HSF Weekly Meeting #103, August 10, 2017
Present: John Harvey, Pere Mato, Andrea Valassi, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, David Lange, Mark Neubauer, Benedikt Hegner
News, general matters
- Few changes added and basically done.
Software Development
Software Trigger and Event Reconstruction
- Sent out a version last week (linked in the CWP web page). 3 people will help to review. Need still to send to the experiments. Waiting for an appropriate mailing list. Coordinators will need to forward to the collaborations. Liz will send the list of CMS and DUNE coordinators.
Data Access, Organisation and Management
- No news. A round of editing and comments.
Data and Software Preservation
Data Analysis and Interpretation
Workflow and Resource Management
Event/Data Processing Frameworks
- Liz and Benedikt met and they are happy with the state of the roadmap part of the document. Resolving comments is missing. Start from the roadmap and ensure that the points in the roadmap are well motivated in the rest of the document.
Careers, Staffing and Training
Computing Model
Conditions Access
- Document is ready for review.
Next Steps
- Perhaps before the next meeting the WG conveners should update the notes of the weekly meeting with the actual status.
Activity updates
- Perhaps to have a virtual meeting next week with an update of the status of CWP.