HSF Weekly Meeting #182, 12 March, 2020

Present/Contributors: Graeme Stewart, Pere Mato, Eduardo Rodrigues, Ben Morgan, Paul Laycock, Attila Krasznahorkay, Mason Proffitt, Efe Yazgan, Daniel Elvira, Michel Jouvin, Kyle Knoepfel, Teng Jian Khoo, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Maria Girone, Philippe Canal, Stefan Roiser, Witek Pokorski, Andrea Rizzi, Chris Jones, David Lange, Gloria Corti, Horst Severini

Apologies: Caterina Doglioni, Agnieszka Dziurda

News, general matters

HEP-CCE Kick Off Meeting

There was an organizing meeting for a new project organization of the HEP Center for Computational Excellence which is a collaboration of ANL, BNL, Fermilab,and LBNL participants funded to work on HEP’s most pressing and uncovered topics.

We’ve agreed that going forward all technical meetings should be fully public in the same way that IRIS-HEP meetings are. It seems that this could be coordinated through the HSF sub-group conveners.

Main topics interesting to HSF:

HSF/WLCG 2020 workshop

Sadly, due to the uncertainty regarding COVID-19, and the advice and restrictions being put in place (CERN, DOE), we thought that it was prudent to cancel the workshop. For people who paid registration, refunds are being arranged.

Hope is to move to the Autumn - 21-25 September is the proposal being discussed

For most of the topics we were intending to cover in Lund, these should now move to “regular” style Working Group meetings

Virtual Event Proposal

The Scientific Organising Team discussed what we could do as a virtual event in the May slot

We would like to try and organise a 2 session event, focused on New Architectures, Portability, and Sustainability (i.e. the Tuesday Lund plenary session)

We should think creatively about how to make remote-only meetings more effective as well, e.g., more active use of chat and live notes

Alpaka training event

On Monday 27 April a training session for Alpaka will be held in the CERN/IT auditorium (modulo COVID-19). Event info and registration at https://indico.cern.ch/event/883212/. In case we need to postpone the event all registered participants will be contacted. Please sign-up, but do not make any travel arrangements.

CUDA Training at CERN

Maria attended a dedicated meeting with Nvidia for organising training through hackathons and bootcamps. Want to host at CERN a CUDA dedicated bootcamp, 2-3 days (pre-requisites are to be a decent CPU coder). Then a hackathon as a follow-up, when people have real projects to work on.

Can have it in the technical training centre at CERN. Was arranged for April, but that has had to be cancelled. Will try to make another definite arrangement once COVID-19 has calmed down a bit.

Machine Learning WS - 2-3 day event, more open than the CUDA event (less expertise required from participants); hope to have it end of June.

WLCG Report

A draft of the 2020-H1 report is attached to the agenda. This covers SFT projects and the HSF. If you have feedback, please send it to Graeme by this Friday (2020-03-13).

Google Summer of Code 2020

Currently Student Interaction Period, until 16 March

LHCC Review of HL-LHC Software and Computing

Reminder: LHCC will review software and computing plans for the HL-LHC, Amber Boehnlein (JLab) will chair, first phase will be 18-20 May 2020. Five 20 page documents provided as input to the committee, from ATLAS, CMS, WLCG, DOMA and from Common Tools and Community Software (the HSF takes care of the later)

Document outline has been created and is being filled in.

Aim is now to have a reasonable draft by the end of this month, with all sections populated. This allows for our own review and an alignment with the other documents.


Please take a look and decide if we need to expand on any points (but remember the target audience!)

Discussion with CMS and ATLAS

HSF Feedback Sessions

Proposal: HSF review and feedback week of 6 April, one afternoon 15-17h (is that enough time?).

Working Group Updates

Data Analysis

Detector Simulation

Reconstruction and Software Triggers

Software Tools and Packaging

Event generators


Other Workshop News

PyHEP 2020 Workshop

LAWSCHEP2019 Workshop

The document with the summary and conclusions of the First Latin American Workshop on S&C challenges in HEP has been finished and posted in the workshop web page at: https://indico.cern.ch/event/813325/ The document includes action items and a list of projects. The list was put together using a google document where participants added their proposed activities and names with the purpose of either initiating new partnerships or joining existing ones. A “live document” with only the project list will be added to the web page soon so that the list continues to evolve. Unfortunately the LAS4RI workshop in Sao Paulo planned for March 22-27 was postponed due to the virus crisis. We can think of LAS4RI is a Latin American “Snowmass process” or “European Strategy process”. In any case, the LAWSCHEP scientific committee will send the LAS4RI organizers the LAWSCHEP document so that they are aware of the LAWSCHEP workshop and action items.


Next Meeting