Report, actions, next steps
Draft report an initial version has been put together by Torre. Need some input and polishing in some of the sections. The original notes will probably stay there as appendix and cut later if the document should be included somewhere else like the CWP.
Oli will take the report as the CWP chapter for Analysis. A draft should be made available before the meeting in Annecy.
Annecy workshop June 26-30
51 registered at last check
Define a stub of what should be presented by each WG during the first day of the workshop
Final agenda of the parallel sessions is absolutely necessary for people to schedule their visit to Annecy.
The first day is devoted to short presentations for
Working groups updates:
Data management: we have been able to confirm that one of the convener (Bo) will be present and is ready to chair the parallel session
Reminder: simulation WG wants to be scheduled the second part of the week. Meeting of the WG in Wednesday (afternoon will be better) should start by a report from the LPCC simulation workshop in Paris.
ML WG. The ideas was put down in document and now they are polishing them in order to arrive to Annecy with a solid draft. They can use the document to other purposes. Estimated at 30% of the work done. Released a snapshot of the document to the other groups and this will be repeated each week until the workshop. Comments are welcome.
Software development WG will also come to Annecy in a good state. Looks like that each WG will be producing a self-contained white paper.
Conditions WG. They probably do not need a parallel session.
Template proposed by Mark for the WG presentation during the initial plenary
WG documents: no real page limit and no standard format to use. At this point all WGs should produce what they can produce, based on their discussions. Not clear yet how the synthesis and polishing will be done: at some point we need a consistent document, with cross-cutting activities well identified and with priorities.
Mark is suggesting to charge people to read other WG chapters and provide feedback. An alternative is to arrange during the second part of the workshop for meetings common to several WGs that have commonalities: could ask the WGs if they would like to meet with another WG to help with the organization.
Each WG is coming with a fairly complete document, and will need the guidelines on how to produce the CWP chapter. What about a plenary in the middle of the week to discuss the structure of CWP chapters.
4 rooms available for the workshop with a capacity of 211, 54, 34, 20. The room with a capacity of 54 is not available on Wednesday.
The Visualization WG is missing from the Monday agenda.
Meeting planned next week with Fastjet developers at CERN (June 14, 2-4 pm). Liz is organizing the meeting and there will be some participation from ATLAS.
ATLAS now considering GPL v3.