Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Benedikt Hegner, Paul Laycock, Mason Proffitt, Kyle Knoepfel, Josh McFayden, Michel Jouvin, Ben Morgan, Matti Kortelainen, Krzysztof Genser, Efe Yazgan, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Stefan Roiser, Mark Neubauer, Stephan Hageboeck, Caterina Doglioni, Kevin Pedro, Mark Neubauer, Philippe Canal, Sudhir Malik, Claire David, Jin Huang
The AE2 Outcomes document is now on Zenodo - v1 is signed by the organisers.
It is now open for workshop participants to endorse (=sign), by adding their names to this Google Doc before 12 September.
The next LHCC Referees meeting is 13 September.
Please pass WG (1 slide) and other input to Liz and Graeme by 6 September (the slides need to be given to the referees in advance). Or you can fill in the Google Slide directly.
N.B. we are trying to broaden the report to cover other relevant events in the community, e.g., this time the CTD Conference and the IML Workshop. Other ideas are always very welcome.
After discussions with the training group we decided to start an HSF Twitter account, @hepsoftfound (it was a bit challenging to find a good handle!).
If you have a twitter account please follow and reweet a few things to help spread the word.
The intent is to use the account to
ATM Graeme, Killian and Mark can tweet for HSF - please let us know if you would also like to help.
Coming back from summer break.
Planning fall meetings!
Continue with the topic list for the year and planning the fall meeting series. Topics include:
Further suggestions are always welcome.
Organisation of PyHEP 2022 is more or less complete. Record number of abstracts received, split into tutorials, notebook talks and lightning talks and scheduled. Running time is 14-18h Mon-Fri CEST.
We have also organised a ‘hack-a-shop’ to help participants bootstrap into becoming contributors and developers. It’s the first time that we try something like this. Likely we will have two sessions, one for Europe + Asia, the other for America.
Plans for the rest of the year
Planned meeting for Sep 21 with contribution about Jana2 framework (David Lawrence from JLab is the speaker).
Registration will open next Monday 5 Sep, 9 am,
The course itself will happen 11 - 13 Oct.
Doodle for signing up as a mentor -
Future Trends in Nuclear Physics Computing will be 28-30 September at Stony Brook University.
In case you missed it…
CHEP2023 will be May 2023. The first conference bulletin is out (abstract submission deadling 17 November).
Meeting for Test Science Projects in ESCAPE/EOSC-Future hosted a talk from HSF Analysis Facilities (+ related activities: Discussions to resume this Fall.
Planning a possible one-day meeting to discuss topics around how HEP experiments handle citation of software and recognition for software efforts that enable physics publications and other means of disseminating results to the public.
Candidate dates at the moment are 21/22/23 November. Pick the date soon.
Planning document will be circulated shortly. We will link to relevant discussions, e.g., at Snowmass this summer.
Our next coordination meeting is on 15 September.
We intend to restart the meeting at CERN in 32/S-C22 from next meeting, for those who are on the CERN campus.