HSF Steering Group Meeting, 24 June 2024


Meeting link

Steering Group Chair

Benedikt had received a number of proposals for SG chair. One candidate was willing to stand, Graeme Stewart.

Graeme was unanimously endorsed by the meeting and is elected the SG Chair from 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025.


Community Feedback

The proposals for HSF restructuring, initially presented at the WLCG-HSF workshop, were circulated to the community and a number of helpful comments were received.

ACTION: Comments need to be closed.

Steering Group Organisation

Steering Group Roles

The following roles have been taken on by SG members so far:

Role SG Member(s)
SG Chair Graeme
Data Analysis Liaison Eduardo, Mark
Detector Simulation Liaison Torre
Physics Generator Liaison Liz, Stefan
JuliaHEP Liaison Pere
PyHEP Liaison Eduardo
Reconstruction and Software Triggers Liaison Michel, Paul
Tools and Packaging Liaison Liz
Training Liaison Graeme, Nicole
Website Reorganisation Graeme, Mark

ACTION: SG Liaisons should arrange a discussion with their respective activity area to discuss plans for the future.

HSF Advisory Group

We decided the Advisory Group should be composed of HEP experiments, WLCG and representatives from the generator/theory community.

Affiliate Projects

ACTION: Eduardo and Pere to refine better the notion of metrics for different levels of project support from the HSF (bronze, silver, gold)

Graeme worked on using shields.io to produce badges that can be used on GitHub/GitLab. See the new README on the website, where new SVG versions of the HSF logo also exist.

Seminar Series

Decided to hold the seminar series in the same timeslot as the current Compute and Accelerator Forum, viz. 16h30 CEST on Wednesdays.

At the moment we keep the C&AF and the HSF Seminars separate identities.

Some interest in also using this slot for a renewed Software and Computing Roundtable, TBD.

Organising the seminar series will become a standing item in the HSF Coordination Meetings.


The next SG meeting will be on Monday 15 July at 15h CEST.