Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Tommaso Lari, Claire Antel, Pere Mato, Michel Jouvin, Krzysztof Genser, Alexander Moreno, Stefan Roiser, Paul Laycock, Mark Neubauer, Uwe Acosta, Andrea Valenzuela, Reiner Hauser, Gordon
Apologies/Contributing: Andrea Valassi, Benedikt Hegner, Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Torre Weanus, Caterina Doglioni, Eduardo Rodrigues
News, general matters, announcements
HSF Joint Workshop with WLCG
The extended abstract submission deadline passed on Monday. In the end we had almost too many abstracts to fit in.
We decided, with the training group, to have 6 sessions dedicated to community software (+1) and 1 for training (-1). Together with a few merges this allowed us to squeeze in all that we wanted.
We have organising the abstracts into appropriate session blocks:
- Community Software and Software Projects
- Generators
- File Formats and Performance
- Fitting and Reinterpretation
- Accelerated Computing
Early registration for the workshop is now extended to 8 April - please sign up!
Training: there will be a 90’ session, invited talks and discussion time on increasing the impact of training. Wed 15 May, PM.
Google Summer of Code 2024
Selected students are working on proposals - note that the deadline for proposals is very soon now, 2 April 18 UTC.
HSF Evolution
We now have decent drafts of some of our HSF evolution documents. Some of the highlight points are:
- A stronger, better defined role for the Core Coordination Group
- A new Advisory Group, where we formally gather experiment feedback
- New ideas on what an HSF Project means: this can include HSF Reference Implementations and some badge for acknowledging a project’s work
- There will be minimum guidelines on software quality
- A role the HSF could play as a Virtual Centre of Excellence for Scientific Software
- This would be alongside other, funded, activities
Working Group Updates
Data Analysis
- Workflow language workshop next week, co-organized by Jamie ( Want to use event to gauge interest from speakers in contributing to a dedicated DAWG talk series on workflow languages.
- PyHEP 2024 (1–4 July, 2024) registration and call for abstracts is open now
- 2024 (26–30 August, 2024) organisation continues
Detector Simulation
Software Training
- WLCG-HSF Workshop:
- Parallel session:
- Invited talks
- Time for discussions - How to interact to generate a bigger effect in terms of training
- Pre-CHEP organization:
- Pre-CHEP weekend before CHEP
- Next Training Events:
- May 20-21, Software Carpentry
- May 27 scikit-hep/ROOT
C++ Course and Hands-on Training
Reconstruction and Software Trigger
- Organising a topical meeting on “4D tracking @ Belle II”:
- Confirmed date: 8th May
- Agenda:
- Not announced in mailing list yet.
- Two talks: “Hit Timing Determination in Belle2 SVD” (Luigi Corona) & “SVD Timing in Tracking at Belle2” (Thomas Lueck)
- Thanks to Giulia for providing the speakers and Joe for following up.
- Topical group meetings:
- JuliaHEP 2024 Workshop at CERN (end of September - beginning of October):
- JuliaHEP Training before the workshop
- The conveners will organise a chat soon.
Other Interest and Activity Areas
Analysis Facilities
The Analysis Facilities Forum Whitepaper is revised and finalised. Many people have added their endorsement. If you still want to then please email the AFF conveners right away.
Compute and Accelerator Forum
Indico agenda
- 10 April: high-performance I/O for HEP
- 8 May: GPU infrastructure and tools being developed; CERN infrastructure update
- 29 May: NVidia Roadmap Update
- 12 June: AMD GPU roadmap update
Planned to have AMD CPU update later this year.
Software and Computing Roundtable
Andrea Valassi is the new HSF representative on the round table organisation group.
EVERSE Kickoff Meeting
The EVERSE consortium (research software and code excellence!) had its kick-off meeting two weeks ago. There is a news article on the website.
CERN Mail filtering
Not much of an update in the last two weeks. Mail forwarding continues to be an issue and the whole landscape of email is changing towards strict SPF/DKIM/DMARC.
We are getting HSF lists whitelisted (HSF Forum, WG Convener and Coordination lists are now ok). If you see other problems, please send a ticket to CERN Security.
Other workshops
Next Meetings
The next meeting will be on 11 April.
Reminder: please sign up for chairing one of the 2024 meetings.