Present/Contributors: Graeme Stewart, Caterina Doglioni, Attila Krasznahorkay, Josh McFayden, Efe Yazgan, Witek Pokorski, Stefan Roiser, Paul Laycock, Kyle Knoepfel, Agnieszka Dziurda, Eduardo Rodrigues, Michel Jouvin, Serhan Mete, Mason Proffitt, Pere Mato, Philippe Canal, Teng Jian Khoo, Chris Jones, Gloria Corti, Guilherme Amadio, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Daniel Elvira, Andrei Gheata
Apologies: Ben Morgan (SuperNEMO software tutorial)
Snowmass process, is there scope for a short HSF submission? (e.g. similar to the paper we sent to EPPSU)
CD’s opinion (1st time snowmass-er, others may have further experience): LoI + paper combination welcome (there is a Computational Frontier). Instructions in links here: Paper encourages projects to develop further within the framework with “help” of a forum (at least that’s how things are working in Energy Frontier).
GSoC Advisory Committee this year is Liz, Pere and Michel.
This year we have ~200 student proposals for 47 project ideas, 37 qualifying (valid student proposals that comply with the program rules). We asked for 36-37 slots and received 36 (last year we had 33). The successful proposals will be announced on May 4, coding starts June 1st.
The Season of Docs program is about bringing open source and technical writer communities together, to the benefit of both. HSF participates as umbrella organisation this year, there is an active call for project proposals expiring on May 1st! We can get up to 4 slots this year - we distributed the call via several HSF channels, asking people to re-distribute in their groups, but got only one proposal so far.
The program is more adapted for projects having documentation systems with a certain maturity, for improving them. Suggestions for technical writer proposals can include:
Projects can be standard (3 months) or long running (6 months) starting mid-September. The organization application deadline is however May 4, when Google expects us to have already a good idea (with proposals) of the projects we support.
Event initially foreseen for 27 April had to be postponed. The new dates and a tentative agenda for the training are:
Mon 29 June - Fri 3 July 2020, 9:00 - 10:30 CEST
Planning for a virtual meeting with short presentations and breakout training sessions every day. Registrants of the previous event will be contacted and can be moved automatically to the new event.
NB: No decision yet on how/when to organise the Alpaka hackathon.
Reminder: LHCC will review software and computing plans for the HL-LHC, Amber Boehnlein (JLab) will chair. Five 20 page documents provided as input to the committee, from ATLAS, CMS, WLCG, DOMA and from Common Tools and Community Software (the HSF takes care of the later)
There will be a relatively short virtual meeting in the week of 18 May, with follow-up reviews later.
Current HSF Document. We had the open review and discussion last week, with additional points gathered in this Google Doc
Current list of open points for each section:
Nothing to report, occupied with the LHCC report.
For the last couple of weeks focused on the LHCC report. Need to organize the next topical meeting asap avoiding conflicts with May workshop.
No meeting in May due to workshop, but some (incl. categories) potentially lined up after interactions for LHCC doc:
Would it be worth categorizing meetings according to priorities in the LHCC document? May benefit HSF PR…
Using the LHCC document to plan the next activities for the working groups is strongly supported.
We have a request from someone who wanted to work in the trigger & reco area (see previous meetings).
Idea could be to have him help with ESCAPE dark matter test case (= show an end-to-end physics analysis) and liaise with HSF WGs (especially frameworks and data analysis) on what is being done right now and what can be done in the future. Other ideas/objections?
Nothing to report.
Presentation on Spack during pre-GDB Software Development meeting on 5 May 2020 (agenda):
No firm release date on Spack 0.15. Having said that, it’ll be a major release (will probably include new concretiser and an official binary repository).
We have mostly been working on the draft of our longer document (that supplements what’s in the LHCC one). This has been a lot of work, but is now quite close to converging (after being circulated to the WG for comments).
Will try to hold one more meeting (next week) before the “virtual workshop”, continuing the multi-threaded scheduling discussions.
Details to be circulated soon…
Interesting blog post from Code Refinery on their experience of running online training.
HSF WLCG Virtual Workshop on New Architectures, Portability, and Sustainability
Workshop preparation progressing, finalising the timetable.
We ask that people register so that we can gauge the level of interest and best organisation options.
Prepared a virtual meeting guide to try to make the event work as well as possible, more suggestions and feedback very welcome here (we are treading new ground).