HSF Weekly Meeting #191, 30 July 2020

Present/Contributors: Graeme Stewart, Stefan Roiser, Serhan Mete, Caterina Doglioni, Agnieszka Dziurda, Witek Pokorski, Efe Yazgan, Andrea Valassi, Kyle Knoepfel, Sebasiten Ponce, Sam Meehan, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Witek Pokorski, Ben Morgan, Benedikt Hegner, Attila Krasznahorkay

Apologies: Eduardo Rodrigues, Teng Jian Khoo

News, general matters, announcements

Technical Notes

The best practices proposal note has been released as HSF-TN-2020-01 (https://zenodo.org/record/3965581#.XyK7DS-w0gt).

IRIS-HEP Blueprint Meeting on Sustainable Software in HEP


Well attended (up to 70) with a series of talks from HEP (ATLAS, CMS, HSFx2 (General + Training)) and other communities, like Software Sustainability Institute, AstroPy, The Carpentries.

In the breakout sessions there was a lot of interest in policy decisions in training and careers (important, but hard to turn into actionable items).

Summary and outcomes in preparation.

ESCAPE Workshop on Open Source Software Lifecycles (July 23, 24 + 27, 28)


Week-long (half-day/full-day) workshop organized by ESCAPE Project.

Focus of the workshop: expert/community (mostly astrophysics) talks, aiming to understand best practices on open source software in terms of development/licensing/…

HSF contributions:

Ultimate goal: apply best practices to ESCAPE Software Catalogue Best practices notes: https://gitlab.in2p3.fr/jutta.schnabel/wossl/-/wikis/Best-Practices-for-software-development

Some interesting topics: CodeMeta as a way to add metadata to software - hold this close to the code/developers, but then use it to power the catalogue; software archive project: https://archive.softwareheritage.org/.

Outstanding question: which facilities / “middleware” will be used to run pipelines? Could use the occasion for a joint session at the November workshop?

Licensing discussion: broadly in line with HSF conclusions (favour liberal licenses; labs holding copyright for telescopes). Overview of legal aspects was useful (Carina Haupt).

Q&A: try to increase involvement of theory and generator community.

LHCC Review of HL-LHC Software and Computing

Report is attached to the agenda.

Highlight points

Common activity and projects examples


Second review anticipated in 9-12 months on detailed R&D roadmaps.

Encourage people to read the report and think about practical outcomes for the HSF.

Authorship Progress

We agreed (16 July meeting #160) to broaden the author list of the HSF input document.

Generally we favour an inclusive approach, so anyone reasonably connected to projects and development in the field can be an author.

Agreed to send a general email to hsf-forum, calling for people to contact the editors to add their names.

New Convenor for Data Analysis WG

Reminder that nominations (including self-nominations) are open until 31 July for someone to join Paul and TJ (the appointment is to run from 1 September through 2021).

Please send nomintions to hsf-search-committee@cern.ch (which maps to Graeme, Liz and Michel).

We have quite a lot of nominations now - many thanks to those who made them.


Reminder that announcements about the Snowmass process was sent to the email list, with an initial workshop on 10-11 August.

We will submit the LHCC input document to the review (which we agreed did not need to go via an LoI).

C++ Course

Following up e.g. on discussions in the IRIS-HEP SW Sustainability workshop we want to propose a C++ course. Sebastien Ponce has created a lot of material and given the course in several occasions already (LHCb, ESIPAP). Some concrete ideas

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
Basics (pointers, operators, references, compound types, …) OO (classes, inheritance, …) & C++ features (auto, move sem., …) Tools (git, compile chain, gdb, valgrind suite) Advanced C++ (templates, lambdas, functors, STL, RAII, ..) Poll for extra session (one of: Concurrency, Python/C++ interaction, Expert C++)

Afternoons (Mo - Thu): Exercises with help by mentors in breakout rooms

IMPORTANT We would need more mentors for the afternoon exercises !!!

Sam was contacted by someone from Orsay (?) also wanting to help with this kind of event. Can we recast the material into the HSF/Software Carpentry format? Example: http://swcarpentry.github.io/shell-novice/.

Limiting to 50 could be a “problem” - we think we would go way beyond that in interest we expect (200-300?).

There are other formats that have been tried, with pre-recorded material (flipped classroom).

FNAL C++ course is also going ahead (already quite popular). All online this year. There is material available as well.

In general this is received very positively. Continue to iterate on organisational details.

Working Group Updates

Reconstruction and Software Triggers


Software Tools and Packaging

Event generators

Other Interest and Activity Areas

Differentiable Computing


Future HSF-WLCG Workshops


Mini-poll (put an X near one or more options, plus first X for attendance):

We would like to have additional input for organising the next events, so if you would like to help organise please contact HSF Coordnation or Graeme

We agreed to send an email out to hsf-forum with an update (inc. call for topics and organisers) as not everyone reads the minutes.


Next Meeting