HSF Coordination Meeting #226, 31 March 2022

Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Serhan Mete, Michel Jouvin, Josh McFayden, Pere Mato, Efe Yazgan, Krzysztof Genser, Wouter Deconinck, Kyle Knoepfel, Eduardo Rodrigues, Paul Laycock, Nicole Skidmore, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Andrea Valassi, Stefan Roiser, Andi Salzburger, Michel Hernandez, Pere Mato, Stephan Hageboeck

News, general matters, announcements


LHCC minutes from March 2022 meeting are available.

Workshops in 2022

Analysis Ecosystems Workshop

23-25 May: https://indico.cern.ch/e/aew2

Registration is open! (limited this to 80 in-person places).

2022-03-31: 50 people have registered, mostly in person

Progress is being made by session conveners on the following topics:

Next organising meeting 7 April with the goal to have a draft agenda ready

Please forward news about the workshop to your community and think about key people to invite.

Detector Simulation on GPU Community Meeting

Google Summer of Code / Season of Docs

GSoC evaluation period finishes this weekend, 3 April.

GSoD, proposal has been made and advertised, combining documentation sub-projects for Clang-REPL, Rivet and Gambit - thanks to David and Andy for doing this.


HSF History Paper

Document. Upload to Zenodo is still TODO! Document should first be converted to LaTeX to make it look nice for posterity.


Graeme and Alessandra gave talks at the SWIFT-HEP workshop last week - thanks for comments and improvements.

Working Group Updates

Data Analysis

Detector Simulation

Reconstruction and Software Trigger


Software Tools and Packaging

Event Generators

Recent meetings:

Future meetings:

Interesting presentations at Swift-HEP workshop relating to generators, one half of this (Sherpa) will also be presented at our 7th April meeting.


Software Training

Other Interest and Activity Areas

Analysis Facilities


Benedikt contacted all HepMC3 authors for consent to move to LGPLv2.1-or-later instead of GPLv3. All but one answered and agreed. One objection, but not clear that this person actually contributed any code, so this may be a moot point.

Conditions Databases

Finally having the first meeting next week, Wednesday April 6th: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1143958/. We could delay the start time to 14:30 to be kinder to our US colleagues, and Graeme seems to have pre-empted this :)



After deciding that Fermilab would not be considered as non-commercial, which led to a block on access to the Anaconda repositories being put in place at Fermilab and to a rash of PRs to make sure that there were alternatives, Anaconda seem to have changed their mind on this. Fermilab is still considering how to react.

HSF Mail in Spam?

Graeme put in a ticket with CERN about HSF email being mischaracterised as spam, which seems to have been a problem in the last few months. (There is little/no actual spam from HSF lists.)

Next Meeting

Next coordination meeting is scheduled for 14 April.