who will be there Wed pm to help with writing. Peter will do.
Mon: in good shape. Have to sort out when/how to do the end of day round table.
Tue am: looks good.
Tue pm: survey - David will send it around again asking people to contribute before the workshop.
Wed am: we should take notes through the workshop and note things for Wed morning: topics for further discussion, answering deferred questions, etc.
Annecy workshop June 26-30
People have begun to register
Plenary Mon and Fri, parallel the other days. On Monday have WGs give a status report as the workshop begins. On Friday have WGs report what has been achieved at the workshop.
Plan for parallel sessions: mainly discussions, not much presentations, address remaining contentious/open points
We need to go into the workshop with written material in hand to discuss.
Software development group has a meeting today: