HSF Weekly Meeting #158, 7 February, 2019
Present/Contributors: Graeme Stewart, Eduardo Rodrigues, Caterina
Doglioni, Witek Pokorski, Javier Cervantes Villanueva, Concezio Bozzi,
Josh McFayden, Jovan Mitrevski, Margaret Votava, Stefan Roiser, Tanya
Apologies: Agnieszka Dziurda (Vidyo does not work…)
Google Summer of Code 2019
HSF/WLCG/OSG Workshop News and Planning
- Indico - registration is open.
- 169 people registered now.
- Early registration ends on 8 February - please register now.
- There is a Google Sheet linked from the
page to help
coordinate car sharing from Dulles (you take your own
responsibility for this!).
- If you are arriving/travelling from another airport you can
also use that spreadsheet (just make it clear which airport
you will be at).
- Reminder: David Lange, Michel Jouvin and Graeme Stewart organising
for HSF.
- General Sessions:
- Monday, Friday plenary sessions fixed.
- New Workflows, New Facilities (Tuesday AM).
- Benedikt Hegner and Maria Girone are convening.
- Session now planned in concert with Tuesday PM first
- HSF Sessions:
- Please fill in a first version of your detailed timetable in
the coming week, even if not all slots are confirmed.
- All session convenors have management rights, let us know
if you have any problems.
- And do remember it’s a workshop - schedule generous
discussion time!
- Software on Accelerators (2 slots).
- Graeme, Michel, David L are convening
- Confirmed talks on Accelerator Technologies, Framework
Integration, Patatrack, ALICE GPU Algorithms, MadGraph
on GPUs.
- Timetable:
- Analysis and Simulation have their second sessions
Thursday AM 9h-10h30.
- Software Tools moved to Thursday 16h-17h30.
- Still likely that smaller rooms would be available for any
BoFs, but try to let us know ASAP if you want them.
- Rooms:
- Monday, Friday plenaries from auditorium can be broadcast, but no Vidyo.
- Tuesday, Wednesday - HSF parallel sessions in Room F113
which has Vidyo and 100 capacity.
- Thursday we will need to make some use of the auditorium,
which has poor Vidyo.
- For groups spread between Wednesday and Thursday, try
to have the Vidyo critical part on Wednesday.
- Graeme will check again with Amber what could be done
in the auditorium to setup Vidyo for smaller,
parallel, sessions.
- For planning other HSF Parallel Sessions, see WG activity
reports below.
Activity and Working Group Updates
General points:
- Reminder to make sure your WG page has:
- Brief description of the interests of the group.
- Information on how to join the group’s mailing list.
- Information on how to contact the convenors (convenor list or
individual emails).
- A link to the group’s Indico category.
Detector Simulation
- Not too much news - agenda for workshop is being prepared, 4/6
talks confirmed.
- Fast Simulation with Machine Learning, 6 March 2019.
- 3 confirmed talks, 1 pending.
Reconstruction and Software Triggers
- JLab:
- Confirmed talks: for speakers, see agenda (we will do before
- Unconfirmed talks: ALICE, CMS (both agreed), LSST (losing
- Strong request to have Vidyo meetings accessible from outside
JLab - how?
- Currently ok for Reco sessions - F113.
- Meetings:
- First meeting: had to skip the 6th because of overlap with CMS
- Tentative plan to have the various collaborations discuss
trigger systems and then reco software, starting with ATLAS
and CMS as they already had this exercise internally, then
going two by two (meetings should be limited to 1h30). After
this, topical meetings.
- 2 of 3 talks confirmed, Packaging and Static Analysis.
- Skeleton agenda for JLab session up on Indico.
- We are targeting to have the session finalised next week.
- IRIS-HEP meeting this week focused on training.
- Caterina’s Q: can non-IRIS-HEPpers peek at minutes?
- Don’t think they have minutes, but instead put the meetings on
- IRIS-HEP website has links to mailing lists and
Event Generators
- We finally have a page on the HSF web site and mailing lists for
WG members. Included by default the workshop organisers, then
invited all workshop participants, many of whom replied and asked
to be included. Please join if interested! See
- We will probably have a first meeting in the next two weeks.
- Aim to have meetings every other week from then onwards.
- Included the tex sources and latest available pdf of the CWP
chapter on the HSF documents GitHub, and linked it from the HSF
site. This will not become an arXiv.
- Some (slow) progress on the workshop writeup. We need to advance
faster, aim to be ready before a related talk at ACAT.
- In contact with the madgraph team about GPUs. One key team member
was absent in the last weeks, but we hope to make more progress
- Still chasing up CERN KT and FastJet authors.
- Graeme absent next week - try to get another coordinator to run
the meeting.
- (Ongoing) URL checks on website are unreliable; another URL check
code could be tried to see if that improves things.
- Working on an update to the instructions for converting Google Doc
-> Word -> Markdown.