Present: Graeme Stewart, Serhan Mete, Kyle Knoepfel, Ben Morgan, Michel Jouvin, Allie Hall, Efe Yazgan, Krzysztof Genser, Meirin Oan Evans, Dorothea vom Bruch, Sudhir Malik, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Andi Salzburger, Kevin Pedro, Meirin Evans, Sudhir Malik
Apologies: Eduardo Rodrigues, Caterina Doglioni (Zoom not cooperating)
News, general matters, announcements
HL-LHC Review Phase 2
We now have the first version of most documents:
Please take a look and comment if you can! Ideally in the next month, certainly by the end of August.
If there are many comments which are tricky to resolve we can suggest project meetings in September to discuss.
DUNE Framework Requirements Review
Document for DUNE is nearly complete–only minor comments yet to address plus some experiment migration experiences to include. We plan to submit to DUNE tomorrow (9 July). Last comments from the panel should be received by 9 July, 12:00 CDT.
Kyle will send a reminder today.
HSF Domain Name
Still investigating this with CERN, who might want to take it over connected with the lab’s Jekyll deployment (the ticket seems to proceed very slowly…)
Working Group Updates
Data Analysis
- Fourth meeting in the “Analysis in the wider community” series was held last week, with talks from EIC and LHCb
- Continuing to make progress on the metadata document
- Making plans for our next meeting series, possibly following up on analysis benchmarks
Detector Simulation
- Still on summer hiatus
- Contacting speakers for fall talks
Reconstruction and Software Triggers
- 1st Topical meeting on 4D reconstruction, June 30th
- Follow-up meeting in preparation, will need coordination with vacation periods.
- PyHEP 2021 workshop: it’s happening this week!
- High level of interest, with new communities joining the fun
- Combination of Zoom room and streaming to YouTube works like a charm and is very inclusive
- Lot’s of great material being presented!
- About 424 people joined the Monday session at some point

- We’re (practical) in summer break.
- Had a conveners chat on June 23rd to discuss our plans for after summer. General idea is to keep up the momentum in terms of meetings/discussions (along the same lines, e.g. follow-up on Spack, various profiling tools etc.). There are some other/new ideas but those need to materialize a bit more concretely before a proper announcement (like possibly having a C++ dedicated series to discuss latest developments, new features in C++20, news from the ISO committee etc.).
Software Training
HEP Software Training Challenge
Training challenge
- Date: Monday 28th June 2021
- Time–> 4:00PM -6:30 PM CERN time
- Indico –>
- Outcome–> Nearly 30 people from many collaborations came together to define a training challenge for next ~3 years. Individuals left with number of follow-ups. Follow-up meeting in couple of months. See live notes in the agenda.
HSF Training Hackathon on C++
HEP C++ Course
Event Generators
- No news apart from the HL-LHC generator draft
- Will resume meetings in September.
- Regular activities have been suspended until DUNE review is complete. Practically speaking, normal framework WG meeting may not resume until September.
Roundtable and Compute Accelerator Forum
- Roundtable meeting was this Tuesday (6 July), talk on Can we really “Re”-interpret data from the LHC?.
- Compute Accelerator Forum meeting yesterday (7 July), interesting topic of using OpenCAPI (Coherent Accelerator Processor Interface) to download at high speeds from a light source detector via FPGA, definitely interesting from a TDAQ perspective. Additionally an overview of the OpenPOWER architecture and their plans for the future.
- Targeting generic data centre workloads
- POWER10 is coming
- Plans for a small development board “POWERpi”
- Reminder: openlab have some POWER machines if people need access to this platform
Next Meeting(s)
Our next meeting will be 22 July.
Propose that we then take a summer break until 2 September.