HSF Weekly Meeting #145, 20 September, 2018
Present/Contributors: Graeme Stewart, Eduardo Rodrigues, Dario Menasce, Pere Mato, Tommaso Boccali, Witek Pokorski, Torre Wenaus, Horst Severini, Ian Collier, Michel Jouvin, Pete Elmer, Daniel Elvira, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Mark Neubauer, Martin Ritter
Activity updates
- Michel sent an email to FastJet developers about re-discussing their
licensing choice.
- Graeme wrote his Python intro course slides (technical solution of
Jupyter + RISE was very successful). Available
and should be forked to HSF-training, once a few other people got
a chance to check them.
- INSIGHTS - this is EU funded.
We should reach out to them as training contacts.
- Henry Schreiner is teaching a Data Science course, the URLs are
- Mark Neubauer also has a course on this topic.
- Dario - we need a way to gather this material to curate it (there is
a meeting with Sudhir Malik, Albert Puig, Dario Berzano soon).
- Liz, Pete, Graeme: HSF website would be ideal as everyone can contribute
there with a known workflow.
- Dario - not sure that the GitHub PR is the best way: past and
future events should be browsable and this is possible only if
there’s a database under the hood. Managing this kind of
information can be best accomplished with a Content Management
System (CMS :) ). This requires some work, somebody willing
and able to set it up (something like a Joomla web site). Food
for thought for the Training WG.
- IRIS-HEP contribution? Want to build the community around this is
the key point. Having a curator would be really helpful, not to
take on all the work, of course they can delegate to others as
- Conclusion - there is a lot of useful things we can achieve now in
the training domain.
- Group met, September 19
- Very useful meeting, focused on 2 interesting Spack talks - one
covered important recent developments, one on successful
developments, using containers.
- Todd Gamblin (main Spack developer) joined us
- He has been very happy with our collaboration and wants to
prioritise HEP use cases.
- Issue of Spack relicensing (from LGPL to MIT/Apache 2) was
raised - we will chase our HEP contributors.
- Next meeting October 3
- Graeme contacted Chris Jones (FNAL) re. the OpenMP investigations we
discussed last week.
Software Forum
- Next meeting is “HEP.TrkX: Deep Learning Tracking” on 26
- PyHEP 2018 workshop presentations: all available on Zenodo, with a
DOI attributed, see
- Can this be automatic from Indico? Could be a feature request,
especially if there are more presentations to handle.
- Eduardo gave a talk to LHCb about PyHEP that was well received.
- Could repeat that for other communities.
- Has this been brought up in CMS/ATLAS? Not to our knowledge. Torre -
could be useful at an ATLAS S&C week (but over to Davide!). Not
about convincing people to use Python, but propagates information
about the community and resources available. Analysis community
are probably under-informed on all that’s available.
- For the work that has been done, we need to link back better to
the main HSF website.
Technical Notes
- Working on getting DOIs for these.
New Working Groups
- Draft mandate
being worked on.
- There will be many common items for each group in terms of planning
and organisation.
- Concrete goals can’t be set in a mandate (right?), but each group
should go through a planning/doing/reporting cycle.
- Pete - most important thing is to decide what the working groups
should do. Organising, not driving. We ask for deliverables?
- e.g., inventory of active projects, overlaps and gaps.
- need to make sure that this is prominent.
- Daniel - should be more explicit about common solutions and
identifying areas that need more effort.
- Pere - can facilitate the communication.
- Eduardo, e.g., could encourage LHCb people to also try the Belle II
analysis facilities.
- Advocating new things to try seems a positive thing, not the
same a deciding for people.
- Liz - in the packaging we had to deliver a document that summarises
the state of the art in an area, that was helpful to guide an
informed decision.
- Don’t want this to be a re-iteration/re-invention of the CWP process
- Graeme defended the short summary of areas of interest, as not
everyone will go back and read a whole CWP chapter.
- We do want to have a process that leads to concrete outcomes; that
will require some discussion with potential convenors.
- Action - work on document and try to converge on the most useful
description; re-ordering things is fine and look for the most
important points to stress.
Generators Software Computing Workshop
- This was announced at the beginning of the week (hsf-forum).
- Yet to go to generator community lists.
- Indico ready and
registration open.
- Next coordinators’ meeting on Monday, firming up the agenda.
General Matters and Roadmap
Publication status for Individual WG Papers
- Data and Software Preservation
- Content added to HSF documents repo; good to go into arXiv.
- HSF Logo in vector format - reminder of action on Benedikt.
- Next HSF/WLCG workshop:
- Amber confirmed JLab availability for 18-22 March 2019.
- Last minute clash arose with OSG All Hands meeting (which was
planned for University of Oklahoma).
- Graeme suggested actually making a 3-way workshop.
- This went down pretty well with all parties; planning will
be quite tricky but there are also a lot of potential
advantages to doing this.
- Discussed with Amber and it seems that JLab does have the
capacity for this (main auditorium seats 286, there are a
number of smaller rooms for parallel sessions).
- Michel will also join the discussions for HSF.
- Correction from last week - original BNL/Stony Brook offer was
for $300 per person for 239 people, which was scaled up to
$350 for 200 based on a misunderstanding of how the costs
were calculated (fixed vs. per person).
- The lesson learned:
- Please put tentative dates into the HSF calendar as soon as is
reasonable, even if they change later on! OSG people are
added as calendar editors.
- Comment from Graeme: should the calendar be in “Communication”
instead of “Activities”?
- Next week’s meeting: Graeme will be in the ATLAS I/O Review, can
someone else chair? Will decide on coordination list, but we
should try to have a meeting.