HSF Generator Workshop, 26-28 November 2018

This live notes document is available to any participant in the workshop to write down important points or conclusions from the workshop and to identify areas where we will want to follow up or need to resolve open questions.

Please use it - it’s an essential tool for the workshop’s memory!

The Organisers

Monday AM

CWP Challenges and Workshop Aims (Liz Sexton-Kennedy)

Introduction to Generator Codes (Simon Platzer)

ATLAS Needs and Concerns (Josh McFayden)

CMS Needs and Concerns (Efe Yazgan)

LHCb Needs and Concerns (Phil Ilten)

Practical Computing Considerations (David Lange)


Monday PM

Performance Optimisation Introduction - Why should we care? (Servesh Muraidham, IT-DI-WLCG, UP Team, CERN)

Optimising Memory Use (Sebastien Ponce, CERN)

Don’t share data across cores, spread them across threads, another reason to use stack variables

Performance Discussion

Sherpa Status and Plans - Marek Schonherr, CERN

aMC_@NLO Status and Plans - Olivier Mattelaer

PYTHIA 8 Status and Plans - Philip Ilten

Herwig Status and Plans - Peter Richardson, CERN

POWHEG Status and Plans - Emanuele Re, CERN & LAPTh


Tuesday AM

High-multiplicity multi-jet merging with HPC technology

A novel workflow of generator tunings in HPC for LHC new physics searches

Adaptive multi-channel integration with MPI

Optimising Generator Usage

Photos and Tauola Status and Plans

EvtGen Status and Plans

Tuesday PM

NNLO / N^3LO calculations with NNLOJet

NNLO calculations with Matrix

NNLO calculations with MCFM

Beyond Current Paradigms

Take Home Messages / Actions / Planning