HSF Coordination Meeting #225, 17 March 2022

Present/Contributing: Alexander Moreno, Allison Hall, Ben Morgan, Benedikt Hegner, Daniel Elvira, Dorothea vom Bruch, Eduardo Rodrigues, Gordon Watts, Graeme Stewart, Jin Huang, Josh McFayden, Kevin Pedro, Krzysztof Genser, Kyle Knoepfel, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Marc Paterno, Mason Proffitt, Matti Kortelainen, Michael Hernandez, Michel Jouvin, Nicole Skidmore, Oksana Shadura, Paul Laycock, Pete Mato, Philippe Canal, Stefan Roiser, Vakho Tsulaia, Wouter Deconinck

Apologies/Contributing: Serhan Mete, Efe Yazgan

News, general matters, announcements


LHCC Referees Meeting

The LHCC referees meeting was on Tuesday 8 March, feedback session was Thursday 10 March. Overall the talk seemed to be well received (for reference, the slides are attached to the agenda).

In the Tuesday meeting there were a few questions:

The referees’ summary statement was “The LHCC commends the CS bodies for their fundamental role in supporting the LHC experiments and welcomes the initiatives of HSF and IRIS-HEP in accompanying the development of forums for the larger community to exchange on areas of mutual interest.”

LHCC minutes will be published soon.

LHCC Bi-annual Report

The LHCC Bi-annual report was due 15 March. Graeme and Liz got project input and Graeme summarised the main HSF activities in the last 6 months.

The draft report is here. There is probably still time to make a change if you spot anything important.

LHCC HL-LHC Software and Computing Review, part 2

The review committee’s report has now been published.

The report is complementary of the software projects and the HSF. We should read the report and discuss more fully the conclusions.

Workshops in 2022

Analysis Ecosystems Workshop

23-25 May: https://indico.cern.ch/e/aew2

Registration is open! (limited this to 80 in-person places).

34 people have registered, 30 in-person, 4 virtual.

Progress is being made by session conveners on the following topics:

Next organising meeting 24 March.

Please forward news about the workshop to your community and think about key people to invite.

Detector Simulation on GPU Community Meeting

3-6 May: https://indico.cern.ch/e/simgpu

There is a sketched agenda now and invitations to be sent out soon.

Google Summer of Code / Season of Docs

First phase of student selection started. Will last till April 3. A complete timeline can be found here.

There is interest by various people to participate in the Google Season of Docs. David Lange has one idea, Andy Buckley two more. Who would like to organize things? Deadline is next week.

There may be a limit to one proposal per “project” - we think there was in the past.

We nominate David and Vassil to do this for HSF! Benedikt will follow-up.


Deadline for Snowmass papers considered by WGs has passed (15 March). Submissions to the Computational Frontier are here. There is still an opportunity for other inputs (see https://snowmass21.org/) and we know other things are also in the queue.

HSF History Paper

Document. Did anyone have input?

Upload to Zenodo is still TODO, but we will do it ~now.

Working Group Updates


We published the plans for 2022.

Data Analysis

Detector Simulation

Reconstruction and Software Trigger


Software Tools and Packaging

Event Generators


Software Training

Other Interest and Activity Areas


Compute Accelerator Forum / HSF Reco and Triggers meeting last week saw interesting presentations on Patatrack and ACTS.

Analysis Facilities


Benedikt contacted all HepMC3 authors for consent to move to LGPLv2.1-or-later instead of GPLv3. All but one answered and agreed.



Graeme and Alessandra will attend the Swift-HEP workshop next week, with presentations on HSF Activity and the Analysis Facilities Forum

Next Meeting

Next coordination meeting is scheduled for 31 March.