HSF Weekly Meeting #157, 31 January, 2019
Present/Contributors: Graeme Stewart, Danilo Piparo, Jim Amundson,
Agnieszka Dziurda, Jim Pivarski, David Lange, Witek Pokorski, Serhan
Mete, Pere Mato, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Stefan Roiser, Caterina Doglioni,
Michel Jouvin, Guilherme Amadio, Daniel Elvira, Gloria Corti, Davide
Apologies: Heather Gray
Google Summer of Code 2019
- Lots of PRs coming in now.
- Remember the HSF deadline: February 4.
- But better if you can submit this week.
- This
has all the
HSF/WLCG/OSG Workshop News and Planning
- Indico - registration is open.
- Early registration ends on 1 February; 1 week extension
probable - please register right now.
- There is a Google Sheet linked from the
page to help
coordinate car sharing from Dulles (you take your own
responsibility for this!).
- If you are arriving/travelling from another airport you can
also use that spreadsheet (just make it clear which airport
you will be at).
- Reminder: David Lange, Michel Jouvin and Graeme Stewart organising
for HSF.
- General Sessions:
- Opening plenary session from HEP experiments and other
communities (Monday)
- Confirmed talks from LHC Experiments, DUNE, Belle II, Dark
Matter, Electron-Ion Consortium, LIGO, IceCube,
Lightsources; yet to confirm LSST (speaker invited).
- Plus discussion on WLCG future evolution.
- Technology watch and networking (Tuesday AM).
- New Workflows, New Facilities (Tuesday AM).
- Benedikt Hegner and Maria Girone are convening.
- Closing Session, visionary talk and discussion on the future
- Funding updates:
- DE (Thomas Kuhr)
- UK, IRIS (Pete Clarke)
- US, IRIS-HEP (Pete Elmer)
- If you are aware of any other projects that have
secured funding for software efforts can you let us
- Amber Boehnlein will do the final talk.
- HSF Sessions:
- Please fill in a first version of your detailed timetable in
the coming week, even if not all slots are confirmed
- All session convenors have management rights, let us know
if you have any problems.
- And do remember it’s a workshop - schedule generous
discussion time!
- Software on Accelerators (2 slots).
- Graeme, Michel, David L are convening.
- Confirmed talks on Accelerator Technologies, Framework
Integration, Patatrack, ALICE GPU Algorithms, MadGraph
on GPUs
- One last speaker to confirm, will leave plenty of time
for discussion.
- For other HSF Parallel Sessions, see WG activity reports
- Due to the logistics of rooms at JLab we propose that:
- We only have one session on Wednesday 16h-17h30
- We move the other two WG’s second sessions to Thursday
- We move Software Tools to Thursday 16h-17h30
- N.B. Still likely that small rooms would be available
for any BoFs
Activity and Working Group Updates
General points:
- Reminder to make sure your WG page has
- Brief description of the interests of the group
- Information on how to join the group’s mailing list
- Information on how to contact the convenors (convenor list or
individual emails)
- A link to the group’s Indico category
Data Analysis
- Second meeting (afternoon of Feb 13th) of the WG in preparation:
- Refined focus of the meeting to survey innovation and best
practice from the community
- Meeting will be workshop in style, shorter talks, focus on the
ideas, “what is the ground-breaking, earth-shattering idea(s) /
functionality that make your framework/tool so useful?”
Detector Simulation
- First topical meeting yesterday on
- Nice overview from LHC experiments.
- In future address non-LHC experiments as well.
- Daniel can help with contact to IF (division between fast/full
sim for IF less clear, but simulation very relevant for them
- Next
meeting on ML, 6
- Invitations being sent for the workshop, some speakers might have
to be remote.
Reconstruction and Software Triggers
- Indico updated (15+5) min with 10 min discussion.
- Talks accepted:
- Machine Learning for the Primary Vertex reconstruction.
- Using FPGAs to accelerate machine learning inference.
- A comprehensive real-time analysis model at the LHCb
- [still waiting for speaker, but Speakers Committees have said
yes]: real-time analysis in CMS/ATLAS/ALICE.
- We are waiting still to get feedback from:
- DUNE/Belle II/LSST (machine learning).
- We planned to have a first meeting next week, but due to people’s
unavailability we decided to postpone - more news next week.
- Invitations for JLab session to be sent tomorrow.
- Plan to divide 1.5 hours (14:00‒15:30 on Thursday) into
- two 15+5 minute long talks
- considering LPC Coffea group’s Numpy-based CMS analyses
- invited Stan Seibert to present Numba (Python
- three 5+5 minute lightning talks
- confirmed talk on
by Albert Puig, Jonas Eschle, Rafael Silva Coutinho
- invited ROOT Team to present ROOT packaging in Conda
- looking for a final talk on Python in neutrinos, dark
matter, or BELLE…
- 20 minutes of free-form discussion
- Still chasing up CERN KT and FastJet authors.
- Meeting yesterday. Group plans to track work on various projects.
Main topic was an update on
Conda -
very interesting to see how this tool has hugely progressed
since the first meetings of the WG. New ROOT recipe seems to be
very nicely integrated now.
- Next meeting in 1 month, 27 February.
- URL checks on website are unreliable; another URL check code could
be tried to see if that improves things.
- Working on an update to the instructions for converting Google Doc
-> Word -> Markdown.