HSF Coordination Meeting #269, 23 May 2024


Present/Contributing: Graeme Stewart, Stefan Roiser, Andrea Valassi, Patrick Gartung, Uwe Hernandez Acosta, Eduardo Rodrigues, Joe Osborn, Benedikt Hegner, Pere Mato, Matthew Feickert, Jamie Gooding, Holly Szumila-Vance, Kolja Kauder, Mark Neubauer, Claire Antel, Krzysztof Genser, Tommaso Lari, Steve Mrenna, Benedikt Hegner, Joe Osborn, Juraj Smiesko

Apologies/Contributing: Liz Sexton-Kennedy, Paul Laycock

News, general matters, announcements

HSF Joint Workshop with WLCG and HSF Evolution

(Impressions from Graeme - please feel free to add your own)

Overall we felt this was a successful workshop - ~40 people in the room for the software sessions, plus 10-20 on Zoom. A lot of interesting talks and good discussions.

The opening plenary talk on HSF retrospective and future seemed well received.

The session on HSF Evolution went pretty well - generally comments were constructive (even when partially critical). See live notes for a summary of the discussion.

Training session had lots of great talks and a good spirit of collaboration. One of our most appreciated activities!

For discussion of follow-ups see the closing slides that Eduardo presented.

Main points:

Working Group Updates

Data Analysis


Detector Simulation

Software Training

C++ Course and Hands-on Training

Reconstruction and Software Trigger


Other Interest and Activity Areas

Analysis Facilities

Session at the WLCG-HSF workshop

Compute and Accelerator Forum

Indico agenda

Event generators

Graeme and Leif will have a chat with Michelangelo to try and understand the evolving efforts here, supported by the LPCC.

Steve: trying to resurrect “apprentice” as a successor to “professor”; good to see that HDF5 version of LHE files is more prominent (LHEH5, see talk by Chris at the workshop).


ICFA Panel

There was a meeting this week of the new ICFA Panel on Data Lifecycles


Graeme had a play with converting the website to run with Hugo or to update the Jekyll theme (currently the very basic minima)

Next Meetings

The next meeting will be on 6 June.

Reminder: please sign up for chairing one of the 2024 meetings.

We now have a guide for running the meeting!