HSF Coordination Meeting #248, 13 April 2023


Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Giulia Casarosa, Phil Ilten, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Claire Antel, Torre Wenaus, Pere Mato, Valentin Volkl, Efe Yazgan, Kyle Knoepfel, Nick Smith, Kilian Lieret, Ale Di Girolamo, Alex Held, Juraj Smiesko, Nick Styles, Wouter Deconinck, Zach Marshall

Apologies/Contributing: Krzysztof Genser, Eduardo Rodrigues, Bendikt Hegner, Caterina Doglioni

News, general matters, announcements

LHC Experiment Feedback

We got some LHC experiment feedback - see presentation from the last Architects Forum, slide 13:

Pre-CHEP Workshop

This is pretty much all ready to go now. See indico for final agenda. The Zoom link will be created soon, should be ok for presentations, but still it’s YMMV for discussions.

We plan to circulate the AFF report and a list of topical questions in advance to that we know what we are trying to achieve.

Google Summer of Code, 2023

Google Season of Docs, 2023

Working Group Updates


The PR for the planning summary of 2023 is here: https://github.com/HSF/hsf.github.io/pull/1410.

Please comment on the PR to add clarifications or additional information. (Thanks to those who already did - also PRs fine.)

A lot of the WGs have had slow starts this year (see also LHC comments above), so it becomes a bit urgent to plan pre-summer activities, so that people know we are still alive.

Software Training

Just to note - Peter Elmer gave a very nice talk yesterday on workforce development at a US HEP planning (P5) meeting at BNL (with the HSF figuring prominently in his talk of course)

C++ Course and Hands-on Training

C++ course in the UK:

Detector Simulation

Reconstruction and Software Trigger

Kick-off meeting scheduled for 26/04/2023 @ 2pm CEST


Event Generators

Other Interest and Activity Areas

Compute Accelerator Forum

Next meeting is 26 April, https://indico.cern.ch/event/1264290/:



Benedikt started an issue in GitHub to gather ideas about reorganising and revamping the website to better reflect our areas of actual activity.

Next Meeting

The next meeting will be on 27 April.

Please sign up for chairing this or one of the future coordination meetings.