Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Benedikt Hegner, Caterina Doglioni, Nicole Skidmore, Patrick Gartung, Torre Wenaus, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Tamas Gal, Nick Smith, Eduardo Rodrigues, Claire Antel, Samuel Skipsey, Wouter Deconinck, Krzysztof Genser, John Chapman, Sudhir Malik, Daniel Elvira
Apologies/Contributing: Stefan Roiser, Efe Yazgan
Mid-term evaluations starting, going well so far in terms of responses (only two reminders needed).
Representative for the mentors summit on behalf of the HSF organizers was decided, and it will be Valentin Volkl.
The time and date for the summary session where students present their project will have to be decided after the summer break, we will have it before most students end their project.
WLCG has decided to change the setup for its software liaisons, who will now be WLCG Software Representatives. Some of the most central projects are largely driven through EP-SFT at CERN (ROOT, Geant4, CVMFS) and so the natural representaive there is the chair of the Architects’ Forum group in SFT, ex officio (currently Predrag Buncic).
There are many other important common software projects (e.g., generators, native Python ecosystem) that should also have a voice and representation and so the Management Board will consider nominations for a second software representative with good links to those projects. The HSF can propose a name for this role - volunteers would be excellent. This should be by 15 August(?) - Graeme will follow-up with Simone. It would be strongly favoured to have a non-CERN person take this second position.
Practically, Liz moves to CMS Offline Computing Coordinator role for the September LHCC and Predrag will join as Architect Forum Chair then. For the second representative, Graeme will stay on until a new person is appointed, so will also cover the September LHCC.
Liz and Graeme are discussing with training colleagues to find a presenter for the discussion on training (to take place in the normal 20’ software slot).
The EU has funded the EVERSE project, ~8M€ over 3 years.
“The EVERSE project aims to create a framework for research software and code excellence, collaboratively designed and championed by the research communities across five EOSC Science Clusters and national Research Software Expertise Centres, in pursuit of building a European network of Research Software Quality and setting the foundations of a future Virtual Institute for Research Software Excellence.”
Strong HSF involvement, with Graeme, Caterina and Stefan all taking part.
N.B. The 5 science clusters are ESCAPE (NHEP, astronomy and astroparticle), ENVRI (envronmental science), Life Science RI, PANOSC (photon and neutron), SSHOC (social science).
Project will cover code quality for application code and for workflow and distributed computing software. Other communities also using a mixture of Python (“user facing”) and C++ (“performance”) (with interest in Julia?).
Nothing to report for the time being.
If there is any interest from the community in studying energy consumption of Julia (looks really promising from initial studies, see link to A. Gupta’s University of Manchester final internship talk), get in touch with Caterina and Graeme for code and instructions.
Meeting last week on ALICE’s new O2 Facility, well attended and useful discussions. Unfortunately, it wasn’t recorded!
Next meeting will be 13 September with a presentation on RISC-V architecture.
Benedikt started an issue in GitHub to gather ideas about reorganising and revamping the website to better reflect our areas of actual activity.
We now take our summer break, with the next meeting scheduled for August 31st.
Reminder: please sign up for chairing this or one of the future coordination meetings.